Blah kinda day

Well, I didn't work out today, but that's not a bad thing. I've worked out 17 days in a row. :bigsmile: I've noticed the past week no matter how much I work out no changes. I feel like I'm not eatting enough I'm tempted to up my calories to 1400! Yeah, I do drink, but not to the point of dehydration... lecture me if you want, but it's just apart of our life style. Actually, don't lecture me, because that's not what I'm here for :laugh:

I just feel sooooooooo freakin' tired today! Normally I'm up buzzing around the house keeping busy and I just don't have it in me today :cry: It's like when I woke up I just knew I wasn't going anywhere! OH and I'm craving RED MEAT!!!! Really I feel like I could eat a whole steak to myself. I don't want anything else with it, just meat, and not one searving either! More like 3 servings! I'd kill for a rib eye right now!

Just thinking about it, that salmon I took out for dinner is not looking good! I do eat alot of protien, maybe it's the fat I'm craving? I really don't eat alot of it. I just may go to the store and buy that steak! Maybe this is just a bad day and tomorrow will be better. Going to be an early night for me! :brokenheart:


  • kaytbognar

    If you're busting your butt non stop, you may not be giving your body the time it needs to rest and repair. If you feel like you've gotta move around, maybe just scale back and go for a walk outside somewhere pretty instead of hitting the gym with avengeance.

    Just becuase you're hungry and tired shouldn't mean it's a bad day. Cheer up, treat yourself to that steak, you'll feel better tomorrow I'm sure!
  • hjmygatt
    You know, our bodies always tell us what they need. I say go eat some steak and rest up today, then you can hit it running tomorrow. Hope you day is less blah tomorrow!
  • angelwings2000
    angelwings2000 Posts: 357 Member
    Your body is telling you to relax and eat some protein. I think you should listen to it. You have been working out so very hard. I woke up this morning and knew it was not a day for me to bust loose working out either. I think we have to find time to recover. Enjoy that steak ( just try to keep in mind your calories and portions so you don't overdo it too bad. :wink:
  • lemonllama
    lemonllama Posts: 124 Member
    Go get the steak!
    I found out that if im really craving something and i try to eat other stuff to replace it, then i just end up eating more and more and more and never being satisfied and in the end wishing i would of just eaten what i orginally craved =) Plus its friday!
  • Ang8178
    Ang8178 Posts: 308
    Well I went to the store, yep, one pound bone in rib eye for me tonight :love: I'm not eatting anything else with it! I can't wait. My husband is setting up the grill now! I'm also feeling better because tomorrow night our friend wanted to go out for Mexican for her birthday, now she's just going to have a get together at her house, so i can eat before I go and snack light while I'm there :smile:

    Really, once I knew I was going to eat the steak for dinner my whole mood changed. I feel happy and I'm going to enjoy every bite!!! Still going to the gym tomorrow morning. Today has been my first real rest day. Normally I sneek in a trip to the gym at the end of the day or do yoga and abs at home. Nope not today, I just hung out at the house and I will start back up tomorrow :smile: