Eating Out

Some friends of mine have invited me to eat out at a chinese buffet, any suggestions on what I should look for to keep my calories down? I don't want to not go out with them just because of my diet.


  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I save up my calories for such occasions.. They have a listing on MFP for chinese buffet plates.
  • JennedyJLD
    JennedyJLD Posts: 123 Member
    Chinese buffets are very difficult to navigate while trying to stay in control - I let myself sneak one every two or three weeks now that I'm at my goal :-). Most will have some veggie dishes (green beans, stuffed mushrooms, etc.) that might be prepared in oil but at least have *some* nutritional value. I'd consider drinking a lot of hot and sour soup to fill up before the meal and then trying to get a plate of veggies and grilled chicken/fish - but be mindful of the sauces. I'm going to go on a limb here and say it'll be impossible not to eat five days' worth of sodium at a Chinese buffet, so make sure to drink a ton of water and don't worry what the scale says tomorrow, as you're likely to retain even if you eat pretty healthfully! Kudos to you for enjoying life :-).
  • Well, first I would say have small portions of what you like and only have one plate. The idea is not to end eating food that you enjoy, the idea is to take control and eat less. I would also suggest drinking two glasses of water shortly before you go, or once you get there before you go to load your plate. The water will make you fill fuller and that will help you maintain small portions.
  • Lindseyelizabeth87
    Lindseyelizabeth87 Posts: 151 Member
    When I go to things like that:

    - I try to exercise in the morning so I know I can eat a little more.
    - I eat a small dinner before I go to the dinner, something like a big salad that is low calorie but filling.
    - Usually by the time I get there, I'm semi full from the small dinner and can have a small portion of the unhealthy items.

    This works for me, maybe it will work for you. :)
  • LisaKC
    LisaKC Posts: 328 Member
    I agree the salt intake is probably the most difficult part of this. Don't load up on noodles and rice. Go for meats that are not battered and fried. Choose dishes that include lots of veggies. And be sure to drink a ton of water the next few days.

    You might want to call the restaurant ahead of time and ask if they have a menu. Yes, it's true. Many Chinese buffet restaurants do have menus, and you might be able to make better choices off the menu. Also, you won't be tempted to go back to the buffet if they bring you a plated meal. You can also call ahead and ask if they can just make you a simple stir fry with veggies and maybe some chicken. It never hurts to ask, though I normally do so ahead of time, so as not to make it a big deal. You can't get what you won't ask for.
  • junipearl
    junipearl Posts: 326 Member
    When I know I am going to be eating out I do the following:

    -keep my calories lower than usual earlier in the day (smaller breakfast, smaller lunch than usual, eliminate snacking where possible)
    - look up the restaurant online beforehand to see what options they have available and start to decide on healthy options (this works doubly as great if the restaurant has nutrition info on the website, but if they don't i use my best judgement)
    - PORTIONING - this is going to be difficult in a buffet style... and although it feels like a waste, LIMIT YOURSELF. --- non buffet is easier because if there are no low-cal options I will just make sure I eat only half my entree and then take the other half home for lunch the next day.

    I would fill my plate with lots of the fruits (even veggies are dangerous as they are likely covered in sauce), grab small portions of the healthiest things you can find, and just accept that today might be a little bit of a cheat day lol =)