stomach help

I have really started working on my abs or lack thereof last week. I love moving and feeling soreness from working out... Here is my issue. My stomach is in no way flat. I have a pouch from my children and lack of diet and exercise. I do cardio and strength training. I had an injury a month and half ago to my leg, it hasn't healed. Prior to the injury I was doing c25k on the treadmill, now I walk 3.5 on a nine incline for 15 -60 mins. I also do no less than 15 mins on the arch trainer and elliptical. For strength training I work on arms one night, legs and abs another. I also hit the circuit which consists of arms, legs and abs. I have another 20 pounds to lose though if I didn't any only lost my stomach, I would be satisfied. Should I increase my cardio, do more strength training? What type of ab work should I be working on? How often should I work on my abs. PF also has a 12 minute ab section which I hit too.

Thank you for your assistance and guidance to this issue.