Motivational Quotes???

What are some inspirational/motivational quotes to keep you motivated.

"You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great." - I used that to help me get through my first half marathon.

"Don't be upset by the results for the work you didn't do." - Keeps me going at the gym/running when I feel like quitting.

"If you're tired of starting over, then stop giving up." - When I hit the wall, I keep this in mind.

'Skinny girls look good in clothes. Fit girls look good naked." Because, I want to feel good naked. :)


  • jesse1379
    jesse1379 Posts: 239 Member
    Sweat is just your fat crying. :drinker:
  • kelleygi
    kelleygi Posts: 650 Member
    How bout the one my husband gave me when I said I wanted Liposuction...."we're broke! Get off your fat *kitten* and exercise!" Worked for me..30 lbs lighter and pretty much overhauled my whole body!!! :drinker:

    P.S...I am just kidding about what he said. He would NEVER say such to me...I am red headed and Scotch/German. :devil:
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    "Hard work never hurt anyone.... well, not for too long anyway and its always worth it." ~ ♥ Bry Allen

    “Compete with yourself. There is no reason to be jealous of anyone else. I say we congratulate and motivate, rather than hate.” ~ Bry Allen

    “Healthy living is contagious ~ share the love with those you love!” ~ Bry Allen
  • stephensmith0929
    "A body in motion stays in motion, a body at rest stays at rest!"

    "If there is no challenge, there is no change!"

    Ummmmmm.... "Quitters suck?"
  • Roderunr
    Roderunr Posts: 65 Member
    "Never give up on something that you can’t go a day without thinking about".........
  • MichaelYoung1976
    "I'd rather be covered in sweat at the gym than covered in clothes at the beach."
  • AdoraK
    AdoraK Posts: 724 Member
    Your stomach shouldn't be a waist basket.
  • T1mH
    T1mH Posts: 568 Member
    "I'm not on a diet because diets don't work. This is a lifestyle change." -Somoene on MFP

    "Stronger than yesterday." - a tshirt
  • srcardinal10
    srcardinal10 Posts: 387 Member
    "You are not a dog. Do not reward yourself with food."
  • _mbrace
    _mbrace Posts: 48 Member
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    "I'm not on a diet because diets don't work. This is a lifestyle change." -Somoene on MFP

    ^^^ So true.

    Everything in Moderation. (Goes along the lifestyle change)
    Slow and steady wins the race. (^^^)

    I also love the one mentioned
    "Thing girls look good in clothes but fit girls look good naked"

    Sweat if just my fat crying.
  • Graceious1
    Graceious1 Posts: 716 Member
    This is probably the best topic ever and I love it.

    I will add "What you put in you get out".
  • srcardinal10
    srcardinal10 Posts: 387 Member
    "If you took all that energy you put towards hating your body into changing it, you would be amazed with the results."

    "Being weak is a choice. So is being strong."
  • arosegeo
    arosegeo Posts: 254 Member
    weather you think you can or cant youre right
  • 5u2ie
    5u2ie Posts: 1 Member
    thank you guys for this helpful words!

    My inspiration is the good feeling, you know, when you are so proud of yourself, that you mastered it in yesterdays evenening! Because evenings are the hardest ever !
  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member
    'Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm'


    'You haven't failed until you quit trying'


    'It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get up'
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    I have my own one

    When in the gym, out running, in a class and I am struggling to do that last squat, kilometre, take the short route home. I say to myself

    "Come on you fat *kitten*, anyone can do one more of anything"
  • marissa14danielle
    marissa14danielle Posts: 21 Member
    "I don't stop when i'm tired, I stop when I'm done" helps me get through a run!

    "We become what we want to be by consistently being what we want to become each day" Richard G. Scott

    "No matter how slow you go, you are still lapping everyone on the couch."
  • Ceffy
    Ceffy Posts: 235
    Love it! - here's a few that have stuck with me (quite literally on pinterest!)

    "I really regret doing that workout" - No-one, ever.

    Discipline is choosing between what you want now and what you want most.

    You're off to great places, Today is your day, Your mountain is waiting, so get on your way! - Dr Seuss

    Fit is not a destination, it is a way of life

    CTRL your portions and hunger ALT your lifestyle and choices DEL junk food & bad vibes

    Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion. - Muhammad Ali

    and my favourite...

    "Sweat like a pig to look like a fox"
  • speediejane
    speediejane Posts: 496 Member
    no pain no gain:bigsmile: