Do thin people think about food as much as I do?

Hi - I am serious about losing weight and keeping just under my daily calorie allowance but food it still at the forefront of my mind. I have a huge amount to lose so wonder if this thinking will slowly change?

What I want to know is from anyone out there that is a healthy normal weight, do you think about food for most of the day?

When I wake I think about what I can have for breakfast, when breakfast is over I think about what I can have as snack, then lunch etc.

I know it will take time to get used to eating smaller portions and I have started to fill full or satisfied after my meals but just wondered if this is a 'normal' way to think?

Thanks :flowerforyou:


  • dhakiyya
    dhakiyya Posts: 481 Member
    One of the first ways your body responds to not eating enough, is to make you think about food all the time. So if you're constantly thinking about food, the first question you need to ask, is are you eating enough? That's not just about enough calories, it's about enough protein, vitamins, minerals, health fat, etc too.
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    Hi - I am serious about losing weight and keeping just under my daily calorie allowance but food it still at the forefront of my mind. I have a huge amount to lose so wonder if this thinking will slowly change?

    What I want to know is from anyone out there that is a healthy normal weight, do you think about food for most of the day?

    When I wake I think about what I can have for breakfast, when breakfast is over I think about what I can have as snack, then lunch etc.

    I know it will take time to get used to eating smaller portions and I have started to fill full or satisfied after my meals but just wondered if this is a 'normal' way to think?

    Thanks :flowerforyou:

    I'm not particularly "thin" but I used to have this when I first started on here, obsessing about meals, emailing my fiancee about what he wanted for dinner etc so i could make a plan in my head, however after a few months it got to be routine and I don't find I think about food obsessively at all now. So from my point of view once your body and sunconscious get used to the new routine it won't be on your mind half as much. :)

    Edit - just to say I always eat above my bmr too, if you're eating too little this could definatley be a factor.
  • lalacroft25
    lalacroft25 Posts: 24 Member
    i think its about what you ar eatng also. when we start eating healthy deprive ourselves from fatty foods and fizzy drinks and sugar. so our bodies start to crave it. it does go away in time and you start to feel better because you are no longer crashing after having a cup of tea with sugar in it or a bottle of coke. this is what i have found ny way i might be completly wrong.
  • MarcelineAbadeer
    MarcelineAbadeer Posts: 8 Member
    Yes. Anorexics do.
  • 1sophiesophie
    1sophiesophie Posts: 67 Member
    Personally, I don't think this has anything to do with size. I am "normal" weight and I think about food obsessively. Sometimes it is in negative ways such as "I really, really want cake/pasta/any carb and I can't think about anything else until I get cake/pasta/any carb" and sometimes it is in a positive / creative way - i.e. I love to cook and to dream up creations for the evening meal on the bus or when I should be doing something more constructive - it is my creative outlet.

    Similarly, I'm sure there are many overweight people who don't think about food obsessively. One overweight person I know are so (by their own admittance) because they don't care about food at all, so at the last minute, they just stuff whatever is to hand, in their mouth when they get hungry. If they were a little more "obsessive" then they might plan better.
  • Martucha123
    Martucha123 Posts: 1,089 Member
    I think about food a lot
    I also did think about food a lot when I was fat and overeating.
    I just love it sooo much.

    For me restricting eating window helps a lot. I do IF, so I start eating around 2pm and finish around 10 pm.
    When I know I do not get to eat no matter what, it's easier not to think about what will I get later in the day.
    Also I prelog my food the day before to make sure I met my goal for kcals and macros.
    I might not stick to it, but I don't have to worry about meting my goals.
  • Thanks all for the different points of view. I wonder if I am not eating enough calories each day? I am eating a balanced diet with whole grains, fruit, veg, and protein but about 1200 calories per day. I am 5'7" and 302 pounds. I have had a headache for 48 hours so I wonder if need more daily calories? All I have been drinking is water and plain tea, then again maybe the headache is form the caffiene?
  • ToughTulip
    ToughTulip Posts: 1,118 Member
    Yes. Anorexics do.


    I think about food all day! And I eat about 2200 calories.
  • ToughTulip
    ToughTulip Posts: 1,118 Member
    I used to think about food literally NONSTOP everyday.

    Find a hobby or find something to keep you busy. Will take your mind off of it
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    Yes. Anorexics do.


    I think about food all day! And I eat about 2200 calories.

    I eat around 1900/day and I think about food all the time too.
  • yes. especially anyone suffering with an eating disorder, food is a constant obsession. i don't think I think bout anything else, ever.
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    Thanks all for the different points of view. I wonder if I am not eating enough calories each day? I am eating a balanced diet with whole grains, fruit, veg, and protein but about 1200 calories per day. I am 5'7" and 302 pounds. I have had a headache for 48 hours so I wonder if need more daily calories? All I have been drinking is water and plain tea, then again maybe the headache is form the caffiene?

    I think you should probably up your calories. I'm 5'6" @ 117 lbs and I eat 1900/day. Definitely fuel your body!
  • cbrrabbit25
    cbrrabbit25 Posts: 384 Member
    ya i think about food all of the time. i eat around 2000 calories a day but i spread it out because i dont like to stuff myself at one meal. but i think if you eat healthy foods, and plan you meals the day before, this actually helps you to stay on track. at least it does me.
  • bbriscoe13
    bbriscoe13 Posts: 175 Member
    My husband and I are both within a normal BMI and all we do is think about food. Maybe we aren't eating enough...but according to our calorie count we are? I do believe we are both somewhat "addicted" to food. Not sure if that is a thing, but both of us struggle with this. I'm not sure if people who have been a normal/healthy weight their whole lives think about food all the time. I am currently thinking about food haha, but it is breakfast time. :)
  • elebel82
    elebel82 Posts: 69 Member
    I read a bunch of health magazines at work (I work in a place where there's quite a lot of down time). One day I read the statistic "1 in 10 women think about food at least 10 times a day." I was shocked. So I read it out to my female colleagues of various sizes mostly healthy weights, without saying anything about the statistic. They were also shocked, we ALL think a hell of a lot more about food than that. Now maybe it's my particular job, the way the break structure is, the sort of people who are drawn to shift work, or maybe I just hang out with foodies at work, but i honestly don't believe that.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I think many people do. But I agree with what the second poster said about cravings. Our bodies are designed to tell us what we want. Most times when you have a craving, it's your body telling you that you need something. When i was pregnant, I sensed this the most. I would crave lettuce and broccoli all the time. I also craved red meat, maybe my iron was low.

    I never agree that when you feel hungry, you ignore it because you have met your calories. You body is telling you that you need food! On the other hand, I KNOW when I desire food, even though I am not hungry. That's where I get in trouble. :explode:
  • healthynotthin
    healthynotthin Posts: 223 Member
    Yes - but I wouldn't call myself healthy. Yet. I have several supportive friends in my college dorm who are getting me to stay busy and not think about food, and it's working so far. I am 5'3 and weigh 117 pounds. And am currently struggling with eating enough, which is why I think about food a lot. I agree with everyone on here, it's all about the nutrients.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Thanks all for the different points of view. I wonder if I am not eating enough calories each day? I am eating a balanced diet with whole grains, fruit, veg, and protein but about 1200 calories per day. I am 5'7" and 302 pounds. I have had a headache for 48 hours so I wonder if need more daily calories? All I have been drinking is water and plain tea, then again maybe the headache is form the caffiene?
    Why would you eat 1200 calories a day when you can lose weight eating 2000 calories a day?
  • I think you should probably up your calories. I'm 5'6" @ 117 lbs and I eat 1900/day. Definitely fuel your body!

    Judging by your abs, you are much more active than me though!!!
  • Tiger (don't know how to add the quote yet) because on the plan I am following it said I should eat 1200 a day for 2 weeks and then up it to 1400 calories a day.

    I thought if I ate more than that I wouldn't lose weight. I obviously still have a lot to learn!!