Distilled, spring or tap water?? Which is best?



  • prjoy98
    prjoy98 Posts: 250 Member
    When we lived overseas we had a distiller (they are expensive) in our house that my employer provided due to the poor quality of local water. LET ME TELL YOU....when I came back stateside to visit and bought (INSERT FAV bottled H2O here!) I could TOTALLY taste the difference!!!
    Like you said distilled is the purest but some people will argue that the distiller also takes away *some nutrients" (fluoride for example) that we need.
    If it's flavor/taste then hands down!
  • samantha1953
    samantha1953 Posts: 156 Member
    I live in Northern Michigan and my well is sand filtered water from Lake Michigan. It is pure and high in minerals. It's healthy for us but destroys coffeemakers. I use Brita for coffee but I love my drinking water right out of the tap.
  • Brewster1215
    Brewster1215 Posts: 247 Member
    I live in Arizona and the tap water in my house is straight up GROSS. Even the filtered water through my fridge is nasty so we buy triple filtered water at the H2O store.....there's an amazing difference. Given how disgusting our tap water is, I have to believe the water we buy must be healthier....but I have no scientific data to back that up! :smile:

    As a resident of Phoenix, I must agree...worst water I've ever tasted!
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Do not drink distilled water. It isn't for drinking and can cause health problems.

    This is incorrect, unless you are talking about distilled water sold for batteries or irons marked "not for human consumption".

    There are several manufactures that make distilled water systems for drinking and in several regions of the the world, distilled water is the only/best source of drinkable water.

    However, in many places the local water is an important source of some mineral, going to distilled water will eliminate those and then one must get another source for the daily allowance of things like calcium, magnesium, etc...

    I drink tap & bottled in Europe and the US and bottled or filtered when travelling.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    We only use distilled water for making colloidal silver. If I am grabbing "to-go" water, then I usually just grab whatever, though I will swear that Fiji water is the best water I've ever had. At home and at work, I drink filtered tap water.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    The answer is Distilled water!!!!!

    I normally drink tap water because after all I am cheap! But yesterday I decided to drink distilled water all day long. I can really taste a different it taste cleaner.

    All water is good for you but Distilled water is the purest form!!!

    Happy drinking

    Distilled water on a regular basis is supposedly dangerous last time I heard.

    That sounds like propaganda to me.

    ETA: There is absolutely NOTHING dangerous about distilled water. It is simply water that has been boiled for at least 5 minutes. In fact sometimes if a water main breaks or something, a municipality will ORDER the population to boil the water to MAKE it safe.
  • default
    default Posts: 124 Member
    Tap water unless you live in a developing or third world country or an area with high contaminants.

    don't buy the propoganda.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    The answer is Distilled water!!!!!

    I normally drink tap water because after all I am cheap! But yesterday I decided to drink distilled water all day long. I can really taste a different it taste cleaner.

    All water is good for you but Distilled water is the purest form!!!

    Happy drinking

    Distilled water on a regular basis is supposedly dangerous last time I heard.

    That sounds like propaganda to me.

    ETA: There is absolutely NOTHING dangerous about distilled water. It is simply water that has been boiled for at least 5 minutes. In fact sometimes if a water main breaks or something, a municipality will ORDER the population to boil the water to MAKE it safe.

    This is also incorrected, boiled water is not distilled water. Distilled water is from a distillation process where water is boiled into steam leaving behind impurities, the steam is re-cooled to liquid form. Boiled water is boiled water - sterile but maintains impurities.
  • missionPossibleIcan
    I love all the talk about WATER. Makes you think right!

    I do agree that to me Water is water and I will drink normally whatever. But I been thinking about what is actually in the water I drink. I been alive and living healthy for 31 years now...so NO tap water isn't going to kill me and hasn't! I am just testing all the kinds of water just to see if I notice a difference...

    I totally notice a difference but with that being said... I will probably continue to drink whatever because I LOVE water! lol
  • mamatafari
    mamatafari Posts: 34 Member
    Blech. Tap water means that you are drinking someone else's medication/***** control etc.
    No thanks!
    And actually, for the person who talked about developing countries, supposedly South Africa has the best water filtering system world wide.
  • Erienneb
    Erienneb Posts: 592 Member
    At home we are not on city water, we have a well. I don't mind it at all, but my friend's who aren't used to it won't drink it. At work we are provided bottled water because the water machine doesn't filter from the water line anymore. The thing is, the water line is the same as the drinking fountain, and is better than well water ay my house, so I don't mind. Since I drink so much water a day I start with one water bottle and refill it from the machine throughout the day. At home I drink from the sink over ice.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    The answer is Distilled water!!!!!

    I normally drink tap water because after all I am cheap! But yesterday I decided to drink distilled water all day long. I can really taste a different it taste cleaner.

    All water is good for you but Distilled water is the purest form!!!

    Happy drinking

    Distilled water on a regular basis is supposedly dangerous last time I heard.

    That sounds like propaganda to me.

    ETA: There is absolutely NOTHING dangerous about distilled water. It is simply water that has been boiled for at least 5 minutes. In fact sometimes if a water main breaks or something, a municipality will ORDER the population to boil the water to MAKE it safe.

    Of course it would sound like propaganda when you're busy making colloidal silver potions.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    I prefer filtered tap or spring water because it does not taste of chlorine and because spring water contains mineral which I may need.

    But why is distilled water dangerous Victoria? Any good foundation for your claim?

    From what I remember reading is that since its so pure it lacks minerals. Minerals that you wouldn't normally get in your diet if it isn't varied enough (like most peoples diets of corn flakes and sugar usually are). It's not dangerous in the sense that you'll have one sip and die though.

    Just to add, pretty much all natural water sources have other things in it. You're never just drinking pure H20 so it would be safe to assume that people aren't intended to drink distilled water as their main water source.

    Another thing I read is that it's more acidic since it absorbs carbon dioxide from the air. I'm not sure how true that is though.