Whats better?

Is it better to lose weight first by doing tons of cardio and then strengh train when u reach your goal OR should you cardio/strengh at the same time to lose weight (even though the strengh training might slow weight loss down). YOUR input is highly IMPORTATNT! :)


  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    if you care more about what you look like when you're done, do the weights.
  • junipearl
    junipearl Posts: 326 Member
    unless the ONLY aspect of weight loss you care about is the number on the scale, strength training is 100% NOT going to hinder your goals. do both !
  • FullOfWin
    FullOfWin Posts: 1,414 Member
    Strength train and eat a deficit. Cardio optional.
  • Fat2Fit145
    Fat2Fit145 Posts: 385 Member
    Is it better to lose weight first by doing tons of cardio and then strengh train when u reach your goal OR should you cardio/strengh at the same time to lose weight (even though the strengh training might slow weight loss down). YOUR input is highly IMPORTATNT! :)

    I think do cardio alone until you reach your goal, or are really close to it.... then do the strength training, lightly.... and when you have reached ur goal do heavy strength training....... thats just my opinion... :)
  • PattyC64
    PattyC64 Posts: 56 Member
    Do both. You can do cardio every day. You should strength train a few times a week (more if you alternate muscle groups).
  • iiijeniii
    iiijeniii Posts: 82 Member
  • nturner612
    nturner612 Posts: 710 Member
    u strengh trainers you....yall win...
  • iiijeniii
    iiijeniii Posts: 82 Member
    Strength train and eat a deficit. Cardio optional.

    This is pretty much how I lost 91 pounds. I hate cardio and did it grudgingly and in the smallest amounts my trainer would let me get away with (30min x 3x a week)
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Strength & cardio compliment each other.....don't wait, do both.
  • Allup2Me78
    Allup2Me78 Posts: 589 Member

    Is it better to lose weight first by doing tons of cardio and then strengh train when u reach your goal OR should you cardio/strengh at the same time to lose weight (even though the strengh training might slow weight loss down). YOUR input is highly IMPORTATNT! :)

    I think do cardio alone until you reach your goal, or are really close to it.... then do the strength training, lightly.... and when you have reached ur goal do heavy strength training....... thats just my opinion... :)
  • blakejohn
    blakejohn Posts: 1,129 Member
    Do both. You can do cardio every day. You should strength train a few times a week (more if you alternate muscle groups).

    amen sister
  • Nefetete
    Nefetete Posts: 343 Member
    both, I've been losing steadily doing 3 x strength training and cardio while eating at a deficit. Just balance your workouts with eating not to feel tiered all the time.
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    It's harder to gain muscle than lose it, so I suggest doing both cardio and strength training to maintain your LBM while losing weight.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Is it better to lose weight first by doing tons of cardio and then strengh train when u reach your goal OR should you cardio/strengh at the same time to lose weight (even though the strengh training might slow weight loss down). YOUR input is highly IMPORTATNT! :)

    I think do cardio alone until you reach your goal, or are really close to it.... then do the strength training, lightly.... and when you have reached ur goal do heavy strength training....... thats just my opinion... :)

    As someone who followed this exact path, I'll be perfectly honest and say this was a very poor choice on my part, and I'd discourage this approach.

    I lost a lot more muscle than I thought possible, and it's been a real struggle trying to restart building muscle that I should have been retaining in the first place. I'm a lot lighter, but my body fat percentage (which is thankfully only a little bit high) didn't budge a bit.

    If I could turn time back a year, I'd have shoved myself off the elliptical and on the weight bench.

    Cardio is beautiful, but not generally as important as a good solid and proper-form weight regimen.

    Learn this the easy way by reading about what I did, or learn it the hard way by doing what I did.
  • kf4vkp
    kf4vkp Posts: 164 Member
    I say do both, it's easier to firm as you go rather than wait and have a lot of work to do....

    Also building the muscle lets you change your Body fat percentage as you go.
  • amann1976
    amann1976 Posts: 742 Member
    dont take this comment personal it is not meant directly towards you but when you lose weight and dont do any weights like most of those biggest loser people you go from looking like a fat blob with no muscle tone to a medium blob with no muscle tone...

    you have to lift along with your cardio for ideal results

    like in the success story area i can always tell the folks that just do cardio and lose vs the ones who strength train along with their cardio
  • well TONS of cardio is never necessary. I say to do what you can do consistently and that you enjoy so that you continue with it long term. If you enjoy weight lifting I'd recommend incorporating it all along.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Do both. You do not need to do either to lose weight but both have different benefits.
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    Lifting is more important in terms of looking better. If you have a good diet plan and stick to it cardio will do nothing for you that eating at a deficit will do. Burn 600 cals running just to eat them back? No thanks. Lol. Lift hard for an hour and feel your body change over this journey? Sign me up. Just my 2 cents.
  • JasonDetwiler
    JasonDetwiler Posts: 364 Member

    Is it better to lose weight first by doing tons of cardio and then strengh train when u reach your goal OR should you cardio/strengh at the same time to lose weight (even though the strengh training might slow weight loss down). YOUR input is highly IMPORTATNT! :)

    I think do cardio alone until you reach your goal, or are really close to it.... then do the strength training, lightly.... and when you have reached ur goal do heavy strength training....... thats just my opinion... :)

    You were taught wrong.