Are some people ( like myself) perhaps beyond help ?

I have been on and off diets for over 15 years and hated my body , binged etc etc .. Exercised sporadically never consistently!!I just wondered if perhaps some people ( like myself! ) can't be helped ? Or if some people don't want what rules their life badly enough ? If you have tried everything and are still in the same position should you just give up ? I am great at excuses and being good to others , just not myself . I do feel I am a broken record going on and on , but I know I am the only person who can do anything about it !

Really interested in peoples thoughts, if I have not bored you silly : )


  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    Your diet, exercise and results have all been sporadic.

    So what lesson did we learn here?
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Your diet, exercise and results have all been sporadic.

    So what lesson did we learn here?


    It's amazing what consistency and patience will do.
  • QueenofScott
    QueenofScott Posts: 305 Member
    I don't believe that anyone is beyond help. For me, I have to get myself in the right frame of mind and determine that I'm going to do it. That is the hardest part, at least for me. You can do it!
  • Dealsdreamy
    Your diet, exercise and results have all been sporadic.

    So what lesson did we learn here?

    That consistency works ?
  • embercakez
    &it's not a's a lifestyle that you have to want bad enough.
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    No, I don't believe if someone is alive they are beyond help. This site has plenty of good examples of that. People who were hundreds of pounds overweight that have lost weight and gotten healthy, people with severe disabilities that have done the same. It is about how badly you want it and how ready you are to change.
  • dcurzon
    dcurzon Posts: 653 Member
    YOU are NOT beyond help. Don't make me kick ur *kitten*
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    No one is beyond help.

    1) Establish your goals
    2) Set up a well researched and realistic plan (some people on here are great resources)
    3) Stick with it, give your plan AT LEAST 6 weeks, if it was realistic you should see changes
    4) Reassess your goals and plan periodically based on progress or challenges
    5) You deserve what you settle for. Settle for greatness. :)
  • maricash
    maricash Posts: 280 Member
    I've been overweight my whole adult life (ranging from ten pounds overweight to morbidly obese). I thought for years that I would always be fat, and that might end up being true. I am still fat now and who knows if I'll get to my goal weight. I do know that this time feels different. For one thing, I have MFP. Being able to log everything I eat has helped me so much and reading other people's stories on the forums has made me realize that it is possible to do this. Even now.

    I don't know your background so I can't give specific advice (i.e. Are you a fairly thin person who has dieted to be even thinner? Or a morbidly obese person who has lost and gained the same 50 pounds over and over again? Or somewhere in between?). I will say that the keys for me have been patience, quantification, and not dieting. That is, recording everything, tracking my weight every day, not getting discouraged when things don't happen as quickly as I want, and not going in for any fad diets or quick fixes.

    I hope this helps. Good luck to you.
  • Dealsdreamy
    Thank you for the replies .... I suppose I can't want it badly enough although it is all I think about. Not sure that makes sense it doesn't really does it ? You would think if something bothers you that much you would make a change ......
  • Dealsdreamy
    YOU are NOT beyond help. Don't make me kick ur *kitten*

    Ouch !!
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Thank you for the replies .... I suppose I can't want it badly enough although it is all I think about. Not sure that makes sense it doesn't really does it ? You would think if something bothers you that much you would make a change ......

    It might be a good task to try to figure out why. Sometimes people don't act because they're not educated about how to go about things, don't know exactly WHAT goal they want, lack confidence, don't believe they CAN do better, have some kind of fixation on being miserable, etc.

    Don't believe that you CAN'T do better, though. You can. It's just a matter of finding what's going to get you there and working towards it.
  • Amlong1977
    Amlong1977 Posts: 125 Member
    I couldn't agree with Deb more! You have to want it, picture it, do it! Don't make drastic changes. Make small changes you know you can realistically stick with & when you have those down, add more. This is a lifestyle change. It's something you'll have to do the rest of your life. Start with cutting out or making some substitutes in your diet, make workout 3 days a week, then build on it. Once you see your body changing that will motivate you to make other bigger changes. When I started I was 5'2 & 314 lbs. That was last November & I really didn't get serious until February. I lost my first 60 lbs before I ever started exercising. When I started I could barely walk a mile & could only do 12 mins on the elliptical & felt like I was going to die. Currently I'm finishing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred & I do 30 min/day on level 2, 3, & 4 on the elliptical. I can do a pushup & that's something I never would've dreamed I'd be able to do. I'm at 218 now with a long way to go, but I take it day by day. NO ONE IS BEYOND HELP!!! FIND YOUR MOTIVATION!!!
  • Dealsdreamy
    I've been overweight my whole adult life (ranging from ten pounds overweight to morbidly obese). I thought for years that I would always be fat, and that might end up being true. I am still fat now and who knows if I'll get to my goal weight. I do know that this time feels different. For one thing, I have MFP. Being able to log everything I eat has helped me so much and reading other people's stories on the forums has made me realize that it is possible to do this. Even now.

    I don't know your background so I can't give specific advice (i.e. Are you a fairly thin person who has dieted to be even thinner? Or a morbidly obese person who has lost and gained the same 50 pounds over and over again? Or somewhere in between?). I will say that the keys for me have been patience, quantification, and not dieting. That is, recording everything, tracking my weight every day, not getting discouraged when things don't happen as quickly as I want, and not going in for any fad diets or quick fixes.

    I hope this helps. Good luck to you.

    Thank you for your reply . I am somewhere in the middle I suppose . Always on a diet and fail by lunchtime ... I think joining this site will help . So much interesting reading . Just unsure of where to start ?! Good luck on your journey too .
  • determined2lose89
    determined2lose89 Posts: 342 Member
    It's not a diet. It's a lifestyle change. A healthy change. You have to WANT to change. YOU have to BE the change. You have to choose the healthy foods for the right reason. Read up on the health benefits of clean, healthy foods. Read up on the benefits of regular exercise. Make a meal plan. Stick to it. Each and every week. Make an exercise schedule. Set rewards for your goals and stick to it.

    You're not beyond just have to want it bad enough.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    My diets and exercise were sporadic until I started logging on MFP. And even then, I fell of the wagon for a couple months. But I'm still sitting here at my lowest weight in 10 years.
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    If you have a smartphone make sure you download the app, it is very helpful to have with you, since you can input the food as you eat it.
  • bhitchcock92
    You're only beyond help when you've given up on yourself.
  • Feisty_Red
    Feisty_Red Posts: 982 Member
    It all comes down to how bad you want it...and you will fail..and you will hit obstacles daily...but if you want something bad enough.. nothing will keep you from it.

    And a good *kitten* kicking always helps ;)
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    You are totally describing the OLD me. I always yo-yo dieted, and after about a month of exercising and dieting, I would totally fall off the wagon and binge. I did this for years!

    I decided to not "diet" anymore. I would just get healthier; baby steps. Portion control, moderation and substitution. I started walking, then after about a month, joined the gym. Instead of saying to myself "I am on a diet and will exercise" I just said to myself "I want to get healthier". It was literally taking the word diet out of my vocabulary that changed my life. Diet is short term. Getting healthier is a lifestyle.

    I was 252 pounds. I was lazy and would look for any excuse not to work out. I am now 128 pounds and enjoy working out everyday! You just have to adjust to the baby steps. Make mini goals instead of large ones, because your are more likely to go back to old habits if you don't succeed at your large goal in a specific time.

    You can do it! Don't talk yourself down! Encourage and motivate yourself. You are worth it to be the best version of yourself that you can be!

    You got this!