I just need something to keep me going.

I lose weight on off. I never do the 'fad' diets where you live off bananas or anything, I always try and cut down portion size, choose healthy options, exercise, etc but it just never lasts. One way or another after anything between 2lbs and over a stone later I seem to gradually give up. I can't stick to exercise. I used to use just dance, then work out DVDs and now I've started running but I can't motivate myself to go and do exercise. I've never been sporty which makes the whole thing more difficult. I have college week days and work Saturdays and am strapped for cash so the healthy option is usually less tasty, less filling and more expensive at college. I currently only run first thing in the morning if I do run but with 9am starts it means I have to wake up at 6.15 to run and when I don't get home till 6 and still have work to do I'm not feeling like I have the energy to run the next morning. Any advice, stories related, etc are greatly appreciated. I could really do with someone who knows the stresses I'm going through.