OMG I love quinoa!!

I had been wanting to try quinoa for some finally, I bought some....and I'm so happy I did!!

I've had it every day this week for breakfast mixed in with my yoghurt, and the mega protein keeps me hunger free for hours!! (I have breakfast around 7am and not till after 11am do I start to fell hungry!)

I've also had it this week with chicken stir fry instead of rice...and super super tasty!!


  • lisaann1061
    lisaann1061 Posts: 24 Member
    Love quinoa! :)
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    I had been wanting to try quinoa for some finally, I bought some....and I'm so happy I did!!

    I've had it every day this week for breakfast mixed in with my yoghurt, and the mega protein keeps me hunger free for hours!! (I have breakfast around 7am and not till after 11am do I start to fell hungry!)

    I've also had it this week with chicken stir fry instead of rice...and super super tasty!!

    Is there some chicken infused quinoa that I am unaware of? What mega protein? Seriously, you actually have me curious as to which brand of this stuff you are using, and I'm wondering if it's some kind of mutant strain. Everything I have seen averages less protein per serving than even a quarter of a serving of most shakes/bars/meats.
  • charmarbobar
    charmarbobar Posts: 251 Member
    I had been wanting to try quinoa for some finally, I bought some....and I'm so happy I did!!

    I've had it every day this week for breakfast mixed in with my yoghurt, and the mega protein keeps me hunger free for hours!! (I have breakfast around 7am and not till after 11am do I start to fell hungry!)

    I've also had it this week with chicken stir fry instead of rice...and super super tasty!!

    Is there some chicken infused quinoa that I am unaware of? What mega protein? Seriously, you actually have me curious as to which brand of this stuff you are using, and I'm wondering if it's some kind of mutant strain. Everything I have seen averages less protein per serving than even a quarter of a serving of most shakes/bars/meats.

    It's regular quinoa (1 cup = 8g protein), but I don't do shakes or bars, and I don't usually eat meat for breakfast. As a grain (mixed of course with the protein from my yoghurt) quinoa is pretty high (better than a muffin, or toast if you ask me!). Or, warm quinoa with PB mixed into it...yum!
  • marathon_mama
    marathon_mama Posts: 150 Member
    google "buffalo chicken quinoa mac and cheese"'s amazing. (hint:there's no mac, just quinoa)
  • charmarbobar
    charmarbobar Posts: 251 Member
    google "buffalo chicken quinoa mac and cheese"'s amazing. (hint:there's no mac, just quinoa)

    mmmmm......that looks and sounds so good!! Gonna have to omit the buffalo part when I make it for the family hubby's a wimp when it comes to anything remotely spicy!