Support Groups for Insanity, P90X or Asylum?

Hey everyone! I've done Insanity and P90X in the past, and am now thinking about starting Asylum. Is anyone interested in forming some support groups to help get them through these programs? I know with programs this intense motivation is crucial. Any takers?? I'll accept all friend requests :)


  • hollandbr2
    Hi soumbos! Yes, I am. I have done all three. I have done P90X a couple times, insanity through 3 rounds and asylum once. I am starting to get stagnant with motivation. I mix and match what I want to do mixed in with running a few time a week but all in all I am truly slacking off lately. Though I'll hit play 5-6 days a week, I get board, loose motivation or point about half way through and call it a day. So, I am looking for some kind of drive, motivation, etc.

    I am a cardio junky so I really love my running. I enjoy the insanity workout. P90X is nice but the slower tempo keeps me looking up at the clock and getting board. Asylum is a true challenge and I am thinking of starting it back up again.

    Do you want to start a support group and Asylum challenge?
  • hollandbr2
    I have entered all the Asylum data into events on a Google Calendar. It currently starts this coming Monday Oct 29th, but I can move it out a bit to fit more schedules. Just let me know via email. I can share it with you via email address, just send me your email address in a private message.

    I like to use these calendars to keep me on track. I syncs with my phone, reminds me, gives me little notifications etc.

    Do we have an Asylum Challenge?