Ugh, inner battle. Help!

Idk why I do this cause I always have, I can't just workout like a normal person and wait for the results. I always throw myself into it and overdo it to the point of throwing up or fainting. I always go physco and to extremes. I want to lose as much weight as possible before we try for baby #2 at the end of the year. I have always struggled with having the patience to wait for results. It's weird but unless I am seeing RAPID results I lose motivation. I think its cause I have always had a very flucuating body and would get pretty much instant results after a day or 2 and since my pregnancy I lost that "ability" completely. I want instant gratification and I don't know how to change that. Im struggling with it.


  • kristynsflab
    kristynsflab Posts: 66 Member
    way to be supportive..... :embarassed:

    I understand what you are dealing with. I used to be able to work out or diet for a day or two and get where I wanted to physically. Then I had my first baby and was still able to do it -- then with my other pregnancies that was not so! I would get all the videos and healthy food then after a few days or a week I wouldnt budge on the scale and say "forget it gimmie that candy bar!" or like you, work out for a couple of days past the point of being sane and making myself sick or so sore I couldnt move for 2 days

    It takes MAJOR will power for me to stick with it and make serious life changes! I feel better this time around - I had baby #7 in june and looked in the mirror and didnt get sad and cry I got MAD that I let myself get to this point.

    I think there are real people out there that can be a great support group for you!

    You just gotta take it one day at a time and set small goals- like today I am going to work out for 30 minutes or today I will come in under my calories- before you know it the pounds will start flying off! - I am not so much hung up on the scale - I know I will never be 125 again - but it will happen --you just have to be strong and know you are not just doing this for you but for your health and for your future baby!

    I have struggled with my weight for 8 years and finally decided this is the year that will change my life! If ya need an accountability buddy I'm here for ya :) Best of luck to you!
    STARTiNFRESHHH Posts: 6 Member
    If you were serious about losing weight, you'd stick to your meal plan/exercise routine. Obviously you're not serious. You're being immature, and don't understand the process of losing weight in a healthy way. *kitten* or get off the pot, stop complaining, and lose that weight. Otherwise, you're *kitten* outta luck.

    Wow. Ummm, Thank you for that? Not really sure why you are trolling the "Motivation and Support" boards if you are just trying to put people down. I'll be sure to message you personally next time I'm looking for nastiness.

    Thank you for the actual support and motivation Kristyn! :)
  • Pandasarecool
    Pandasarecool Posts: 508 Member
    If you were serious about losing weight, you'd stick to your meal plan/exercise routine. Obviously you're not serious. You're being immature, and don't understand the process of losing weight in a healthy way. *kitten* or get off the pot, stop complaining, and lose that weight. Otherwise, you're *kitten* outta luck.

    Don't be mean, you could really hurt someone...:frown:
  • ImperfectedBeauty
    ImperfectedBeauty Posts: 124 Member
    That was totally uncalled for.

    I can relate to your situation though, although I have never had the pleasure of seeing instant results I can see how that would make things easier to stick to. My best advice is to keep at it, you look like your doing fantastic! :)
  • tonicia
    tonicia Posts: 145 Member
    If you were serious about losing weight, you'd stick to your meal plan/exercise routine. Obviously you're not serious. You're being immature, and don't understand the process of losing weight in a healthy way. *kitten* or get off the pot, stop complaining, and lose that weight. Otherwise, you're *kitten* outta luck.

    Did myfitnesspal change it's purpose? I thought it was to support others...Am I wrong here?? Check out her other comments on people's posts...."its only impressive if you do this everyday" etc. Interesting the way people will push others down to bring themselves up. Get over yourself woman and stop being such a disgusting individual. No one is impressed with you... whether youre doing it everyday or not..
  • tbellamy1
    tbellamy1 Posts: 353
    If you were serious about losing weight, you'd stick to your meal plan/exercise routine. Obviously you're not serious. You're being immature, and don't understand the process of losing weight in a healthy way. *kitten* or get off the pot, stop complaining, and lose that weight. Otherwise, you're *kitten* outta luck.

    that was very unnecessary. We all have struggles on this journey and some people forget that they have them to. Its not cut and dry for everyone and we all should be sensitive to that. Sorry if you were born totally commited and motivated and didnt need any help getting your perfect body, finding your perfect workout and eating all the perfect foods. Stay off the motivation and support threads and vacation on the chit chat forums were the kids play!!!!!!!!!!!
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    Patience is critical.
    I don't think anyone here can give you a good way of losing weight without it...not for healthy, long-term weight loss anyway.

    You really must adopt something like a "one day at a time" attitude for your behaviors and a "I'm in it for the long run" attitude for your expectations.
    STARTiNFRESHHH Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you to every single one of you who posted a reply to this regarding the inappropriate comment from that MFP member. I saw that her rude and condescending responses were being posted on all kinds of forums. This message board is for UPLIFTING words and a positive attitude to MOTIVATE and SUPPORT people who are maybe having a tough day as I am. I was highly offended by the rude and ignorant comments that were and felt that they were extremely out of line. I reported that user and a MFP moderator looked into it. Being as her comment has been removed it is clear that MFP also thought the response was inappropriate. I am hoping that something is done to ensure that no more people will have to be put down, attacked, or offended by the clearly unhappy and arrogant woman. Thank you MFP staff for resolving this so quickly.
  • crazyellybean
    crazyellybean Posts: 999 Member
    If you were serious about losing weight, you'd stick to your meal plan/exercise routine. Obviously you're not serious. You're being immature, and don't understand the process of losing weight in a healthy way. *kitten* or get off the pot, stop complaining, and lose that weight. Otherwise, you're *kitten* outta luck.

    If you were serious about this post you would not have deleted it ... and if you were serious about MFP you would not putting people down and share your experience by inspiring and motivating people!

    as for the OP: Its hard to be patient, and we all WANT to see instant gratification... I would suggest rather than looking for instant gratification get your self some small goals... Walk 2 miles instead of 1... do 500 sit-ups in stead of 250.. etc. Once you start reaching mini goals you will get that motivation to continue and be inspired by yourself... little things that make us happy lead to long term goals... it's all baby steps! Keep your head up and keep moving.