My Best Friend (And Worst Influence)



  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    Honestly, if you can't stick to your eating plan in the face of your friend eating pizza or say, "no" to her gifts of food then you won't reach your goals. You don't have to be rude. "Thanks but no thanks" goes a long way. You will have to face and resist food temptation your whole life. Be prepared. If she's coming over to hang out have snacks you can eat ready. If you are going some place with her, don't go hungry so that if she decides to stop for ice cream you can be happy with a diet soda. Ultimately, every bite going into your mouth is under your control.
  • larlelar
    larlelar Posts: 19 Member
    Thank you guys... I know a lot of this is my own problem with being a pushover and worrying about upsetting people I care about. I'll have a talk with her very soon... I can't have an awesome, healthy day only to have her come over and hand me sweets anymore... I hope that she'll maybe even want to work out with me sometimes... She's been having stomach and digestive problems lately and I'm worried its because of her lifestyle.

    Thanks for yor advice, I needed a kick in the tush to stop being such a coward. I could also really use more MFP buddies... So, add me if you wanna, I promise encouraging words. :)
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    You are just going to have to stay strong and say no. Tell her you love her but your going to get healthy for you. Try to stay away from I'm fat and need to lose weight comments especially if she is bigger than you, just tell her your getting healthy for you and you will still go places with her but eating out or eating unhealthy foods are no longer an option. Call it what it is, getting healthy.
  • TeriLynnSpano
    TeriLynnSpano Posts: 103 Member
    Ok, this a hard one that I understand because my husband is thin and eats simular to your friend and likes us to eat together. But what your friend needs to understand is that obesity KILLS:sad: and you don't want to shorten your life! What I do is eat with my husband but I eat different food choices. I don't know if that will work with your friend. And sometimes it is still hard for me because I like unhealthy foods. They usually are comfort foods. I 'm thinking that you and your friend are still young but time goes by so fast, you and your friend will be middle aged before you know it. Maybe you could have a talk with your friend along these lines and let her know how important her health and long life is important to you as well as your health and long life. Good luck!!!!!!:heart: