how to target those lower abdominals..?

victoriannsays Posts: 568 Member
edited January 2 in Fitness and Exercise
It seems like my upper abs are stronger and more prominent than the lower section. What are good exercises totarget that area?


  • chelseas118
    chelseas118 Posts: 1 Member
    I have been bike riding like a fiend lately and idk how to explain it, but I pedal backwards for a few minutes until I feel my lower abs tighten and like hold it there for when I go forwards again.. I am LOVING the results I am getting.. I honestly was just screwing around one day, but decided to give it a try-- that's one of my trouble areas myself, even though my abs were always fairly strong =]
  • emmyelleNYC
    emmyelleNYC Posts: 27 Member
    I was just going to post the same question! I feel like when I do exercises to strengthen them I'm never doing it right and it doesn't do anything. I was thinking pilates? Anyone have any other ideas?
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    It seems like my upper abs are stronger and more prominent than the lower section. What are good exercises totarget that area?

    You do realize that there are no 'upper and lower abs' correct? It's all one big muscle that has tendons stretched across it, which gives the look of separation. The muscle serves two purposes, to bend the spine forward, and to stabilize the pelvis. As such, do weighted situps or weighted leg lifts, or use an ab wheel. On the last one, I normally hate gimmick exercise stuff, but that thing is just evil.
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    its all one muscle... if you want the lower abs to be more pronounced either lower body fat %, or strenghten the entire abdominal wall mainly through compound lifts... odds are you will have to do both its all about diet anyways
  • Shay_in_shape
    Shay_in_shape Posts: 34 Member
    I was wondering this same thing! I posted about it a few days ago and haven't really had any answers
  • omnisis
    omnisis Posts: 85 Member
    HINT: Abs are made in the kitchen...

    Seriously core excercises are great, but ultimately you need to be lean enough to show them off...

    For definition I like to do
    * russian twists
    * captain's chairs
    * windshield wipers

    but I know not to pretend that my abs are going to be popping out until I'm below 10% BF.

    Some people are naturally lean or genetically gifted with well defined ab muscles or thin skin that helps show them off. Those people are just plain lucky I guess.
  • victoriannsays
    victoriannsays Posts: 568 Member
    Yes i realize its all one muscle!i just want the bottom to be as prominent! I dont have much fat on my belly....... i geuss i have to work my core more?
  • Ainar
    Ainar Posts: 858 Member
    I do leg rises, just lay on the floor and rise them up. You can feel it in lover abs pretty good. You can also do hanging leg raises, it's even better. Target your lower abs really good.
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