red meat addict



  • millyvanilli321
    millyvanilli321 Posts: 236 Member
    Not quoting, because that **** was getting out of hand with the length. Hehe.

    Anyway, if you want to get philosophical with me, none of it really matters. Not what you eat, nor I, nor what anyone can lift, because we will all eventually return to nothingness. Don't bring out my inner nihilist. It's never good for a conversation. :)

    However, that video won't load for me on my phone out here in the middle of nowhere, so I'll check it out when I get home.

    Also, your propaganda about vegans living longer: the diet hasn't been around long enough to be able to establish that with any accuracy, so I have to call bull**** for now. :)

    "The diet hasn't been around long enough"...LOL, it isn't a 'diet' it is a lifestyle that has existed since the dawn of man in many cultures. All the Earth's biggest populations have thrived on starches...during many wars meat was scarce and the poorest people existed with very little meat and lived longer lives than the fat, rich, meat-eaters above them. Sure, many celebrities go vegan to slim down for film roles (again, showing it WORKS to lower body fat percentage) but the whole 'hunger-gatherer' debate simply overlooks the fact that during hunter-gatherer times, most of the calories consumed came from the fruits etc that were GATHERED, & meat was a rare *treat*.

    It's a diet.

    Being vegan determines what you EAT. So yes, it's a DIET.

    Yes, people who were richer could afford to buy meat when it was scarce. They could also afford many other foods that were scarce, which could have contributed to their body composition. You don't know for a fact that in rationing periods richer people were definitely fatter than the poor, so please stop making assumptions like that.

    In hunter-gatherer societies gathered fruits/legumes/vegetables are simply more abundant in the environment, meat is not described as a "treat", it is actually a badge of honour that the men have been strong and skilled enough to catch and kill it.
  • crazy_ninja
    crazy_ninja Posts: 387 Member
    Oh yes.....sure.....there was sooooo little meat around the house. But bushes of berries and mushrooms and gras....they just had to eat 2-5 kilo of it a day to survive and stay strong enough to catch this tiny little mammoth with about 1.500 kilo of meat, fat and bones......

    Never mind...I love vegans...very smooth meat :devil:
  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    Oh yes.....sure.....there was sooooo little meat around the house. But bushes of berries and mushrooms and gras....they just had to eat 2-5 kilo of it a day to survive and stay strong enough to catch this tiny little mammoth with about 1.500 kilo of meat, fat and bones......

    Never mind...I love vegans...very smooth meat :devil: :smile:

  • This whole post is made irrelevant by one fact. No one said that humans are carnivores. We are more like pigs than cats, as we do best with a diet of both.

    Not the point I was making...and pigs have been proven to be more intelligent than dogs, yet we as a species scoff them up greedily, yet you compare US to THEM.

    REALLY doesn't make any sense! :indifferent:

    Well in that case, we are much more similar to chimpanzees. And guess what? They eat meat.
  • crazy_ninja
    crazy_ninja Posts: 387 Member
    Oh yes.....sure.....there was sooooo little meat around the house. But bushes of berries and mushrooms and gras....they just had to eat 2-5 kilo of it a day to survive and stay strong enough to catch this tiny little mammoth with about 1.500 kilo of meat, fat and bones......

    Never mind...I love vegans...very smooth meat :devil: :smile:

    roflmao.....oh yes, lots of bananas in northern europe.....I know.....

    Your vegans are sooooo funny....
  • Oh yes.....sure.....there was sooooo little meat around the house. But bushes of berries and mushrooms and gras....they just had to eat 2-5 kilo of it a day to survive and stay strong enough to catch this tiny little mammoth with about 1.500 kilo of meat, fat and bones......

    Never mind...I love vegans...very smooth meat :devil: :smile:

    roflmao.....oh yes, lots of bananas in northern europe.....I know.....

    Your vegans are sooooo funny....

    Yep, bananas can grow everywhere! Didn't you know that? :P
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    Our bodies tend to crave what we need, so you may be a bit low on iron. And cows may be cute, but they are stupid. Take it from someone who owns about 60 of them. No guilt there, believe me.
    ETA: Meat is murder. Tasty, tasty murder.

    She's right, they are dumb as a box of rocks. :laugh:
  • dillydally123
    dillydally123 Posts: 139 Member
    i never ate steak in my life before i got pregnant then i started craving it like crazy! just saying....
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    Oh yes.....sure.....there was sooooo little meat around the house. But bushes of berries and mushrooms and gras....they just had to eat 2-5 kilo of it a day to survive and stay strong enough to catch this tiny little mammoth with about 1.500 kilo of meat, fat and bones......

    Never mind...I love vegans...very smooth meat :devil: :smile:

    roflmao.....oh yes, lots of bananas in northern europe.....I know.....

    Your vegans are sooooo funny....

    I blame a sad combination of willful ignorance, righteous indignation, and the internet for this diet even gaining ground to begin with. Yeah, it existed before the internet, but dear god it didn't start to spread until it came about.

    I am starting to believe that agribusiness does some hardcore *kitten* to the cash they make on their overpriced crap. If Vegans knew how little their food actually cost to grow and process, they'd have a fit over what they are paying for it.
  • i never ate steak in my life before i got pregnant then i started craving it like crazy! just saying....

    Did your baby come out as a zombie!? :P
  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    Oh yes.....sure.....there was sooooo little meat around the house. But bushes of berries and mushrooms and gras....they just had to eat 2-5 kilo of it a day to survive and stay strong enough to catch this tiny little mammoth with about 1.500 kilo of meat, fat and bones......

    Never mind...I love vegans...very smooth meat :devil: :smile:

    roflmao.....oh yes, lots of bananas in northern europe.....I know.....

    Your vegans are sooooo funny....

    Yep, bananas can grow everywhere! Didn't you know that? :P

    Yeah, cos bananas are the only non-STEAK food available, so all us Europeans better eat our meat! :tongue: :laugh: And most of a Chimpanzees diet is made up of fruit! :tongue:
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member

    Humans aren't animals? LOL :laugh: What planet are you living on? Would you eat meat fresh and raw off the bone of an animal you'd bothered to kill yourself, like a real carnivore?

    We have evolved slightly since then.

    Hell yes to the rest of it though. Get me on that 'kill it, cook it, eat it'. Tasty. :tongue:

    We may have evolved, but we're still animals :happy:

    And if you genuinely don't give a flying **** about contributing to the torture and slaughter of billions of animals every year & the greenhouse gass emissionions that go along with it, don't you care about your health? --> A new study from Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) researchers has found that red meat consumption is associated with an increased risk of total, cardiovascular, and cancer mortality."

    Who said anything about torturing animals. She has 60 cows, she lives on a farm. Those cows probably run around on a pasture all day, eating all the grass they can get until they slaughter one. How did this turn into, meat is murder? Pigs are cute, but I could give a rats *kitten*, cause bacon is yummy. How bad of a person does that make me? :laugh:
  • masterschild54
    Luckily, you are young and probably the effects of decaying flesh in your system have not shown up yet, however over a lifetime I assure you they will. But as a vegetarian (12 years now and loving it) I went from high cholesterol, high BP, diabetes, joint pain, 355 pounds to free of all the aforementioned and maintaining a 168 pound weightloss. However, the thing that has kept me "on the straight and narrow, so to speak has been the "cows are so cute" statement, really. How can I rationalize eating a beautiful sentient being such as cows,( sheep, chickens, turkey, bunnies, basically anything with a face of a Mom!!) and be a caring compassionate person. (considering the manner in which these beautiful creatures of God unwillingly sacrificed their lives!) That is what will break the craving very quickly. Watch some undercover YouTube videos of how inhumanely animals are raised and slaughtered in the food industry. Good luck and God bless you, your heart is in the right place.
  • crazy_ninja
    crazy_ninja Posts: 387 Member
    Oh yes.....sure.....there was sooooo little meat around the house. But bushes of berries and mushrooms and gras....they just had to eat 2-5 kilo of it a day to survive and stay strong enough to catch this tiny little mammoth with about 1.500 kilo of meat, fat and bones......

    Never mind...I love vegans...very smooth meat :devil: :smile:

    roflmao.....oh yes, lots of bananas in northern europe.....I know.....

    Your vegans are sooooo funny....

    Yep, bananas can grow everywhere! Didn't you know that? :P

    Yeah, cos bananas are the only non-STEAK food available, so all us Europeans better eat our meat! :tongue: :laugh: And most of a Chimpanzees diet is made up of fruit! :tongue:

    Chimpanzees are omnivores (eating plants and meat). They forage for food in the forests during the day, eating leaves, fruit, seeds, tree bark, plant bulbs, tender plant shoots, and flowers. They also eat termites, ants, and small animals (they have even been known to eat young monkeys).
  • Oh yes.....sure.....there was sooooo little meat around the house. But bushes of berries and mushrooms and gras....they just had to eat 2-5 kilo of it a day to survive and stay strong enough to catch this tiny little mammoth with about 1.500 kilo of meat, fat and bones......

    Never mind...I love vegans...very smooth meat :devil: :smile:

    roflmao.....oh yes, lots of bananas in northern europe.....I know.....

    Your vegans are sooooo funny....

    Yep, bananas can grow everywhere! Didn't you know that? :P

    Yeah, cos bananas are the only non-STEAK food available, so all us Europeans better eat our meat! :tongue: :laugh: And most of a Chimpanzees diet is made up of fruit! :tongue:

    Most of my diet is made up of fruits, vegies and grains. I'm not arguing that humans should exclusively eat meat...
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    Cows are there because we eat them and/or use their milk, no guilt required.

    Sorry, but "cows are there" and millions upon millions (upon millions) of cows and pigs and birds are killed daily because we have created a society which feels it simply must have that meat. It's a fantasy cultivated lovingly by huge corporations...(Milk, for example, is not intended for humans, but probably 99 of 100 people think it "does a body good") :laugh:

    Argue if you like, but the Standard American Diet has made us the fattest and most disease ridden society on earth.

    Then why do so many people lose a ton of weight when they go low carb? No one food group has made us fat! Laziness and over indulgence have made us fat.
  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    Cows are there because we eat them and/or use their milk, no guilt required.

    Sorry, but "cows are there" and millions upon millions (upon millions) of cows and pigs and birds are killed daily because we have created a society which feels it simply must have that meat. It's a fantasy cultivated lovingly by huge corporations...(Milk, for example, is not intended for humans, but probably 99 of 100 people think it "does a body good") :laugh:

    Argue if you like, but the Standard American Diet has made us the fattest and most disease ridden society on earth.

    Then why do so many people lose a ton of weight when they go low carb? No one food group has made us fat! Laziness and over indulgence have made us fat.

    HAHA, oh don't even get me started on low-carb. Pretty please :tongue:

    Guys...I'm not even a vegan, or even a vegetarian LOL, I eat fish sometimes. But I'm not as deluded as most people. I don't try to justify bad habits with BULL****. I know how much mass-meat production damages our planet and our bodies.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Also, your propaganda about vegans living longer: the diet hasn't been around long enough to be able to establish that with any accuracy, so I have to call bull**** for now. :)

    Vegan and vegetarian diets have been around for as long as people have been around. From a purely statistical perspective vegans and omnivores have the same mortality rate. Lacto-ovo vegetarians have the lowest mortality rate. I'm sure when scientists think they have figured out why there will be an abundance of pills to attempt to replicate the effect.

    And in response to the original question, if you are craving red meat, particularly RAW red meat, then you are probably a little low on iron. Eat up on some high iron foods before the dirt craving kicks in!!!
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    Cows are there because we eat them and/or use their milk, no guilt required.

    Sorry, but "cows are there" and millions upon millions (upon millions) of cows and pigs and birds are killed daily because we have created a society which feels it simply must have that meat. It's a fantasy cultivated lovingly by huge corporations...(Milk, for example, is not intended for humans, but probably 99 of 100 people think it "does a body good") :laugh:

    Argue if you like, but the Standard American Diet has made us the fattest and most disease ridden society on earth.

    Then why do so many people lose a ton of weight when they go low carb? No one food group has made us fat! Laziness and over indulgence have made us fat.

    HAHA, oh don't even get me started on low-carb. Pretty please :tongue:

    Guys...I'm not even a vegan, or even a vegetarian LOL, I eat fish sometimes. But I'm not as deluded as most people. I don't try to justify bad habits with BULL****. I know how much mass-meat production damages our planet and our bodies.

    Wow...this is the first time I have ever been successfully trolled. Good job. Lmfao.

    This kind of thing is why I never go into Vegan threads and **** them up, because it always turns into this kind of back and forth ****fest.

    I won't argue against agribusiness being completely out of hand, in fact, I agree completely. The problem is that due to state game laws, most people have no choice but to turn to mass produced meat. What's that? The state being in it with agribusiness? No waaay. Just another example among thousands of why I loathe our current legislative set up.

    It's not just meat-eaters either. Ever notice the zoning laws in many places that prohibit people from growing large quantities of plants at their place of residence?
  • millyvanilli321
    millyvanilli321 Posts: 236 Member
    Chimpanzees are omnivores (eating plants and meat). They forage for food in the forests during the day, eating leaves, fruit, seeds, tree bark, plant bulbs, tender plant shoots, and flowers. They also eat termites, ants, and small animals (they have even been known to eat young monkeys).

    There are a couple of species of ape that are cannabalistic habitually. And a few more than are carnivorous. Most enjoy a varied diet that encompasses meat and veg/fruit/legumes.
    HAHA, oh don't even get me started on low-carb. Pretty please :tongue:

    Guys...I'm not even a vegan, or even a vegetarian LOL, I eat fish sometimes. But I'm not as deluded as most people. I don't try to justify bad habits with BULL****. I know how much mass-meat production damages our planet and our bodies.

    Mass-production of plants has also damaged the environment and could damage your body. Palm oil, rapeseed oil, genetically engineered plants etc. There are 2 sides to that argument.