Rant on people at the gym



  • TheRightWeigh
    TheRightWeigh Posts: 249 Member
  • CyeRyn
    CyeRyn Posts: 389 Member
    Seems your #2 contradicts your #1. Either way, if I were in your position and those things bothered me I'd just crank up the music and try to ignore the people around me.
  • richx83
    richx83 Posts: 334 Member
    I look because I like to see what techniques people are using to try different things myself such as going backwards on the cross trainer or doing the high resistance intervals on the bike
  • Ghkffb56
    Ghkffb56 Posts: 263 Member
    don't forget slamming weights and growling

    I do all this ^^... yuuup i growl :) and i crush myself and i sweat and i might even do a little dance when i hit my max :)
  • megleo818
    megleo818 Posts: 595 Member
    This is why I take my mp3 player, and concentrate on my own work if I am by myself.

    This. If YOU mind YOUR business and stay inside the nice bubble of your music, you won't have to be angry at anyone else.
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    There's this one guy at my gym - he is so annoying. He's always looking at me and then doing these hip thrusty things with a weird cannonball looking thing with a handle. Sometimes he looks at me and I just know he's judging me and thinks I need to be doing more weight. But then other times it's weird because he'll smile at me, almost as if he's proud of me.

    Wait - nevermind. That's just me, because the only gym I go to is my living room.
  • katiefridley
    katiefridley Posts: 151 Member
    In response to the girl ranting about mother/daughter working out. I don't know how to quote yet...

    It seems like you are really just manifesting your own insecurities by deflecting them on to others. They are exercising for fifteen minutes and stretching daily AND drinking water. That is much more than most people. Kudos to them. At least they care. Their lifestyle doesn't have to meet your standards. Frankly, YOU are the reason people fear going to the gym and getting healthier.
  • MariaChele85
    MariaChele85 Posts: 267 Member
    I CANNOT HANDLE this mother and daughter that come in to the gym HALF AN HOUR BEFORE THE GYM CLOSES to WALK on the treadmill at the SLOWEST speed for 10 minutes, then go on the ergo for 5 mins, and then STRETCH and drink water for 15 minutes...


    There I am, sweating it out on the treadmill, having an awesome workout which I started at least an hour and a half before the gym closes, and they come in with 30 mins to go - walking at the pace of a snail....

    AND the daughter seriously needs to lose weight.. She needs to actually WORK OUT and SWEAT and challenge herself.. not have a lovely stroll at the gym
    AND they both act so exhausted at the end when they're stretching.. whilst I'm drenched in sweat and red all over my face
    soooooo annooooyyyinggggg

    hahahaha, I feel better. And I guess its kinda motivating for me... But still, haha.
    Love this!!!
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    I think you need to chill out, and worry about yourself rather than other people.

    Just my opinion though.

    ^^^This...and invest in an iPod. Find your zone, get in it, and ignore everyone else.
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    If you are next to me on the treadmill, then yes, we are racing ;)

    I love you! I don't know but this made me laugh pretty hard, I just imagined you in a 80s workout outfit with the headband and armbands ready to race.
  • caseythirteen
    caseythirteen Posts: 956 Member
    Most things don't really bother me at the gym, because like others said, just listening to my tunes and doing my thing. However, the guy this morning that spent more time talking than actually doing anything while hogging the only squat rack really pissed me off. Got in my squats before he hogged it but had to use an EZ Bar for stiff leg deads. I'll improvise but I'd prefer if everyone shared the sandbox.
  • CBoogie84
    CBoogie84 Posts: 16 Member
    There's this one guy at my gym - he is so annoying. He's always looking at me and then doing these hip thrusty things with a weird cannonball looking thing with a handle. Sometimes he looks at me and I just know he's judging me and thinks I need to be doing more weight. But then other times it's weird because he'll smile at me, almost as if he's proud of me.

    Wait - nevermind. That's just me, because the only gym I go to is my living room.

    This = awesome
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 994 Member
    Seriously why is everyone so socially awkward at the gym. MUST HATE ON EVERYONE AT THE GYM!

    ^^ This! I don't understand why people have such a hard time smiling at one another or acknowledging others at the gym. We are all there for the same reason. If you see me doing something and I have bad form or you have advice - give it to me. I'm all ears. I can workout hard and take a second to say hi to someone.
  • nphect
    nphect Posts: 474
    i have these old guys at my gym that like to jump from one machine to the next, and yesterday one said under his breathe, "he likes to hog the machines". Apparently doing 2-3 sets of 6-8, w/ 30-45 seconds in between isn't fast enough. So i stood about a foot away from him while he was on a machine and just stared at him, until he looked about 5 years old. (quit fukin with me old dude...)
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    Last time I read one of these threads "grunting" at the gym was under attack. When I first began at the gym I grunted because I was so heavy it was hard to get off the floor after doing crunches. Now I grunt, because I am lifting heavy weights or doing strenuous exercises. Geeeze ....

    I think I throw an extra grunt in just for good measure.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    You probably burn a lot of extra calories just being angry. If you don't look at their machines how do you know what speeds or inclines they're using?

    ^^^^This. This post basically reads: STOP LOOKING AT ME WHILE I'M LOOKING AT YOU!
  • testease
    testease Posts: 220
    Seriously why is everyone so socially awkward at the gym. MUST HATE ON EVERYONE AT THE GYM!

    ^^ This! I don't understand why people have such a hard time smiling at one another or acknowledging others at the gym. We are all there for the same reason. If you see me doing something and I have bad form or you have advice - give it to me. I'm all ears. I can workout hard and take a second to say hi to someone.

    I dont even wear headphones to the gym, my eyes are always up, i wave, i say hi. I shoot the **** between sets. Dont understand why the gym has to be this place of "hard" people saying **** you to the world.
  • nphect
    nphect Posts: 474
    Seriously why is everyone so socially awkward at the gym. MUST HATE ON EVERYONE AT THE GYM!

    ^^ This! I don't understand why people have such a hard time smiling at one another or acknowledging others at the gym. We are all there for the same reason. If you see me doing something and I have bad form or you have advice - give it to me. I'm all ears. I can workout hard and take a second to say hi to someone.

    I dont even wear headphones to the gym, my eyes are always up, i wave, i say hi. I shoot the **** between sets. Dont understand why the gym has to be this place of "hard" people saying **** you to the world.

    it doesn't , some people just don't go there to shoot the ****. i don't need to hear "good job" every 10 seconds , every day im in the gym. I know im doing a good job, ive been doing it for 10 years.
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 994 Member
    Seriously why is everyone so socially awkward at the gym. MUST HATE ON EVERYONE AT THE GYM!

    ^^ This! I don't understand why people have such a hard time smiling at one another or acknowledging others at the gym. We are all there for the same reason. If you see me doing something and I have bad form or you have advice - give it to me. I'm all ears. I can workout hard and take a second to say hi to someone.

    I dont even wear headphones to the gym, my eyes are always up, i wave, i say hi. I shoot the **** between sets. Dont understand why the gym has to be this place of "hard" people saying **** you to the world.

    ^^I usually wear my earbuds but I always look at everyone I walk by. If I'm resting in between sets I look in the mirror and watch what others are doing. I have a smile on my face and sometimes I'm tapping my hands, feet, or moving my head to music. I'm not there to look stone cold. Don't talk to me when I'm in the middle of pressing but when I'm done say hi if you want. I don't bite.
  • nphect
    nphect Posts: 474
    Seriously why is everyone so socially awkward at the gym. MUST HATE ON EVERYONE AT THE GYM!

    ^^ This! I don't understand why people have such a hard time smiling at one another or acknowledging others at the gym. We are all there for the same reason. If you see me doing something and I have bad form or you have advice - give it to me. I'm all ears. I can workout hard and take a second to say hi to someone.

    I dont even wear headphones to the gym, my eyes are always up, i wave, i say hi. I shoot the **** between sets. Dont understand why the gym has to be this place of "hard" people saying **** you to the world.

    ^^I usually wear my earbuds but I always look at everyone I walk by. If I'm resting in between sets I look in the mirror and watch what others are doing. I have a smile on my face and sometimes I'm tapping my hands, feet, or moving my head to music. I'm not there to look stone cold. Don't talk to me when I'm in the middle of pressing but when I'm done say hi if you want. I don't bite.

    well the thing is with people , is if you start talking to them, they want to talk forever (not everyone), so im sure their are nice people their, but i don't want to get into a 10 minute talk about how whatsherface can't find a babysitter.