roommate help?

I'm studying abroad this semester and living with a girl I hadn't meet until this year. She's very nice, and she and I decided to calorie count and go to the gym together. She's a couple inches shorter than me, but about 20 lbs heavier. I personally have lost 20 pounds since May, and only have that stubborn last 10 to go (yay!). But then I start to get frustrated with her habits, even though they don't affect me at all! Why is this? I eat well every day and go to the gym 5 days out of the week for at least 45 minutes, and already I can see/feel a difference. She, on the other hand, claims that she "just doesn't lose weight" as if it were a real excuse, goes to the gym twice a week for 15 minutes and only does the lowest level on the elliptical. When we eat breakfast, she fills her bowl with 3x the amount of a serving size, and when our homestay family makes us dinner (which is sometimes starchy but it's only twice a week), I'll eat what's on my plate and be completely stuffed, while she dives in four thirds and fourths.

I KNOW her eating and exercise habits should be none of my business, but when I hear her complain about her weight, the fact the her twin is much skinnier than she is, or when I hear her skype with her parents to tell them she works out all the time and eats healthy (which isn't true), I just get frustrated! Why do I feel like this? Is there any way I can motivate her without saying "you're too fat" or "you shouldn't eat that"?


  • Stenobun
    Stenobun Posts: 166 Member
    It sounds like she does need motivation, but I don't know if it's a good idea to say something like that to someone you're living with. She really needs to come to that state of mind on her own. I know personally I was never 100% committed to losing weight until I finally reached that point mentally where I said enough is enough, even after several years of people saying things to me about my weight. Does she know about MFP? Maybe if she doesn't you could suggest she take a look. I find a great deal of motivation and helpful information from the people on this site, and then you don't have to risk hurting her feelings.