Post-workout Recovery Shake Question

I've been doing my best to follow the Paleo Zone diet that was recommended by my original CrossFit trainers. The only discrepancy I adjusted for was reducing my intake of foods. Too many calories from 3 meals and 2 snacks (in my mind) does not add up to weight loss.

Anyhow, the question I have is regarding the Post-workout Recovery Shake. I'm now in the habit of drinking one of these to stabilize my brain function after my physical routine. It definitely helps when I get behind the wheel and drive home. However, 1 shake adds up to 140 calories. My CrossFit trainer said to count the shake as a "freebie". Honestly, I'd rather spend those 140 calories towards my dinner where I usually battle to stay within my allotment.

Question: should I NOT count the recovery shake when tallying up my caloric intake on workout days?


  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    Depends what you're doing to cut.....

    If you're counting calories and macros, then you need to count the shake.
    140 calories isn't much though.
    You just taking a whey protein shake?
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    There are no "freebies". The calories should be included in your daily intake. It's better to eat that post workout than to spend it on dinner.
  • @ilovedeadlift, I'm drinking the protein shake as is (no doctoring).

    Thanks for the input. I'll continue counting the shake and managing my caloric intake.