For those who have lost a lot of weight



  • joeysox
    joeysox Posts: 195 Member
    ive lost 174pounds so far, i worked out all through it and as some one mentioned keep toning and moisturize too etc it helps, ive still got 46pounds to go, i feel loose but it could be a hell of a lot worse but i lost it healthily and toned as i went. its still an issue though x
  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    I've lost quite a bit so far and was very depressed AT FIRST! I lift weights and I moisturize and after a bit of time, it just starts to pull back in. That's for me now.. I've had 3 kids.. A long long time ago.. and it all wont' go back to normal, but it is much better and I wore a bikini this summer.

    Bottom line, Love yourself. You earned everyone of those stretch marks and those are your laugh lines..Your character lines so don't be too hard on yourself while you work to rid yourself of them.

    Healthy and wrinkly is still better than heavy any day!
  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    I am 33, which I guess isn't THAT old. I am starting to feel ancient working at the local college gym. I am only 10-15 year s older and I find myself asking "was I that young when I went to college". Nice kids but they look like they are 15.

    The theory that losing weight slowly helps seems to make sense to me, but who wants to slow down when they are having success? I'd rather it sag then get filled back out again.

    I totally hear ya. I saw some students last week at my old college. I couldnt believe how young they looked! We're getting old LOL. No, im kidding, we're still youngish. Kinda ;)
  • AnnaMC1977
    Depends on how long you were overweight, and how old you are and how in shape you are. I used to weigh 220..I'm 5'2 and there is NOTHING I can do about the saggy skin, except surgery...and I'm contemplating that now. It really sucks because I should be wearing a different size, but because of the loose skin, I have to wear the 'corrective' undershirts, and looser clothes. Hate the idea of going under the knife for such vain purposes, but it really would make me feel better about myself and look better as well...and my fiance will stop complaining about my body.
  • jzrharv
    jzrharv Posts: 126 Member

    Still, bit of saggy skin sure beats having the fat there. At least I can cover that with clothes, can't do that with fat.

    Yuppers, that seems to be the case. I've got skin sagging on my upper thighs, tricep area and a bit in the "pooch", but clothing that fits properly ( and does not look like it was manufactured by Coleman Tent Supply) and resistance training seem to be lessening the total sag. At least now you can actually see the muscles when they're flexed.
  • xTattooedDollx
    xTattooedDollx Posts: 426 Member
    I had the same issue. Ive lost 90 (no surgery) and when i cut back on cardio and focused on weight training is when my skin started to look normal again. I do cardio 3x/wk and weights 5x/week.
  • sevencallmemom
    sevencallmemom Posts: 505 Member
    Yeah, horrifying amounts of excess skin here too, but so totally worth the new life I have.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I only lost 40 lbs, and I had loose skin after it as well. I think some people just don't get it as bad as others do. Losing too fast will make it much worse as well.

    Give it time. From what I know of others with a similar issue, the skin will help tighten back up in time. Just stay hydrated and make sure you're being patient with your weight loss to give your skin time to heal back up.
  • jnchorn
    jnchorn Posts: 250 Member
    At my smallest I had lost 248 pounds. Yep not a typo. My skin is rough but it is getting slowly better. My insurance overs a tummy tuck but not my arms and legs. I think with time it will get better. Drink looooots of water and keep up your exercising besides that patience. A little loose skin is worth for an improvement in health. :)

  • sgreen328
    I have dropped 115 pounds and although my skin sags, It seems to get better with each plateau as frustrating as these are they seem to give my skin a chance to rebound. Everywhere except my thighs and my chin (ugh this part kills me because everyone can see your chin)
  • Tannedtiffers
    Tannedtiffers Posts: 558 Member
    I've been there....keep walking and add in jogging it will tone up
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    I lost over 90 pounds in my late 40's, am now 50. For the first couple of years I was afraid my skin would stay loose forever but it has tightened up nicely. My doctor said diet has a lot to do with it, and to emphasize a wide range of vitamins and healthy fats. Something has worked. I no longer look like a sad two-legged shar pei.
  • JennPrebs
    JennPrebs Posts: 111 Member
    I lost over 90 pounds in my late 40's, am now 50. For the first couple of years I was afraid my skin would stay loose forever but it has tightened up nicely. My doctor said diet has a lot to do with it, and to emphasize a wide range of vitamins and healthy fats. Something has worked. I no longer look like a sad two-legged shar pei.

    That made me lol shar peis are to cute! I want to lose 70 lbs im 27 and yes worried about saggy skin, I will just have to take a little bit of everyones advice and wait a couple years after my goal and if all else fails, I will consider surgery.
  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    yep, its there, its saggy, its ugly, its not going away... I am 42, I was fat for all over my life up till 2 years ago... it wont get better for me , I have alot of muscle, I drink a gallon of water a day, I lost it slowly, ( over a 23 month period) , I did everything " they " say to do to help. My genetics suck, BUT all that being said. I look good IN clothes, and my husband of 11 years does not mind one bit. And that is all that matters. :)
  • Sarah_Wins
    Sarah_Wins Posts: 936 Member
    Of course it's normal. And much better than the alternative.

    Here's what you need:

    3. LIFT WEIGHTS, the heavier the better!
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    For the tatas - Work those pecs! Sure, they are still more, and I hesitate to use this word, but "flat" than I would like, but at least they sit higher. From a 40G to a 36DDish (haven't been fitted in a bit...). I like the way they look topless better now that I've been lifting.

    As for my real trouble area, tummy. I just try to ignore it. I don't hop on the "shirtless o'thirty" train very often these days, just because I am pretty self-conscious. Two HUGE babies and tons of weight gained while preggo (and before, and after), I've got stretch marks like tiger claws and wibbly wobbly tummy stuff.

    Still look (and feel) hella better.
  • jgood21
    jgood21 Posts: 109 Member
    I use Dove toning moisturizer soap in the shower and any toning lotion after. I have lost 96lbs, and my skin isn't gorgeous or anything, but I feel if I didn't keep it moisturized it would look worse. I would say that the more fat I lose, the tighter my skin looks. I honestly think that "saggy skin" is actually saggy fat. Seriously. My legs used to be cottage cheese! Since most of my routine focuses on legs, my legs have gotten a lot firmer. I don't think your skin now is any reflection on how it will look when you are done. It does look better the more you lose. Just keep at it, and deal with your skin if you have to. It's way better than being over weight.
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