4'11 - 5'2 ladies?



  • purplekty
    purplekty Posts: 57 Member

    Finally my people!! lol

    i'm 5'3 (but I think i may have shrunk down to 5'2) lol...I'm 41 and weigh 218 right know I lost 30lbs on MFP and i'm looking to loose 73lbs more to be at 145lbs.....And its been a real struggle to loose what I have and that has taken me a year to loose.

    Hearing about some success stories where its only taken some people 5-8mths to loose that plus more has been discouraging but now i've started looking at the height and age and I can under stand now with reading Health magazines and websites that height and age does play a major part in your weight loss.

    So I am very glad to see this post!! Gives me encouragment to keep going...I'm hoping to loose this last 73lbs by next year....I'm hoping to loose 30 of the 73lbs before May as were going on a cruise!!! :happy:

    But my biggest motivation/goal is when I was out visiting my sister in CA I purchased a dress that was in the plus size section that was a Large and when I got home I found out that it was a Misses size Large and so I am determined to get in it!!!

    Sorry so long winded but I'm sooooo happy that I found people that will really understand what i'm going through and where i'm coming from that are the same height as me!!! :heart: :happy: :laugh: :smile:
  • jessie_james78
    jessie_james78 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 4'10 and currently weigh 146lbs. I wear between a size 10 and a 12. I started at 178lbs. My goal weight is 115lbs. I do Bar Method 4 days a week and run 2 days a week. My goal for the holidays is to maintain my current weight and continue to fit in exercise into my routine any way I can. I started my weight loss journey in March of 2012. Tracking my weight loss keeps me motivated and tracking my food keeps me honest with myself.
  • NoahandPresleysMom
    NoahandPresleysMom Posts: 763 Member
    Hi ladies,

    I am 4'11, some days 5'0 when I'm over confident and I weight 208 pounds. According to my height and weight I am morbidly obese and should weight between 115 and 125 lbs. the last time that I was 130, I was 20 and it was right before I became pregnant with my son. I am 30 now. I would like to lose around 80 pounds or at least be in a size 8, I see and hear weight loss stories of women who lose 50 pounds or more but they are all 5'5 and up. 200 pounds on a five foot tall woman looks COMPLETELY different on a woman who is 5'7..and so does the weight loss. Here are my measurements as of last sat, waist: 43, hips: 50.5 and legs: 27.5 I would love to hear from you ladies who are my height or close to it who are going on this journey of weight loss OR have a success story to share. If you have pics and measurements that you feel comfortable sharing thats great! I really need the motivation and to know that I am not alone. If you are this height, what are/were your goals? Thanks in advance ladies!

    im 5 ft 0. I started right after having my son, weighing 344 lbs in 2009. I lost 150 of that.Then got pregnant with my daughter. I gained up to 275. When I started back on MFP in March 2012 I weighed 275. I'm now at 249. My goal is 100.
  • sarahslim100
    sarahslim100 Posts: 485 Member
    Im 5 1 and weigh 61 kg 134 pounds. Ive been amazed at how well a diary works for me.
  • Khaleesi87
    Khaleesi87 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm 4'11 and currently at 207 pounds. My highest weight was 255 that was summer of 2011, I lost 48 pounds over the course of a year, although I have no idea how..I wasn't really trying. About 3 weeks ago I've gotten really serious about changing my lifestyle.

    (I'd love to have more friends on here if anyone wants to add me =] )
  • Play_outside
    Play_outside Posts: 528 Member
    I'm 5'2 and 194lbs right now. When I started MFP just over a year ago I was at I think 221lbs and I was down to 181 (40lb loss!!!) but I have a knee injury that has drastically decreased my ability to exercise and I've been a bit depressed about it so not eating well at ALL. However, I am slowly on the mend and sick of being out of shape (and NO WAY will I see the scale cross the 200lb mark ever again!). So, I am back to trying to track regularly and eat properly. I do find it hard to make myself eat breakfast and such right now because I am unable to work so I am a lot less motivated when I can't work or do much physical activity.

    About 6 or 7 years ago I had lost about 80lbs (I was up to my highest weight which I estimate was 230lbs although I had not been on a scale in a long time!!!) and went down to 150 by eating balanced and paying attention. I was very thin in high school, fluctuating between 110 and 120lbs and even though I am only 5'2 this was too low of a weight on me-even at 120lbs I was extremely bony and looked ill. When I was 150lbs I was around a sz 8-9 and although I felt good I felt like I could lose about another 10lbs and be my healthiest, so that is what I am aiming for right now.

    Eating breakfast and lunch regularly and increasing my protein and fat intake were key for me. I am normally very physically active, even when I was really fat, so luckily I don't have to work too hard to get the exercise, but I do have to pay attention to what I eat. I am looking forward to hopefully going back to work soon, and being able to be more active soon which will help. I do have a major sugar addiction but I am working on curbing it, which will be easier when I have my "normal" life back again. :)

    Good luck all!
  • JennPrebs
    JennPrebs Posts: 111 Member
    Hi fellow short ladies ( add me if you like!!) I am 5 ft nothing! Been this height since I can remember. Had weight issues most of my life and it's been tough but i am finally doing somthing about it. I have no idea what my measurements were at my biggest but I have tipped the scale to 225 before, but I started this weight loss journey at 215. I was never a fan of using the measuring tape since I feel like measuring blubber isn't accurate but right now I am bust: 40 waist:37 waist where I actually wear my pants 43.5 hips : 46 and I weight 183 pounds. I feel like my progress is very good from my start in August 27th at 215. Sadly like my fellow shorties our weight is suppose to be really low cause we have such small frames. As of now my goal is 125 idk if it will change or not but that is the heathly weight of someone my height. That is the absolute highest I can be at healthy ideally I should be like 115 but I am not sure about that weight I will worry when I get there. I have been eating 1200 calories a day more or less with exercise and attempting to cut out most of the junk I use to put in my body with the exception of my snack wells sometimes which I eat in moderation it's hard to eat only 2 to 4 cookies in one sitting but gotta get rid of those cravings once in a while. I feel like this is it , finally time for me to be successful after all the fail fad dieting attempts who knew it was just intake and output! Good luck with your journies everyone!!!!!!
  • Sincere24
    Sincere24 Posts: 126 Member
    Glad i found this thread!

    I've signed up a while back but have just recently started to get back into my fitness and health routine, and hence re-uniting with visiting this website haha. I'm looking to lose the last 10lbs or so and looking for friends along the way as I know it'll be quite some time before i reach it. The last bit is always the hardest ;)

    My highest weight was 143lbs-ish i believe at 5'2 ( didn't own a scale then), and currently 124lbs. ATM i'm working out 5x a week with a calorie range of 1200-1400. I'm hoping to utilize intermittent fasting in conjunction with my running program as I naturally detest breakfast in the AM, haha more of a brunch person.

    Best of luck to everyone, i'm certainly here to support anyone and everyone and wouldn't mind some as well!

  • kangababy
    kangababy Posts: 187 Member
    Wooh! My vertically challenged Ladies!!

    I am 5'2" currenlty at 187.7 and started hard core two weeks ago at 193.

    I am determined to get it off this year and make my goals!!

    I want to get down to at least 130-140 and then reaccess my goals..
    I am now a beachbody coach and plan on helping people as I go through my journey. I want to become a personal training, Zumba instructor and Pure Barre instructor.

    Why don't we start a group and a challenge monthly?
    you can find me on facebook under Flipper is losing it!
    I have a blog too.. under the same :)
  • kangababy
    kangababy Posts: 187 Member
    Hey ladies.. I have started a private group so wecan all stay in touch easily without having ot look for this thread..

    I can lead the group and can post challenges for everyone once a month so we can stick together on this!

    Also see what is working for everyone.. send me a message if you want to join and anyone you know that might want to

    It will be open to any Woman 4'11" to 5'3" who needs to lose weight some serious amount of weight 20-30-40+ pounds!

    Send me a message if you want in... I made it private so we don't have just random folks jumping in..

    I'd like a fitness expert or two that doesn't need to lose weight but that might can tell us what we are doing wrong if we get in a rut!

    Send me a friend request to if you'd like support...
  • a1sara
    I am another Shortie here, a proud five feet tall! I started up here about a month ago, and have lost four pounds thus far.
    Yes, the healthy weights put forth to us are significantly lower than our taller friends because our shorter bodies weigh less without the extra padding. This is my third time loosing weight - the first two times was through WW, and I actually went back to them a third time but only managed to maintain (rather than loose).

    When I look in the mirror, I feel awful about my shape. I am down to 141 pounds, but feel like I look like a miniature member of the Humpty Dumpty family!
  • QMHayden
    QMHayden Posts: 87 Member
    I'm about 5' 3”, I too have the same struggle as everyone else on this thread, and I never thought about it but yes please friend me if you'd like because it would be great to c how this is going for other people my size that have the same goals! My year started out especially rocky, I haven't shared the exact details but I'll be updating my profile soon....anyhow I am solid, thick, and square. With each child, plus the stress of daily life, my weight just started to creep on up. Sometimes I feel like there's just so much working against me :blushing: ! I am finally under 200# yo-yoing from 189-193# (sw 217.7#). This next year I want to get this weight off, even it takes the whole year! If 25# feels this good, I can't wait to feel 80# lighter and everything in between! We can do this!
  • chrome_princess
    chrome_princess Posts: 129 Member
    OMG, this thread was made for me. I'm 5'0 or 5'1, depending which doctor's office I'm at ... or convenience store I'm leaving. (Hey, good news, I can get away with a robbery!)

    When I was admitted to the hospital in September, I was at 207.5. AGH! (Heaviest I've ever been, save for when I was nine months pregnant, and I'm almost close to that weight... that was 214.) I carry it well, so I've been told. About eight years ago, I was at my lowest, which was 140, and I was a size 6, I'd love to be there again. In between that time I've had a kid, and I know the weight has gone on way differently, and it's going to come off way differently too ... but it's got to come off. Especially now that I know I'm genetically predisposed to blood clots. Sigh.

    So ... HERE WE GO ...

    I don't have a ticker because I don't have a scale. (It broke. But I have a tendency to get obsessive. So it's for the best.)

    Friend me, let's get this going, it's always nice to be with people who know *exactly* what you're going through.

    Honestly, I just want to get healthy and mitigate the blood clots once I come off the blood thinners ... but I'll be satisfied to be back down in the 140/150 range, to be honest. My doctor has never yelled at me for my weight, even at what it's at now, I know she won't when (notice I say WHEN, not IF) I get it there ... :wink:
  • QMHayden
    QMHayden Posts: 87 Member
    I am another Shortie here, a proud five feet tall! I started up here about a month ago, and have lost four pounds thus far.
    Yes, the healthy weights put forth to us are significantly lower than our taller friends because our shorter bodies weigh less without the extra padding. This is my third time loosing weight - the first two times was through WW, and I actually went back to them a third time but only managed to maintain (rather than loose).

    When I look in the mirror, I feel awful about my shape. I am down to 141 pounds, but feel like I look like a miniature member of the Humpty Dumpty family!

    Me 2! I'm basically apple shaped. Boobs-those are ok, my middle is a definite problem and I'm short waisted...my legs are thick and muscular-basically the rest of my body needs toning which I'm sure will come along with the weight loss, my insecurities all lee between the bottom of my short waist and the top of my butt crack lol...I'm hoping that 2013 is the year this is put behind me! The sicknesses and health trials that I have seen in my family this past year have motivated me to get my butt in gear!
  • QMHayden
    QMHayden Posts: 87 Member
    OMG, this thread was made for me. I'm 5'0 or 5'1, depending which doctor's office I'm at ... or convenience store I'm leaving. (Hey, good news, I can get away with a robbery!)

    When I was admitted to the hospital in September, I was at 207.5. AGH! (Heaviest I've ever been, save for when I was nine months pregnant, and I'm almost close to that weight... that was 214.) I carry it well, so I've been told. About eight years ago, I was at my lowest, which was 140, and I was a size 6, I'd love to be there again. In between that time I've had a kid, and I know the weight has gone on way differently, and it's going to come off way differently too ... but it's got to come off. Especially now that I know I'm genetically predisposed to blood clots. Sigh.

    So ... HERE WE GO ...

    I don't have a ticker because I don't have a scale. (It broke. But I have a tendency to get obsessive. So it's for the best.)

    Friend me, let's get this going, it's always nice to be with people who know *exactly* what you're going through.

    Honestly, I just want to get healthy and mitigate the blood clots once I come off the blood thinners ... but I'll be satisfied to be back down in the 140/150 range, to be honest. My doctor has never yelled at me for my weight, even at what it's at now, I know she won't when (notice I say WHEN, not IF) I get it there ... :wink:

    I've been told I carry my weight well too- already we have that in our favor
  • triff14
    triff14 Posts: 129 Member
    I'm 5'1" and weigh about 150 currently. I am in the overweight category. My goal is 125 because that would put me right in the middle of the normal weight category. I started at 159 and got down to 140, but then my workout buddy and I had a falling out and I rocketed back up to 155. I am trying to go vegan to lose weight, and I must say eating vegan makes it easy to keep the calories down! I just ordered myself an elliptical and need to go pick it up a Wal-mart asap! I'd love it if some other shorties would add me to help keep me inspired and motivated!!
  • JasonsSoulMate
    JasonsSoulMate Posts: 115 Member
    Hi I am 5'1,37 , mum of 3 and had my daughters Pead be utterly shocked last week that I was honest about my height.

    My starting weight was 102.5kg, current weight is 93.1kg
    My initial goal is to get to 75kg - not within my BMI and I think it still puts me in the morbidly obese category, but I know that under that I tend to get ill. That will place me in a skinny jean 14 (au).
    I am happy to have other shorties add me.
  • puggzley6
    Im 5' and not overweight, but gaining and I want to take control. I have a lot of trouble with my tummy and thighs, and recently been gaining on my back (oh nooo D;) so good luck with your journey! I suggest just watching closely what you eat and working best at exercise! And eat until you aren't hungry, not until you are full, that was my problem. Recently though I realized that happiness with my efforts would be much better than the taste of something so just keep that in mind and it helps to define if youre hungry or just bored!
  • purplesparklies
    purplesparklies Posts: 20 Member
    I am a hair under 5'1". I started using MFP in January 2012 at 265 lbs. and have lost 94.4 lbs. as of this morning. I am working toward losing another 40 lbs. or so. I had hoped to lose 100 lbs. by Jan. 2013 and to be at goal by May 2013 but my loss is suddenly very slow. I have recently changed my workout routine a bit so I am hopeful that will help. Am trying not to let myself get too discouraged as I muddle through the holiday season. At this point, if I lose any between now and Jan. I will be satisfied and can hopefully start the new year with a bang. Good luck to all! One day at a time.......
  • westonhive
    westonhive Posts: 56 Member
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