


  • JessyJ03
    JessyJ03 Posts: 627 Member
    Are you going to a gym? They often have the hand held things that allow you to check your BF%. My gym lets us use it for free.
  • Colonel_Brandon
    Colonel_Brandon Posts: 256 Member
    Are you going to a gym? They often have the hand held things that allow you to check your BF%. My gym lets us use it for free.

    Those are good and bad.

    They use electrical conduction to determine your body fat percentage. The electrical conduction can be somewhat accurate, but only along the path of the conduit... in other words, from one hand to the other. The path goes along your arms and through your upper body - completely missing your waist, butt, legs, etc.

    Scales that use electrical conduction are slightly better as they go through your butt/waist region a bit, but they're still not as good.

    But something IS better than nothing. :)