Diary is Open...

Please, if anyone could offer any suggestions that would be greatly appreciated..

This is my first forum post on MFP, and I've been on here for around 3 months now. So far, I have gone down from my HW of 157 to my CW of 128-130ish depending. I'm a 19yo F with (severe, but "controlled") Hypothyroidism. My diary is open, so please look at it and see if there is anything I'm doing "wrong". I walk for 50-90 minutes per day, have an hour and a half ballet class each week, I train with a PT twice a week, and go to the gym for a half an hour to an hour between 2 and 4x per week as well. I do not consume alcohol at all, I do not eat rice, bread/bread products, and try to limit pastas or anything containing wheat/rye/gluten as much as possible.

What am I doing wrong? Why is my weight loss at a standstill? I'm very frustrated at the moment and any words of encouragement would go a long ways..



  • kellicci
    kellicci Posts: 409 Member
    Why are you so far under you calorie goal so often? That may be part of the problem. That often works at first and then starts to level off. However I have no expertise with thyroid issues so I ould be way off.