Looking for support

Hi Everyone, I'm Vanessa. I'm 36 years old.. And am all of a sudden starting to feel about 60. I have toddler twins that require me to feel like a 25 year old. :) I am hoping to find a good support system to help keep me on task with losing this weight.

Good Luck everyone!


  • estepicursor
    estepicursor Posts: 500 Member
    I am new here, also. Feel free to add me as a friend...and good luck keeping up with those twins!
  • csimms69
    I also have twins and it is a busy job. I am 43 years old but at times I feel like I'm 70. My goal is to loose at least 20 lbs but I need much support because I keep falling off of the MFP wagon. Feel free to ad me as a friend.
  • mikeswife04
    mikeswife04 Posts: 130 Member
    I'm semi new but I don't have any kids.... I lost around 90 pounds already... 220 to 137.... got maybe 10-15 more... Would love the add.... I refuse to add guys again... (it just didn't end well last time lol)
  • arifrancesca
    Hi Everyone, I'm Vanessa. I'm 36 years old.. And am all of a sudden starting to feel about 60. I have toddler twins that require me to feel like a 25 year old. :) I am hoping to find a good support system to help keep me on task with losing this weight.

    Good Luck everyone!

    Best of luck, I will send you a friend request, no kids myself just a cute (and super fast) Jack Russell Terrier.
  • thethingirlinside
    Hi I'm also looking..for friends add if you would like
  • slimfitnessmoms
    slimfitnessmoms Posts: 206 Member
    Hi YOu can add me too.
    I am a mom of 4 between ages of 2-17
    I can totally relate in a way
    Message me and I can tell you what works for me being a mom and working part time too.
  • laurenellenmarie
    laurenellenmarie Posts: 331 Member
    Not mom here but a pretty good supporter! Friend request sent!