HELP WITH GYM ROUTINE! Thank you please :0D

Hi Guys,

Not wanting to bore you but not wanting to be vague either. I am 31 (from the UK) and have recently joined a gym (again) and consider myself reasonably fit. I prefer my cardio/aerobic workouts, and I only feel like i've done a proper workout if I've sweated it out.

I worry that I am working out and although I am burning calories for that day its not having any long term affects overall in losing weight (obviously I know this doesn't happen overnight - but since April I have only lost about 10lbs - I keep hovering over where I am today and do not progress further). As a side effect of feeling disheartened I do tend to fall of the wagon now and again.

I've been looking for ideal workout routines for a gym to see what would be best for me but not really found anything.

Do any of you guys have any ideas of workout routines that work for long term. I want my workouts to be having a long term positive effect i.e. to lose the inches and get back into those clothes as I'm sick of going around in circles.

I do have quite chunky biceps and thighs so don't mind toning up but don't want to be doing lots of weight as I don't want to bulk up any more. I'm 5ft 3" and weigh about 12 1/2 stone - around 174lbs. Apparently my ideal weight (with my bmi etc) is around 9 stone. I know I'm never going to be a skinny minnie as I do like my food, but I don't want the overhanging belly either which comes with age. I'd be happy to get to 10 - 10.5 stone but I can't seem to get under 12 stone.

Any advice/ideas/direction of routines would be appreciated.

Also feel free to add me as a friend if you wish!

Thank you :bigsmile:

Joy :drinker: