41M, MUST get back in shape!

firehiker Posts: 11 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hello gang...
like the subject says, I'm a 41 yo guy from Dallas,TX , and after adding this as an iPhone App to track my calories, I've decided to use the website to keep me motivated (although after a quick browse of the forum posts' "I HATE MEN" messages, this may be enemy territory!).

Briefly...I had a mid-life career change decision a couple years ago and went to the Fire Academy, followed up with EMT school, and then went right back to the desk and once I realized my EMT-B cert was about to expire, I signed up for Paramedic School, and will be re-starting the program in April. I learned really quick that working in EMS, standing on my feet for 12 hr shifts in hospitals, and lifting/loading/transferring patients from stretcher to bed REALLY took a level of fitness that I neglected to maintain after the Fire Academy. So here I am...my short term goal is to drop 38 lbs to 190...I almost fainted when I got on the scale and realized I gained 10 lbs over the holidays!!!

Anyway, there ya have it!

-S. (firehiker)


  • Plenty of men on here. Not the majority, but enough to keep it interesting. I dropped 20 pounds fairly quickly once I figured out portion sizes, measured my food and keep track of it on this website. Good luck.

  • firehiker
    firehiker Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks Gary.
    I was a little dejected when I realized I had no replies but someone that posted AFTER me already had 9 replies to her intro! haha
    Congrats on the weight drop...I am looking into a food scale so I can recalibrate the "portion switch" in my brain!

    Steanson ("stinson")
  • Bed Bath and Beyond has The Biggest Loser" food scale that is cheap and functional.
  • I do not think guys post as often. I read the boards once a day, but rarely comment.
  • firehiker
    firehiker Posts: 11 Member
    cool, thanks! I get one of those BB&B coupons in my mail it seems every week; now it will come in handy.
  • barefootbabe
    barefootbabe Posts: 271 Member
    Gary's right, there aren't heaps of guys on here but we value the ones we do have! And don't worry about the ladies' venting posts- we just like to talk things over, ya know? :wink:

    Welcome and good luck!
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