If you had to buy just TEN GROCERIES!



  • BlueLadyBug22
    BlueLadyBug22 Posts: 156 Member
    1.Chicken Breasts
    2. Avocado
    3. Tortillas
    4. Brown rice
    7.Salad Mix
    8. Salad dressing
    9. Tomatoes
    10. Black Beans
  • RobfromLakewood
    okay, a little cheating here, since I have 10 fruit trees in my backyard, so it frees me up. Plus, my mother-in-law lives with us, cooking most of our meals, so I'm going with what she makes mostly. makes:

    1. Jasmine rice
    2. Rice noodles
    (she's Asian by the way)
    3. Chicken (whole)
    4. Pork meatballs
    5, Nestle hot chocolate
    6. Onions.
    7. Broccoli
    8. Tomatoes
    9. Milk
    10. Matzah
  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    1) Semi-skimmed Milk
    2) Medium Eggs
    3) Plain Flour
    4) Healthy/Low Fat Bacon Rashers
    5) Baby Cabbage
    6) Courgettes
    7) Baby Button Mushrooms
    8) Spuds (charlotte potatoes - small so no wastage if cooking for one)
    9) Cheese (English Med Cheddar)
    10) Coffee
  • btwalsh132
    btwalsh132 Posts: 289 Member
    1) Chicken
    2) Spinach
    3) Eggs
    4) Beans
    5) Rice
    6) Feta cheese
    7) Greek Yogurt
    8) Broccoli
    9) Lean sirloin
    10) Wine

    OK, you can invite me over for dinner..
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    1. Egg whites/eggs
    2. Steak/lean beef
    3. Chicken
    4. Greek Yogurt
    5. Cottage Cheese
    6. Ezekiel bread
    7. Low-fat cheese
    8. Broccoli or some variety of vegetable
    9. Tuna
    10. Coffee
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    1. 18-pack of eggs
    2. chicken breast
    3. whole chicken
    4. bag of broccoli and cauliflower (the steam bags)
    5. spring mix salad
    6. potatoes
    7. whole wheat tortilla shells
    8. Fage 0% yogurt big one
    9. bag of apples
    10. oatmeal

    I could make so many meals with these staples.
  • ihave42cats
    1. milk
    2. eggs
    3. rice
    4. beans
    5. whole chicken
    6. bag of oranges, apples mix
    7. bananas
    8. flour
    9. yeast
    10. jumbo bag of frozen california mixedveggies

    i think i can make tons of stuff with that, and still eat somewhat healthy.
  • SGreen134
    SGreen134 Posts: 136 Member
    1 - 10) Chap stick
  • iiijeniii
    iiijeniii Posts: 82 Member
    Chicken breasts
    Black beans
    Peanut butter
    Grape tomatos
    Greek yogurt
  • RabidCarrot
    RabidCarrot Posts: 50 Member
    1 - sweet potatoes
    2 - steel cut oats
    3 - carrots
    4 - cauliflower
    5 - Snow peas
    6 - edamame
    7 - lentils
    8 - mixed greens
    9 - brown rice
    10 - chick peas
  • Type1Rachelle
    oooh fun!

    1. bananas
    2. dates
    3. kale
    4. tomatoes
    5. odwalla soy protein smoothies
    6. steel cut oats
    7. sweet potatoes
    8. coffee
    9. almond milk
    10. lentils
  • Bakkasan
    Bakkasan Posts: 1,027 Member
    ribeye steak
    chicken breast
    olive oil
    sharp cheddar cheese
    TWINKIES - yea I said it. wanna fight about it?
    Sweet potato instead of twinkies I guess.....
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    1, Greek yogurt
    2. Orange juice - like orange pineapple banana
    3. Cheese
    4. Low fat ice cream sandwiches
    5. Bread
    6. Peanut butter
    7. Bananas
    8. Green Peppers
    9. Chicken
    10. Pretzels
  • emmy3111
    emmy3111 Posts: 482 Member
    1. Bananas
    2. Apples
    3. Peaches
    4. Greek Yogurt
    5. Chicken Breasts
    6. Eggs
    7. Deli Ham
    8. Sandwich Thins
    9. Cheese
    10. Oatmeal

    This is my list almost exactly... except instead of Oatmeal I would get lettuce for salads
  • peuglow
    peuglow Posts: 684 Member
    6 lbs chicken breast w/ ribs & skin
    18 eggs
    12 pk English muffins
    1 bag red potatoes or yukon gold potatoes
    1 gallon skim milk
    1 ribeye steak
    4 bunches fresh broccoli
    2 pkg Choc Chip rice cakes
    6-8 Gala apples
    cottage cheese

    This is literally all I buy each week.
  • monkeefun
    monkeefun Posts: 271 Member
    The OLD me:
    1. Pepsi
    2. Pringles (specifically cheddar cheese)
    3. store brand Dutch cocoa cookies ($1 a package, but 100 calories each cookie!)
    4. Klondike bars (oreo variety)
    5. Wavy Kays potato chips
    6. Helluva Good French Onion Dip
    7. Wheat Thins
    8. Pepperoni
    9. Smirnoff ice or Mike's Hard Lemonade (:-D)
    10. A candy bar or something (which likely would've sat around for weeks)

    I still eat these things, mind you, but now I try to go much healthier over all, and these are now treats instead of my go-to snacks. NOW, I'd probably buy

    1. Chef salads
    2. Avocados
    3. Milk
    4. Almonds (<3 almonds)
    5. Eggs
    6. Turkey meat (of any kind - ground, breasts, lunch meat, what have you)
    7. Protein bars (Luna, Special K, Slimfast, whatever)
    8. Cottage cheese!! (<3 cottage cheese)
    9. Fresh raw veggies
    10. Orange juice

    My main problem now is, while I love salads and always HAVE loved salads ( I could eat it all day every day - when I was little I'd bypass the Thanksgiving turkey in favor of the salad!), I'm super lazy about making it. Cutting up any veggies, really. I love my veggies....it's just always easier to grab a bag of chips. Blah. Food prep is still not my strong point.
  • Kelly_Runs_NC
    Kelly_Runs_NC Posts: 474 Member
    To last you a week, what items would you buy? Not including spices, or cooking oil/spray or anything like that.

    1) Oats
    2) Eggs
    3) Quinoa
    4) Beans
    5) Bananas
    6) Apples
    7) Greek Yogurt
    8) cottage Cheese
    9) Spinach
    10) Avacado
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    1. Greek Yogurt
    2. Romaine Lettuce
    3. Tomatoes
    4. Cucumber
    5. Eggs
    6. Salad Dressing (FF Raspberry Vinegrette)
    7. Oatmeal
    8. Bnlss/Sknlss Chicken Breasts
    9. Healthy Life Bread
    10. Apples
  • Itssojen
    Itssojen Posts: 73 Member
    1. GNC Lean Shakes
    2. Chicken breast
    3. Bag of frozen veggies
    4. Almond milk
    5. Box of cereal
    6. Grapes
    7. Rice
    8. Bread
    9. Salad mix
    10. Salad dressing
  • crimsoncat
    crimsoncat Posts: 457 Member
    1. Apples
    2. Chicken
    3. Yogurt
    4. Rice
    5. Cream of Wheat
    6. Salad Dressing
    7. Salad
    8. Frozen Veggies
    9. Butter/butter sub
    10. Salt

    I can eat just about anything with butter, salt and salad dress. Bring on the veggies.