It's time to shift the baby weight

I've recently joined MFP to track my daily diet as I do the 30 day shred (which I started Monday). I'm a 20 year old mother to a beautiful 7 month old boy and I feel now is the time to kick myself into gear and finally shift this stubborn baby weight.
I'm currently 154lb, 5ft2" but would like to achieve my target of 120lb within the next year.

I hope to meet some fellow mummies who can help me stay motivated on the track to yummy mummy-ville!!


  • I just had baby #2 8 wks ago and I have a year to lose it all before my sister's wedding. I only gained 11 lbs and have lost that but still needing to lose 30 more lbs and tone up!!!
  • stellcorb
    stellcorb Posts: 294 Member
    Feel free to join the "Post Partum Pack" group... There are a bunch of us mommies looking to lose some baby weight!
  • BelindaDuvessa
    BelindaDuvessa Posts: 1,014 Member
    Been there. I'm now pregnant with baby #4 and will have the same goals when I have her in January.

    30 Days Shred kicks my butt, but I've never actually completed it. Good luck, mama!
  • AllieCat1981
    AllieCat1981 Posts: 5 Member
    My son is 2 years old...still hanging onto 16lbs of 'baby weight' it even fair to call it that I wonder ;)
  • flabulous4
    flabulous4 Posts: 599 Member
    Hey, some of us (ahem) waited till the second one was in pre-school before looking to shift the baby weight! :tongue:
    I'm a mum to 2 boys (6 and 4) and I found running...great because you can just put your shoes on and go! I work full time so every second counts.
    Would like to finish 30 day shred but unfortunately pregnancy has left me with an abdominal separation (diastasis) so I can only do the cardio bit grrr. I should do Pilates but it's so boring! However, I am a size 10 now (US size 6) and maintaining at 115-119lb (I'm 5' 2.5") so I'm coping :glasses:
    Good luck!