Diary is Open - Please look at Today's Lunch



  • ShifuYaku
    ShifuYaku Posts: 504 Member
    Sounds to me like you have A LOT of excuses...

    Yeah, tell me how to fix that. I'll need more money.
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    My real question for all of you now is to tell me what I need to do in order to shock my body out of this plateau.

    Well that's a different question entirely. I heartily recommend giving up all foods with added sugar for one week. Please note that that includes stuff like evap cane juice & corn syrup & agave nectar & all that other sweet stuff.

    Oh, and the site does have dark chocolate almonds. Search <trader chocolate almond>
  • Aeriesified
    Aeriesified Posts: 206 Member
    Don't make excuses. Own up to it, and if you're serious about this, learn from it. You're only hurting yourself by making excuses for your mistakes.

    And don't buy a premade salad. Go down the produce aisle at the grocery store and pick out stuff to make your own. If I pick up mushrooms, two heads of lettuce, a pepper or two, and go ahead and add a can of tuna or a chicken breast to the mix, that's enough for at least four meals for around $2.50 per meal at the very most. You can't get prices like that buying food on campus.
  • ShifuYaku
    ShifuYaku Posts: 504 Member
    Sounds to me like you have A LOT of excuses...

    Also I just wanted to make sure everyone is clear on the situation, because although you might be thinking one thing, I'll tell everyone how it really is. One cannot make judgements on what they are eating if you don't know how they are living.
  • surfmonkey17
    surfmonkey17 Posts: 29 Member
    If you are trying to save money, why not pack your lunch? You can choose healthier options and save a lot of money.
  • donteatmycookie
    donteatmycookie Posts: 21 Member
    You seem to have a ready reason for everything you ate today. You don't seem to want any of the opinions you're getting. So maybe no one has anything new to tell you except that pasta and chocolate have calories and if you can't eat anything else at your school, you're in a bit of a predicament.

    Also, if you're not new to healthy eating, you probably don't need the forums to tell you that chocolate-covered almonds aren't healthy.

    Just saying.
  • ShifuYaku
    ShifuYaku Posts: 504 Member
    My real question for all of you now is to tell me what I need to do in order to shock my body out of this plateau.

    Well that's a different question entirely. I heartily recommend giving up all foods with added sugar for one week. Please note that that includes stuff like evap cane juice & corn syrup & agave nectar & all that other sweet stuff.

    Oh, and the site does have dark chocolate almonds. Search <trader chocolate almond>

    That sounds reasonable... it's hard giving up sugar.
  • ShifuYaku
    ShifuYaku Posts: 504 Member
    You seem to have a ready reason for everything you ate today. You don't seem to want any of the opinions you're getting. So maybe no one has anything new to tell you except that pasta and chocolate have calories and if you can't eat anything else at your school, you're in a bit of a predicament.

    Also, if you're not new to healthy eating, you probably don't need the forums to tell you that chocolate-covered almonds aren't healthy.

    Just saying.

    Dark chocolate is good for you...
  • JessicaSunflower
    JessicaSunflower Posts: 38 Member
    seems like a cry for attention. you know what you ate is bad, you just want attention.
  • ShifuYaku
    ShifuYaku Posts: 504 Member
    I'm going to exercise now and the almonds won't have made a difference to me. Anything is good for you as long as you don't go over your daily caloric intake.
  • ShifuYaku
    ShifuYaku Posts: 504 Member
    seems like a cry for attention. you know what you ate is bad, you just want attention.

    No I wanted an answer, but it seems I'm getting too many answers...
  • Aeriesified
    Aeriesified Posts: 206 Member
    You seem to have a ready reason for everything you ate today. You don't seem to want any of the opinions you're getting. So maybe no one has anything new to tell you except that pasta and chocolate have calories and if you can't eat anything else at your school, you're in a bit of a predicament.

    Also, if you're not new to healthy eating, you probably don't need the forums to tell you that chocolate-covered almonds aren't healthy.

    Just saying.

    Dark chocolate is good for you...

    As someone who prefers dark chocolate over milk chocolate, I can tell you that it's not good for you. It's just the lesser of the two evils.
  • surfmonkey17
    surfmonkey17 Posts: 29 Member
    Sounds to me like you have A LOT of excuses...

    Yeah, tell me how to fix that. I'll need more money.

    You don't need a lot of money to eat healthy. Prepared foods at school are much more expensive than buying healthy food at the supermarket and taking the time to prepare your foods. When I was in college, I also worked full-time and I know it is difficult to juggle all that and still live a healthy lifestyle, but you have to decide it is a priority and make the time to do it. I use Sundays after I get off work to shop and prepare my food for the week so it is ready to go each day and I don't have to spend much time during the week getting my lunch together. I also always have a bunch of hard boiled eggs in the fridge for the mornings I really do not have time to make a breakfast.
  • rockingranny45
    rockingranny45 Posts: 30 Member
    I have found it is very helpful to start your day out with breakfast. I used to only eat sparadical but when i started eating timely and watching what i eat i started to lose. Good luck !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    Dark chocolate-covered almonds provide 149 calories per oz.

    Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/304258-calories-in-dark-chocolate-covered-almonds/#ixzz2A4PEa9Wd

    You need a scale to weigh your foods so that you can accurately count your calories.

    I dont think anyone is trying to be rude but offering helpful suggestions. And yes if you stay under your daily calorie allowance, it wont matter what time of the day you eat it.
  • funkyspunky872
    funkyspunky872 Posts: 866 Member
    You're the one asking for advice here, and yet you have a snarky reply to every single suggestion. Just shut up and take the advice with a grain of salt. We don't know your life story. If something doesn't apply to you or isn't a possibility for you to follow, ignore it.
  • bethfartman
    bethfartman Posts: 363 Member
    I'm sure your school sells healthy options (and likely they are cheaper options, at that.) My college has things like fruit and yogurt in the cooler; you should just get something like that instead of pasta. Like nearly everyone else said, planning ahead and bringing things to eat will save you the stress and cost of choosing a convenient healthy option. You can also purchase and inexpensive food scale to carry in your bag.
    No, what you ate is not healthy, but you already knew that.
    It does, in fact, matter the types of food you eat because your body converts it differently to use as energy- some things are quickly converted to energy (like carbs) and excess goes straight to fat, while others are more slowly converted so more is used and less goes into making fat (in laymen terms.)
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Is this a puppet account for ED?

    In all seriousness... I think it's been covered enough times. Your food is fine; your portions are off. People tell you this, and you have an excuse. Dark chocolate isn't bad for you, but it's not great if it's substituting other nutrients/helping to take up a big part of your calories for the day. Those are things people usually use to PAD their calories... as in, if they're having trouble eating enough, or need a recovery food after working out (which it doesn't look like you did).

    And you can't use the "not enough time, money, etc." excuse :P You might not be new to MFP, but you certainly seem new to the forums. Everyone is short on time and money; you make the effort. And you can always eat healthy cheaply... it sounds like your issue isn't actually time, but effort.'

    Maybe if you put the amount of effort you spent coming up with your profile and coming up with excuses on meal planning or food, you'd have five healthy meals made for the whole week!
  • cgfol1
    cgfol1 Posts: 179 Member
    Fresh fruit and vegetables are a whhhoooooollllleeeeeeee lot cheaper than packaged goods, no matter where you buy either one from. Do a big shop on the weekend, enough to last you throughout the week, then make your meals the night before. Then you will have no excuse for taking dark chocolate almonds to college as a snack. Dont buy them. If you dont finish something at lunch time take it home and eat it for dinner. I am a uni student and I spend far less on far more if I only shop at the greengrocers as opposed to the supermarket. It is up to you whether you want to actually make healthy choices, regardless of your home/life situation
  • theskinnylist
    theskinnylist Posts: 286 Member
    Dark chocolate is good for you...

    Errrr... more like dark chocolate is a better option for you. If you can choose not to eat it - don't. It's will power, I suppose.
    I'll need more money.

    Also want to debunk your statement that you need money to live healthy. If you have the money to buy at your campus' open market, you sure can afford to pack yourself a healthy lunch from food bought at the grocery store. Plus you'll have more control of the portions and your macros (thus keeping in your calorie count). Just take the time to go grocery shopping on the weekends, you will be able to stick with this... that is if you want it that bad. Trust me you can buy much healthier options with the money you're spending on your campus' convenience foods.

    If you put effort into your lifestyle habits, you'll reap the rewards. Cut the excuses. It's time, effort, and will power... not money.