HCG diet?



  • Jester522
    Jester522 Posts: 392
    It's flawed, stupid, and downright dangerous. No one can hold this diet and even if you did lose the weight yo're just gonna come off of it putting on that weight again plus 10lbs.

    The human body requires minimal 1500 calories to carry out all basic metabolic functions each day. So why the *kitten* would anyone find it remotely intelligent to only eat 500?
  • Blossom59
    Blossom59 Posts: 81 Member
    I did the HCG diet under a doctor's supervision. It was very very hard and if you have a family it is nearly impossible. You have to be able to give yourself injections daily. You are on a very strict diet and there is a small list of food of what you can eat. I lived mainly on cabbage soup. The first week I got so weak that I thought I was going to pass out several times. I did lose very fast. I only did phase one and I lost over 40 pounds. Then I had some problems and ended having to have some cortizone shots and the two just did not mix. I ended up gaining back everything I lost. You will not lose as fast following a healthy diet but it is better for you. It is more about changing your life style and you are more likely to keep it off.
  • Also, I have wondered what makes these drops so awesome. If you need to resrict your cals to 500/day of course you will lose weight. You dont need drops to help.
  • No. No. No. GOD NO!!!

    I've heard nothing but bad things from people who have done this. One person developed fat in places she never had fat before.
    I'm not a believer in using drugs for weight loss. I'm not a snob, its just, I've taken pretty much all the weight loss pills and "natural" supplements there are in my country.

    Want to know what pills work without crappy longterm side affects?: None of 'em!!

    I know HCG isn't a pill. Its an injection right? Still a drug. I'd advise against HCG if you value your sanity!
    Honestly give something like Weight Watchers or Whole30 a go if you have the willpower.
    I lost 6lbs on whole30 (i only did 25 days), and about 24lbs on Weight Watchers (over 2 years) - and i have hypotyroidism which makes weight loss nearly impossible!
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    DONT DO IT! My niece nearly died of kidney failure after using it. She was getting injections from a compounding pharmacy. She lost weight quickly, her hair started falling out then she started peeing black 'stuff'. She was in the hospital for days recovering.

    THERE IS NO QUICK FIX. All hcg does is make you think the HCG is making you lose weight. IF you only eat 500 calories per day, you will do the same damn thing and you wouldn't have to pay for it either. NO, I don't recommend that either!

    Do it the right way and maintain your weight loss by eating less, eating healthier and moving more.
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member

  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    You need nutrition to survive and thrive.

    Under 500 calories ≠ proper nutrition.

    Some of the most successful women here on MFP that have lost fat and gained muscle are those that eat 2000+ calories a day, exercise regularly, and lift heavy.

    Just some "food" for thought!
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    Burn more calories than you consume and you will lose weight. There is no magic bullet that will painlessly melt the weight off of you. You must come to terms with the fact that your best tool in this fight is MFP. Log every bit of food you put in your mouth and burn more than you consume and you will lose weight. Please don't fall for a fad diet, it will not end well.
  • dp1228
    dp1228 Posts: 439 Member
    for the love of GOD don't do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just eat well and exercise.
  • Well said alaskaang. Everyone is so quick to bash the diet and they know nothing about it. They just see the 500 calories. It's. A lifestyle change. You still have to eat healthy before and after the injection and diet phase. And yes you eat more than 500 calories after!! You dont continue eating 500 calories. That would be stupid and dangerous...I hate hearing about the FDA. They are quick to approve prescription drugs that kill people in drug trials. FDA are all crooks!!
  • Tommy
    Tommy Posts: 127 Member
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