Not Losing Weight - What am I doing wrong???

im new here and was just wondering the same. i have been eating properly for just over two weeks now (net calorie intake is 1200 as advised) and i weighed myself this morning and i have only lost a pound in this whole time. last week i gained about a pound but a day later i got my period so i assumed thats why so this week (my period finished yesterday) i though i would at least be down 3 pounds but unfortunately not
i dont know what im doing wrong as i do spinning twice a week a TRX class once a week and walk/jog for another 2 nights (5 nights in total)

would be grateful for any advice/help etc,



  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    What are your goals, height, weight etc?
    We need more info if we're gonna help? But a pound a week is ok! :smile:
  • nicleed
    nicleed Posts: 247 Member
    MFP's lowest cal setting for women is 1200, so if you have set it to lose 1.5 pd a week, and that would give you fewer than 1200 net calories, it still sets it at 1200.

    And, if you need to eat less than 1200 to meet your goal, then you may not be eating enough to fuel your basic body needs.

    My questions to you are ; age? Height? Current weight? Goal weight?

  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Weight loss is not linear, and your period will certainly mess things up. A week or two isn't enough time to see if what you're doing is really working. Your profile says you have 15 lbs to lose, so unfortunately it is going to be quite slow. Just keep at it and see how you get on over the next couple of weeks. You might need to eat a bit more, as it sounds like you're quite active.
  • sharonole
    sharonole Posts: 15 Member
    thanks guys.

    The net calorie of 1200 was based on my profile. i consume approx 1600 calories a day but i exercise so the net intake is 1200.
    the pound weight loss is over two weeks ( sorry if i didnt make that clear in my first post) so its half a pound a week. i was suprised as i completely changed my eating and really stuck to it and so i thought i should be down the 3 pounds over the 2 weeks.
    Ya maybe its not enough time for it to show ( its just so frustrating)
    im 5ft 6 and 168lbs.
  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    What types of things are you eating?

    Give it time and be patient...our time of month ALWAYS throws the scales off. Be consistent and you will see consistent results :smile:
  • helenrode
    helenrode Posts: 4 Member
    My doctor told me to up my calories a bit--to 1300. With exercise I am allowed close to 2000 but I do not eat that. At 65 the weight loss is painfully slow but a pound a week is GREAT and bear in mind that the slower you go the better you will look. Seriously it seems I am at a plateau on the scale and my body gets smaller; the scales move and my body adjusts more slowly. Eating a healthy diet has more rewards than what you can see in a mirror so don't lose hope!!
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    You had your period...
    Wait a week or 2 and weigh again, it will be down.
  • Jamie_Lauren
    Jamie_Lauren Posts: 211 Member
    What are you doing wrong?

    Answer: you're being impatient!

    This process takes time, and I promise you that if you have the patience and the willpower to stick it out and consistently meet your caloric goals, then you will see results. Two weeks is took me over a year to get to where I am now, and it felt like a lifetime but it was worth it!
  • Angiesolomon
    Angiesolomon Posts: 144 Member
    Make sure your calorie intake is accurate ie weight food etc.

    Make sure your exercise calories are accurate by wearing an HRM. You may not be burning as much as you think.
  • Gennacy
    Gennacy Posts: 27 Member
    It takes me 2 weeks to lose weight when i am on my period, I gain the first week (1-2lbs if i'm lucky), maintain the next and drop at least 3-4 lbs from the 2 weeks before weight..
    (ie week 1 170lbs, week 2 168lbs (period, week 3 170lbs week 4 170lbs Week 5/1 166lbs - I hope that makes sense :D)

    Obviously this isn't the same for everyone, but i suggest waiting to see what results you get from an entire month..

    Good Luck :D
  • Jamie_Lauren
    Jamie_Lauren Posts: 211 Member
    Make sure your calorie intake is accurate ie weight food etc.

    Make sure your exercise calories are accurate by wearing an HRM. You may not be burning as much as you think.

    Also this ^^^

    A HRM was the best investment I have made probably ever. I find that MFP can grossly overestimate how many calories you burn during exercise, and a HRM is way more accurate.
  • sharonole
    sharonole Posts: 15 Member
    thanks guys...

    ill see how the next few weeks go and fingers crossed it will start showing.
  • Jamie_Lauren
    Jamie_Lauren Posts: 211 Member
    Best of luck to you! :flowerforyou:
  • Hi .. Iam the same height and weight as yours .. Im 169 rather . Lol ..its been exactly a month for me working out 30-40 mints. Six times per week and limiting my diet to 1600 cals. Per day .. But no weight loss or inch loss .. I dnt understand whats going wrong .. Im really feeling frustrated .. Smbddy help plz!!