Fell of the exercise wagon

Okay so I admit it after not feeling well last week I have fallen off the exercise wagon. I haven't done any cardio in a week. My sleep quality isn't very good again and I am finding myself tired all the time. Also I have noticed that the day after I do some crunches with my exercise ball my upper to middle back (along the spine) starts to hurt. I have a desk job that has me sitting for almost 8 hours a day so that aggravates it even more. What can I do to get back on track with my exercising again?


  • jen10st
    jen10st Posts: 325 Member
    Get up and for for a walk right now, don't listen to yourself make excuses just do it. I often find it hard to get motivated if I've had time away from exercising and the best way is not to think about it and give your brain time to put you off just get your trainers on and go asap. You will get back into it, if you've been ill then the fact you want to get back to it is a sign that you're well enough so go and enjoy that great feeling that comes with exercising :)
  • unlocke
    unlocke Posts: 149
    I'm there too. A couple of weeks ago, my parents were both in the hospital at the same time, both of them with life-threatening issues. I fell off of every wagon I've ever been on!! LOL. We were eating out of vending machines, not sleeping, not exercising, not doing anything.
    Since then, I have been VERY tired, gained several pounds, and having the hardest time getting my motivation and energy back.
    I think the key is to get so tired of being tired that you just push through it until you're not tired anymore. I know it's much easier said than done, but at this point......I either have to just do it, or go buy bigger pants. :noway:
    Feel free to add me and we will motivate each other. Drink lots of water today and make an appointment with yourself to work out, no matter what. Let's do this!!!

    p.s...I also sit at a desk for 8 hours a day. Take advantage of your lunch break.....go for a walk or do whatever it takes to get moving. Start TODAY. (One more trick I have......drinking lots of water makes me go to the bathroom often. Each time I'm in there, I get in a few wall push-ups, knee-lifts and squats. Anthing to get the muscles woke up.) Every little bit counts. You can do it!!!