Detox-need help-have pics in a few days!



  • Toshiana123
    Watercress, Lemon Water, Dark Leafy Greens, Fresh Fruit, Cabbage, Artichokes, Beets, Ginger and Garlic, Green Tea, and Whole Grains.
  • Ralstonk2
    Ralstonk2 Posts: 345 Member
    Okay friends! Besides chugging a **** ton of water (It's hard to go to the bathroom as many times as I need to because being so busy at the new job!) but I need to do some type of detox thing tomorrow. And not necessarily like a detox drink or something but what food/foods should I eat tomorrow and for a few days to help detox some of the water weight and what not? I have pics on Sunday and don't want to be bloated and I feel like that. I know about the water with the lemon and cucumber thing but anything else I should try? And I'm on a very tight budget right now so I can't go buying a lot of this and that. Thank you!!!

    Pics for what?

    If you need to tighten your tummy temporarily, Prep H and saran wrap, totally srs

    And I've actually tried body wraps before and it didn't do anything for me. :-(

    He was being facetious. I think using the word "detox" is misleading-- what you really want is to get rid of bloat, yes? Cut down on sodium as much as you can, drink water, eat as clean as possible. I've also heard (though have not observed) that carbs cause more bloating. Might be worth a look. Most people on this site (myself included) have a negative knee-jerk reaction to the term detox because it is usually associated with pseudoscience. Google "debunking detox" and you'll see why it tends to be viewed negatively.

    I have no doubt that people do that crap, I just figured you were more reasonable than to suggest that as a desirable course of action. :) Am I wrong in that assumption?

    Unreasonable goals and requests require unreasonable courses of action. Presumably she has known this date was coming up but only freaking out about doing something a few days prior

    Okay your talking like I'm not here and can't read this. But no, I'm on new medicine that is giving me very weird side effects that I'm actually calling my Dr for today but I can't go off of the medicine and since this is the only change in my diet or medicine that I take, I'm assuming it's this but this is something I can't control so I'm trying to minimize the bloat and the feeling like a I look like a whale. So no, I've lost 60 lbs I'm not worried about all that but this medicine make my face bloat up too but my dr did tell me to drink a lot of water and I have been but dang, how much?