Whats your goal?



  • axialmeow
    axialmeow Posts: 382 Member
    I am 5ft 9in. My goal is about 180lbs. I feel like that is still heavy but I honestly cannot even imagine being under 200lbs. I have been over 200lbs since grade school. So, if I ever get to 180 I will see how I feel!
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    Keep in mind that you may or may not be able to look like her. It's depends heavily on ur shape. I know I could NEVER look like her. I can tell that my waist & hips are smaller than hers, but she has a flat belly & I still have a pooch. You WILL look great when you get to ur goal, but try not to b very focused on looking like someone in particular. :)

    To be honest, I am a spoon shape. I have a 48 inch chest, 40 inch waist, and 52 inch hips.
    If that's overweight, GOD let it happen to me LOL. She may not fit the BMI index, but there is more to health than that. I love her confidence in who she is.
    No kidding right

    I'm spoon shaped too. Or high hip hourglass, figure 8. So many names for our shape lol.
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    I started out at 267, Ive lost 50 lbs and am at a stall. Im eatting like I should, but cant do much cardio, I am sick with Ebstien Barr (mono) which if you had as a teen can reoccusr at will. ugh.I am also going through with drwarls from pain meds, Ive been on forever. Nothing like a double whammy. Anyway, when i can I will get back to walkin, (winter cycling indoors) I also found a work out on Net Flix for people in pain... that I think I will start later today. :) I accept that I am on a plateau, with my illness and all. But I am still eattin healthy and will do some kind of moving. I am 5'3" my goal is 135-140. I want to tone, and will lift weights to do that. Im not sure when to start lifing. I know as big as my tummy is I will never look like any of these gals you want to look like, unless I have a tummy tuck, but who has 5k? I will have to look for someone who has my bone stucture, height to want to look like. At this point I just want to be in good shape, nice and toned. I have a breast reduction, so at least those are perky. haha.

    I hold most of my weight in my tummy too.
  • My goal is about 118 - 125, if I weigh more because of muscle, then that's alright. As long as it's not much about like 133. And, just so people know, I'm really short, like 5'3".
  • goldair23
    goldair23 Posts: 160
    I'm starting at 165 (I'm 5'7) and my goal is 140. And then maybe 135 if I'm still not happy, but I feel like 140-145 would be good for me x
  • pbajwally
    pbajwally Posts: 210 Member
    Go with what feels best for Y.O.U. I'm 5'2" - started MFP at 200, currently at 160, goal of 130. My original goal was 150 but as I realized I could DO this, I adjusted it to where my BMI was no longer overweight.

    ^This. I'm 5'3, started out at 223 and I'm currently 193. My ultimate goal is somewhere between 120-130 but above all, I want to feel good, healthy and comfortable with my body.
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    My goal is 136, I'm 5'4" and have about 10lbs to go.

    She is beautiful but keep in mind that everyone holds weight differently. Someone the same height and weight as her may look completely different depending on weight distribution and BF%. Sounds like a good goal for now but you can always reassess once you get there. Good luck!
  • I'm 5'6" and I have a total end goal of 150 which is where I was before I joined the Navy 10 years ago but my short term goal right now is 200. I started 2 years ago not very seriously at 294 when I was hospitalized and finally got the slap in the face that things had gotten out of control. Got serious about things about 6 months ago and now I'm down to 225 and almost at my short term goal. 70 lbs to go, half way, I'm pretty damn happy with that so far :D
  • I think if that is what you like, then you go for it :) It's YOUR body, so you get to choose. She is lovely.
    This is more what I wanat, minus the boobs lol cuz mine are no where near tht big. And we have a different shape. But she is my inspiration

    I would have to agree with you!!! I would love to have that body by December!!!
  • ntmr4
    ntmr4 Posts: 1 Member
    I would like to get down to 137-140 before New Year! I am 148 right now, and 5'4"
  • littlemegzz
    littlemegzz Posts: 292 Member
    I just started back today. My first goal is to lose 1kg per week for the next 6 weeks. Within that goal is to log every day and stick to it for 6 weeks.

    I finish my degree on November 30th. So it is an uphill battle until that point. If I can lose 6kg by the time I finish, that will be amazing - and it seems a lot more do-able than the full 20kg that I need to lose to be close to healthy.

    Please add me if you are willing to help push me along in these final 6 weeks of stress.
  • QueenofScott
    QueenofScott Posts: 305 Member
    I am 5'5" and my goal is 145-150 for now, but I would really love to get down to 130. I have to be realistic, though, since I have never been able to get below 142 in my adult life, no matter how hard I tried. I was happy at that weight and felt good about myself. I will never be stick thin. It's just not in my genes, I guess!
  • ksumme
    ksumme Posts: 283
    I am 5'2". I started at 295. I have a general goal of about 145, but that is just a number to me.
    My ultimate goal is to have my waist under 30", and a BMI of around 22.

    (I am apple shape, and carry most of fat in my mid-section, so a lot of inches to lose there!)

    I started this for health purposes, and I need to keep specific 'health' goals in mind more than an arbitrary number.
    I do carry a lot of muscle in my legs, and when it is all said and done, I do want to be strong and fit - not just thin. So, I really have no idea where the scale will end up saying.
  • belladonna786
    belladonna786 Posts: 1,165 Member
  • The woman in the picture's body is gorgeous! I am a very small framed girl, so I am not looking to lose weight, but rather gain some muscle so I'm not so scrawny! I just really want to be healthy and fit and be able walk up multiple flights of stairs and not lose my breath (like I do now)! :)
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    I like these-


    I personally have a smaller frame with little curves. So this look seems more attainable. :)
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    I'm wanting to regain a lot of muscle I lost so my long-term goal is to hit at least 185 at 7% bf. I'm 9 weeks away from finishing my first of three to four rounds of bulking with each period gaining 8 lbs of muscle.
  • I think she is beautiful. My goal is 150 and I'm currently at 220. I started at 287.
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    I think if that is what you like, then you go for it :) It's YOUR body, so you get to choose. She is lovely.
    This is more what I wanat, minus the boobs lol cuz mine are no where near tht big. And we have a different shape. But she is my inspiration

    I would have to agree with you!!! I would love to have that body by December!!!

    I know I wont make it to that by December *cries* But hopefully one day soon I will.
  • cailinlowe
    cailinlowe Posts: 161 Member
    i started at 186. i'm down to 179.6. my goal is 150ish.

    feel free to add me as a friend on here
    also, follow my blog!