30 & ready to get back into competitive soccer shape

I am on day 4!! I look ahead and feel like I have a loooonnngggg way to go! But then again the hardest part was starting. I could use some motivation and support! I am pretty focused and have not been in a long time. So I am on this kick and taking advantage of it because its been a long time. I used to play competitve soccer and used to be in really really good shape till my 2nd knee surgery because of soccer. There are many reasons and etc that I stopped, besides the pain. People say I look good but that does not really help when you do not feel that way. I want to weigh what I weighed when I played soccer. I am 30 and its time to start getting into shape for not only my health reasons but for ME!!! I could use some friends who are serious about this. Encouragment and etc would be great. I would mos def do the same.
