food addict?

nfarrell Posts: 3
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
why does it seem that some days i do great and others are horrible? one day i will stay under my goals and get in atleast a good hour of cardio in, and other days all i do is eat. on the days i just eat , i am craving EVERYTHING and i never get a full feeling. am i addicted to food? Help!


  • trackgirl_08
    trackgirl_08 Posts: 20 Member
    I have been told that when that happens your body is craving something it is missing. Are you taking a good vitamin to help you get all of your nutirents replenished?
    If not I can make a good recommendation for a company that has some of the best ones I have found and see if that helps you out.
  • No, I am not taking any vitamins. Any suggestions?
  • I would take a good multivitamin that best fits you. There are different kinds for your age, male/female, etc.
    God bless,
  • trackgirl_08
    trackgirl_08 Posts: 20 Member
    I take the vitamins from Advocare....I have found that they really help me out quite a bit. I currently take the vitamin pack to help with weight loss called MNS MAX 3 (which has meal replacement shakes, sugar free energy drinks and vitamins) and most of my cravings have subdued, but they have a good regular muti-vitamin to help fill the nutritional gaps...without having to take all the other things called Advocare V100 Mutlivitamin.
    You can check them out at

    Email me if you have any questions. So far I have loved all the things I have taken from them :)
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