Asstastic Workout!



  • scottsilver81
    Lol, yes that will teach me not to text and drive !
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    ok I went through just one set of each (I'm still recovering from my Saturday's leg/butt day, today is supposed to be cardio only so I kept it light in hopes that I'll be able to get off the toilet unassisted tomorrow) I gotta say I like it!
    #1 will take some work on my part to perfect the form, I felt a little off balance so I'm sure I didn't get the full benefit of it. hopefully after a few times through the workout I'll be able to do it correctly!
    #2 I'm not quite to single leg stage on this one but I did add a 5 count pulse at the top of every 5th lift
    #3 I really had to focus on squeezing my glutes at each tap to feel like I was isolating my butt
    #4 I felt this one all over my legs and butt, I was able get the form right and I felt every rep. I really like this one! First time I've attempted any single legged squats
    #5 this is one I've done before, I added the 5 count pulse at the bottom of every 5th
    #6 this one was brand new to me and by this point my muscles were trembling. I did the 20 but the last 5 I definitely did not hold a full two seconds on.

    Tomorrow is a rest day but Wednesday I'll try this full routine and probably repeat it three times as my leg workout. looks like it'll be a good one!

    Thanks :)
  • scottsilver81
    awesome thank you for the feedback !!!
    glad you like the workout!

    I am thinking I might have to take the toe taps out and replace them with a better exercise
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Bump because I want to be asstastic. Thanks!
  • scottsilver81
    ok to make this routine harder i'm going to swap out the toe taps... for stairs... at two levels....

    level 1 climb your stairs one step at a time and jog back down
    level 2 climb 2 steps at a time.. and job back down
    level 3 do 2 stairs at a time but sprint up the stairs...
    level 4 do 3 steps at a time sprinting....

    hopefully this will add be a better workout than the toe taps as they seem to be not as effective...
    again all feedback will lead us to being asstastic!! :D
  • scottsilver81
    i've also had the suggestions of bulgarian split squats (also know as the one leg dumbell squat)... so if any of these exercises are too easy they could be substituted for it...

    Set up for the one leg dumbbell squat by choosing a pair of dumbbells and standing about 2 to 3 feet in front of a flat bench or some other elevated platform.
    You should be facing away from the bench with the dumbbells down at your sides.
    Now carefully extend your right leg behind you and place the top of your foot securely on the bench.
    Keeping your eyes facing forwards slowly lower your body down by bending at the left knee.
    Don't lean forward as you come down. Your buttocks should come out and drop straight down.
    Squat down until your left thigh is parallel with the floor, and then slowly raise your body back up by pushing through your heel.
    Do not lock the knee out when you stand up.
    Repeat for 15 reps and then repeat using your right leg.
  • wimeezer
    wimeezer Posts: 404 Member
    Thanks for sharing!
  • Doberdawn
    Doberdawn Posts: 732 Member
    HI guys i was asked to put together a workout to scult a better butt and would like your opinion it....

    I'm gonna assume you mean that and be honest.I'll review each exercise individually below, but this is at best a beginner's level day, not an *kitten*-kicker.

    1. Squat with Kick-Back

    I felt nothing. Totally ineffective, but I should say that like the other reviewer who shared this opinion, I also workout doing a basic kettlebell workout with squats (now that's a workout I feel, btw)

    2. Hip-Lift Progression

    This one I could feel, but had to add the extended leg & hold the position

    3. Toe Taps

    Lower abs work, but I felt nada in the buttocks. Sorry.

    4. Oops deleted this one... The slide out squat

    I ditched the towel. Instead, I put a non-skid mat on the kitchen floor. I stood with the base squatting leg's foot on the mat. With a cloth under the foot to make it slide easier, I did them. I did feel these but same as if I just tried to balance on one leg in a squat. I'm not sure sliding the other leg really works the butt anymore though it probably helps the thighs.


    I hold longer and it does affect the bum somewhat, but I've always found it more noticeable in the thighs personally

    6. Bridge ups

    I could feel this, but had to hold it really long like 30+ seconds to feel like an exercise
    Start by completing all 6 exercises if you find it too easy increase the number of sets (times you do it)

    looking forward to hearing what you think..

    Okay Scott, those are my thoughts. I'll be happy to test and review any others you come up with. Just message me if I don't catch the post.

  • rompers16
    rompers16 Posts: 5,404 Member
    bump...even though I feel like I may fall on my face trying ;)
  • Doberdawn
    Doberdawn Posts: 732 Member
    i've also had the suggestions of bulgarian split squats (also know as the one leg dumbell squat)... so if any of these exercises are too easy they could be substituted for it...

    Set up for the one leg dumbbell squat by choosing a pair of dumbbells and standing about 2 to 3 feet in front of a flat bench or some other elevated platform.
    You should be facing away from the bench with the dumbbells down at your sides.
    Now carefully extend your right leg behind you and place the top of your foot securely on the bench.
    Keeping your eyes facing forwards slowly lower your body down by bending at the left knee.
    Don't lean forward as you come down. Your buttocks should come out and drop straight down.
    Squat down until your left thigh is parallel with the floor, and then slowly raise your body back up by pushing through your heel.
    Do not lock the knee out when you stand up.
    Repeat for 15 reps and then repeat using your right leg.

    I do these, but form is critical. If done right, you will feel it in the desired targeted muscles. If you don't, you'll blow out your knees & probably need orthopedic surgery.

    When lowering down, you go straight down. You do not lunge forward. There are two things to check. 1. Your knee should never pass the bridge of your foot & your toes should be visible in front of your knee at all times. 2. This is critical for ALL squats! Your weight must be in your heels, NOT in the ball of your foot nor in the toes. If the weight is forward, the glutes will not be doing the work - the quads & knees will be. This can strain and destroy knees. Of the weight is in your heels, your glutes & quads will do the work targeting what you want and protecting your knees. So, number 2 is to lift up & wiggle your toes frequently while doing this exercise to check and make sure your weight is on your heels.

    Good luck! Oh yeah, and if you don't own weights, fill empty milk jugs with water or sand or gravel or...
  • Doberdawn
    Doberdawn Posts: 732 Member
    If your friend is looking for a workout to start, he or she may want to check this out:

    It is free on YouTube & for the next 30 days they'll be posting additional ones for a 30-day butt buster theme.