Will I always feel FAT?

hey guys! hope everyone is having an awesome start to the week.:drinker: so in this journey i have lost 12pounds and iam now 287.2 (yeah long way to go) anyway, my question is, will i always feel fat? i cant see the difference in my loss but others can, i know its only 12lbs but at what point will I SEE the difference? 20lbs? maybe 30lbs? iam just curious as to when u started to see your loss? i have always been overweight so i really dont know what it even feels like to be small, so iam wondering, will i still feel fat even when i get a little smaller? :noway: is it mental or what? just wondering....thanks MFPF


  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,923 Member
    In my experience, I think I'll always feel fat - I lost 40+ pounds going from a size 14-6 in a year and I still feel the same as I did at 190...I'm about 147 now. Oddly enough, I really never FELT fat at 190, I just knew that was too heavy for my body frame...

    Congrats on those first 12 pounds...it's a long road but in the long run it's worth it...
  • cherbapp
    cherbapp Posts: 322
    Pretty sure this isn't going to help...

    I have lost 3/4 of my goal and I feel fatter than I ever did before. I know I am smaller, and people tell me I look great...but the last 27 pounds bother me so much more than the whole hundred ever did. It's a weird feeling. Hopefully I will be able to adjust my thinking.

    I used to think "I look great....for a fat girl"

    Now I think I don't look so good for an average person. :(
  • cherbapp
    cherbapp Posts: 322
    but in the long run it's worth it...

    Completely agree!
  • well done on the 12lbs loss, when i last tried to loose weight i lost 42bls and while everyone was telling me i looked really good and commenting on how much weight i had lost i could not see it, i think its a mind thing, so untill i tell myself that actually yeah i do look good im never gonna see it thats just me though
  • If you don't take care of any insecurities you may have, you run the possibility of always feeling fat. I was a size 18, and now I am an 8, and I still see the same person in the mirror. I know its all in my head, but it is something I am working on. Some people even tend to feel larger as they get smaller because they are paying more attention to themselves. If you don't have this problem, thats great, if you do, just work on loving yourself as the beautiful person God made you.
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    Your bathroom mirror hates you. In fact, every mirror in your own home probably hates you. That's how it is with me. I went from obese to normal weight (though I'm still not where I'd like to be) and I still look the same in every one of them mirrors in this house.

    But pictures, and even mirrors outside of my house... they don't lie. They show the difference.

    Try taking progress pictures every month or so! :flowerforyou:
  • cherbapp
    cherbapp Posts: 322
    Your bathroom mirror hates you. In fact, every mirror in your own home probably hates you. That's how it is with me. I went from obese to normal weight (though I'm still not where I'd like to be) and I still look the same in every one of them mirrors in this house.

    But pictures, and even mirrors outside of my house... they don't lie. They show the difference.

    Try taking progress pictures every month or so! :flowerforyou:

  • joannathechef
    joannathechef Posts: 484 Member
    I think it works like this for me - when I am very fat I go into a denial mode I don't really even look at myself I definately avoid touching myself...this means when I get body aware and lose some weight I start to really see myself, I touch my body in the shower or while I work out and feel the muscles unders the fat and then the amount of fat that still remains.

    I really SEE it and am never satisfied both are distorted self images one denies the fat the other only sees what fat is left

    I have no idea how to overcome this issue

    When I lost all the weight before I never saw myself as a size 6 one of the reasons I think it was so easy to gain it all back again was slipping back in that denial mode.
  • going thru the same I have lost 58 lbs, and ppl at work are always comenting on how good i look...i just don see it. I mean i get excited when i look at clothes and i fit into them, but i can still see my big hips, does it make sense?and i have never been small , but i am pretty tall so I alway look less, that what I actually weight , it is all in our heads :huh: :happy:
  • rockbass
    rockbass Posts: 17 Member
    Progress pictures are a really good idea, even if you're not sharing them with anyone but yourself, because you do see a distorted self-image any time you look in a mirror. I never thought I was making progress, until I looked at a "before" family photo, and thought, "whoa".

    And while some of it may be an insecurity issue, also remember that the human brain operates that way. Think about a friend's kid that you haven't seen in a few months. You have an image in your head of what he/she should look like, but once you get back together in person, you're blown away by the changes.
  • mikeswife04
    mikeswife04 Posts: 130 Member
    I have lost around 90 pounds and I always feel fat..... Nothing I do really gets rid of that feeling but I keep a picture of myself when I weighed 220 and when I get to feeling like that I just take it out... It helps a bit...

    Keep your head up and keep the hard work up too.... It will pay off!!!! :)
  • I have weighed 145-206lbs (currently 173lbs). I felt fat at every single wieght . . .

    My ideal wieght (per doctors orders) is 150-160lbs. So at 145lbs I was quite thin and still thought I was fat. Now, if I look at pictures from that time in my life all I can think is "Geez girl, go eat a sandwich".

    Its a body image issue. Hopefully when I reach 150lbs this time around I will be satisfied. . .
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    iam just curious as to when u started to see your loss? i have always been overweight so i really dont know what it even feels like to be small, so iam wondering, will i still feel fat even when i get a little smaller? :noway: is it mental or what? just wondering....thanks MFPF

    Took a couple months to start seeing more than just little things.

    I lost 75 lbs. Felt fat until I had lost 50 of the 75 lbs, and was 10 lbs under the obese threshold by BMI for my height.

    One day I was standing on a street corner, waiting for the light to change, traffic going by, with my hands on my waist/hips, and it occurred to me that I was no longer fat. In clothes at least I was slim. It just hit me when standing there that the people driving by don't see a fat person. Form that point forward I never really considered myself fat anymore.
  • maricash
    maricash Posts: 280 Member
    Congratulations on your 12 pound loss. As others have said, taking pictures is the best way to see the changes. I take a front and side shot every month. I can't always see the month to month change (I'm losing around 4-5 pounds in a month), but I can definitely see the 33 pound change from the first picture.

    I actually don't feel fat anymore, even though I still very much am. It's the first time in my life that I haven't felt fat. I'm not sure what's changed. I think it has to do with not meeting the stereotypes associated with being fat. That is, I eat healthy and I exercise, which is what we associate with thin people, so I feel like a thin person even though I'm not. Of course, plenty of thin people don't eat healthy or exercise, but if I go off on that tangent this will be ten pages long! Basically, since I now have healthy, fit habits, I feel healthy and fit. Hopefully you'll feel this way too. It's a great feeling and keeps me motivated so that some day the scale might catch up to my new self-image. Good luck to you.
  • THANK YOU GUYS FOR ALL THE ENCOURAGING WORDS!!!:flowerforyou: . Yeah I guess its a mental thing, Maybe one day (ONCE I'VE REACHED MY GOAL) I wont still see the fat girl.:wink: Have a great 1
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,722 Member
    It will work out. As you lose more you will be able to do things you weren't necessarily able to before. Don't judge success by looking in the mirror because we are our own worse critic. Not that it helps, but I saw myself as fat when I was 102 pounds (and 15 years old). All I'm trying to say is that we are our own worst critic and don't worry, positive changes are coming your way! :)
  • cyraelea
    cyraelea Posts: 5 Member
    The stat I've always heard is that you'll see a difference with every 10% loss. So, for instance, I started at 250. I'm down to roughly 225.. and it's only in these last couple of weeks that people have started to really notice. Hopefully I'll get another boost when I hit onederland. :D Good job!!! Keep it up!!