Lost 3 lbs in one day!

What motivation! I just started ViSalus yesterday and Im already down 3 lbs this morning! I didnt even exercise!! Just drank the shakes and had dinner and cleaned my house for a bit. The more I see pounds drop the more Ill stay motivated but Im scared once I gain or dont see any chance Ill say eff it and fall off track :S


  • mulderpf
    mulderpf Posts: 209 Member
    It's not fat that you lost - it's just water. Don't set yourself up for failure - it's not going to be 3 lbs a day forever. Your body probably hasn't even started burning any fat yet, you need to give any diet more time than that!
  • creature275
    creature275 Posts: 348 Member
    probably mostly water
  • Jenny_Taylia
    Jenny_Taylia Posts: 540 Member
    Even if it is just water..Every morning the scale has been the same or a pound or more...fluctuates every day. Just seeing it go down some makes me happy. Its nice for me to see some change.
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    To lose 3 pounds of fat in a day you'd pretty much have to run an ultramarathon (burn upwards of 10K calories in a day via exercise).

    Even losing at ultrahigh crash diet rates, the best you'll able to get up to is about 0.5 lb fat/day. At a high sustainable pace you're looking at closer to 0.3 lb fat/day (if you are very obese).
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    diets dont work, a healthy lifestyle does!
  • Jenny_Taylia
    Jenny_Taylia Posts: 540 Member
    diets dont work, a healthy lifestyle does!

    Just trying to get a head start on living a healthier lifestyle ;)
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    I predict the next thread will be: "I gained 2 lbs in one day, is it muscle?"
  • guardian419
    guardian419 Posts: 391 Member
    I lost 3 lbs about 20 minutes ago... took a post run poo :)
  • bannedword
    bannedword Posts: 299 Member
    I predict the next thread will be: "I gained 2 lbs in one day, is it muscle?"

    Jenny Taylia? Jenny Taylia?

    Say it out loud with me.

    Jenny Taylia.

    I cry troll.
  • yecatsml
    yecatsml Posts: 180 Member
    I can easily fluctuate 5 lbs a day from water weight depending if I had a salty dinner or if it's TOM.
  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member
    Didnt you just post another thread saying that you were not having any success in weight loss and were wondering if it was all the coffee you drink? :huh:
  • Jenny_Taylia
    Jenny_Taylia Posts: 540 Member
    Geeeeez you guys you could at least LIE and say good job!!!!!
  • KerrieJane86
    KerrieJane86 Posts: 75 Member
    I think I would be scared if I lost 3lbs in one day :|
    Holy Moly that is a lot!
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    diets dont work, a healthy lifestyle does!

    Just trying to get a head start on living a healthier lifestyle ;)

    Drinking her shakes isn't a healthy lifestyle.

    That being said, by simply cutting out a lot of carbs will cause you to lose a lot of weight from water retention. Heck, I could go up or down 5 lbs in a day, simply by eating a pizza one day, then sticking to my normal diet the next.

    Anyway, I know where you're coming from. I quit all processed foods cold-turkey in July. I lost 10 lbs in a week, and another 7 by the end of the month. Was it all fat? No. It was nearly entirely water. Was it from drinking some over-priced "healthy" shakes? No. I made all my food from scratch and avoided potentially allergenic foods (milk, peanuts, soy, etc).

    If you really wanted to live healthy and lose weight, stop drinking the money-sucking shakes and actually eat some food. You'll see the same weight results, but you'll feel better after, and you'll know how to continue to eat healthy when you're done.
  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    Some people on here are mean. GOOD JOB!!!! It won't keep coming off at that rate, but keep it up and you will see results!!!!
  • Jenny_Taylia
    Jenny_Taylia Posts: 540 Member
    Didnt you just post another thread saying that you were not having any success in weight loss and were wondering if it was all the coffee you drink? :huh:

    Kinda, sorta...Though I didnt mention I was having trouble losing weight in it (though I am) Just started getting my but in gear to lose weight and the more I disscuss aboot it the more Ill stick with it. Even if it means asking pointless questions that everyone will shake their heads at.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Some people on here are mean. GOOD JOB!!!! It won't keep coming off at that rate, but keep it up and you will see results!!!!

    It's less about being mean and more about being sick of people showing up and claiming amazing health benefits from some miracle product (Visalus/Beachbody/whatever other thing is sold to schmucks that are too lazy to put WORK into losing weight). I'm almost 140 lbs down from eating and exercising. They show up and spam the message boards. In another post of the OP, they say that they just started visalus a day ago, now they're here on the message boards. She admits that she hasn't counted calories in another post.

    Being annoyed with these folks is a legit reaction. I'm annoyed with them. I've worked my butt off, literally, and have tried to preach the benefits of a healthy lifestyle in order to lose weight, but these people pop up and suck the gullible into their web of stupid.
  • derekj222
    derekj222 Posts: 370 Member
    I predict the next thread will be: "I gained 2 lbs in one day, is it muscle?"


    We aren't trying to stunt your progress or lower your self esteem, but that was not 3lbs of fat...weight yourself once a week, no more than that
  • quiltergirlar
    quiltergirlar Posts: 35 Member
    It's water. You would have to to burn 10,500 more calories than you ate in just that one day. Not going to happen. Even walking my marathon, it was only 2,600 calories at 100 calories per mile. I lost 4 pounds in 2 days and I know it was just water.

    There are no quick fixes, eat less to lose weight, exercise to keep it off.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    You posted in the other thread that you barely eat 800 calories a day and are worried about cream in your coffee, then you say you're having these shakes instead of real food and you're looking for some kind of support? Not likely to happen.