New to this site & have lots of question???

I am new to this site & have done really well so far., down by 10. I am finally ready for the change & the commitment required to make the change. I have been reading other peoples post's & have run across recent post's about a tummy tuck... I found myself so discouraged & even feeling like "what's the point". I of course know that I will never be perfect or flawless, but it had not occured to me that it might be that bad. So I guess my question is can you lose a large amount of weight (like 60/70/80/90/100 lbs) & not have a huge amount of excess??? I am just almost sick over this. I have set a goal, but to be truthful I am not commited to a specific weight b/c it has been some time since I was there & am just not sure what will be right for me personally. I do know that I want to lose about 65/70 for sure. Can anybody help me???


  • stacyoct19
    stacyoct19 Posts: 187 Member
    everyone is different. and i'm not knocking anyone who's had a tummy tuck. i have about 80 lbs i want to lose. i have seen others lose that weight and more and not need a tummy tuck at all. i think everyone's body is different, but honestly i think the key to avoiding it is exercise and toning. i use to think i would wait until i lost weight to start working on my abs. i actually do an ab workout 2 times a week. i'm still a long way from my goal, and it's not like a thin person toning their stomach. i have a lot there covering up my muscles. but i would strongly recommend cardio and toning in your weight loss program.

    then, if you lose it all and you're not satisfied, you can decide what to do from there. but at least you will have put the hard work in to avoid the procedure.

    good luck girl!!!!!
  • lgblack
    lgblack Posts: 73 Member
    Not an expert...but I suppose listening to the the weight loss slowly and steady. Exercise - both cardio and strength. And hopefully the combination will give your skin the best chance at regaining elasticity and not leaving you with the excess. I guess it might also have to do with how long we carrry our excess and our age, as to how our bodies react to our losing weight. Likely better for us to focus on our bodies being healthier which ultimately improves our quality of life....our clothes can always hide some excess skin!!!
  • sajar_06
    sajar_06 Posts: 173 Member
    Well, let me start by saying this. We are all different and though not all skin tones and tightens you may more so than someone else. I have sagging skin of the lower stomach and very tops of legs and hips. I have lost 145 pounds though. Now, exercise and cardio helps with this and even resistence training to build small amount of muscle will usually tighten skin. I am also 49 years old and have had years of skin stretching and shrinking so therefore mine will not tighten like someone that has not. Try not to stress over it and give yourself time to see just how much does tighten. God Bless, brenda
  • shornwood
    Hi m0m2three,

    I'm wondering if you have 3 children, you look so young. I believe that mothers will have a harder time loosing the excess skin of belly fat. The younger you are though the more resilient your skin will be. But really, are you so concerned about that now? Wouldn't we all be so lucky to loose 65/70 pounds and need a tummy tuck? I know I would be grateful. Take this new life change one day at a time. Loose weight in a slow and healthy way. Your body will compensate by toning up. Drastic weight loss will cause the skin to gap. But slow and steady- healthy weight loss, gives your skin a chance to compensate. It also doesn't hurt to use a daily cream/lotion- I use Avon Cellulite cream or you could try Palmer's belly butter. Stay focused on your goals- don't worry about what other people are going through.
  • m0m2three
    Thank You... ALL of you. I actually do have 3 children but have carried 4, so I already had some sagging, strech marks, ext....
    I agree with taking it one day at a time & I also agree with slow & steady wins the race. That totally makes sense to me, I just got so freaked out that I didn't think of it. I will also be looking into a good cream & some strength training. Boy do I feel better. :bigsmile:
  • tlblood
    tlblood Posts: 473 Member
    I agree with what everyone else has said...I think losing slowly gives your skin the best chance of tightening up on it's own. I've also heard that drinking lots of water helps the skin with elasticity and will therefore also help with not having as much extra skin.
  • sajar_06
    sajar_06 Posts: 173 Member
    I agree with what everyone else has said...I think losing slowly gives your skin the best chance of tightening up on it's own. I've also heard that drinking lots of water helps the skin with elasticity and will therefore also help with not having as much extra skin.

    You are correct on the water it does help more than people realize. God Bless, brenda
  • stacyoct19
    stacyoct19 Posts: 187 Member
    yay drink up!!!

    I'm raising my cup of water to this one!!!