In need of motivation.

I started this journey at the beginning of June and since then I have lost 41lbs with a mix of healthy eating and exercising. Well since the cold weather has set in I have next to no motivation to do anything. I just want to sit around the apartment, play with my daughter and watch tv. I had sooo much energy before fall came, and i want to get back to being like that.

Anyone have any ideas how to motivate myself or can anyone help motivate me to stay off my butt?


  • KarinaaD
    Usually I Feel The Same. Then I Started A Compitition With My Friend. Whoever Loses The Most Weight By A Certain Day Wins! I Challenge YOu -.- Haha :tongue:
  • sarahg148
    sarahg148 Posts: 701 Member
    I was just thinking that. As I looked at the clock 20 minutes ago I was thinking how it was warm and light out just few "short" weeks ago. I would've jumped off the couch to change and go to the gym. Now I'm still sitting on the couch, watching tv and surfing the site...obviously. I do still get in exercise 4-5x/wk...but was planning on going to the gym today to do over an hour of cardio...but just DON'T feel like sweating and having to shower AGAIN. I'll go tomorrow because I'm off all day, so I may just stay there for a cpl hours...make up for today. :ohwell:
  • megannxx
    megannxx Posts: 679 Member
    That is a pretty good idea. I hope it will keep me motivated. lol. I accept your challenge!! Details on the challenge!
  • megannxx
    megannxx Posts: 679 Member
    Sarah- Oh I know what you mean!! It was so beautiful out not long ago, now it's cold, and damp and it's hard to take my daughter out in that. I had a free trial at one of our local gyms and I really enjoyed it but it ended. I'm considering getting a couple month membership to it but they are expensive.
  • Tony_Brewski
    Tony_Brewski Posts: 1,376 Member
    In the same boat! Motivation fell like a rock in the ocean. Just started hitting hardish again this week after taking all most a month off. Total fail on my part, thankfully I only put back on 1 pound after all I lost so not a total fail I guess. Been back it this week and loving how I feel. Gone everyday, doing my old routine again at 2/3 of what I used to do as I am not up to the standards I was at last month, but I am getting there faster than i thought I would thankfully.

    Just get back at it, dont stop. Change your play list, change what time you go to the gym. I'm going on my lunch hour now, seeing the sun light while at the gym is keeping me pepped up, rather than that dark gloomy fall darkness that comes before supper time now here. Keep the chemicals in your body flowing from the workout. Do it for yourself! You are the only one that can truly motivate you. Either you want it or you don't.

    Are you going to fail yourself?

    I will never quit.
  • megannxx
    megannxx Posts: 679 Member
    Duc- Good for you for getting back into it! & for only putting on 1lb during that 'month off'.
    I'm pretty much constantly moving but not enough to make much of a difference (I'm a stay at home mom to a 2 year old) She motivates me at times because she always comes up to me and says "walk...?" and I hate saying no to her when she asks to go for one, I've been saying "later" a lot to her and we dont go often.

    I want to old me back! In 2008 I was in a volunteer program across Canada and we did TONS of outdoor activities, and I loved it. It was the new me, but I had a child and everything changed, I let things change and I'm not happy about it.

    I will not fail myself, I will not fail my daughter either.
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    What does warm have to do with it? Put in an exercise video, turn on fit tv, pull up a youtube workout video. Do you have any friends that you can drag over to exercise with? Make a date with them to exercise 3x per week. Register for a class at a local gym or community center; register for a race or other "challenge" that you'll have to train for.

    Do you have a WII or XBOX? Get the Wii Fit or XBOX Kinects they have lots of fun game activities that will get you up and moving: dancing, tennis, track & field, golf...things you may not be willing to try in real life but you can try in the privacy of your home. It's a lot of fun! And it takes pictures of you get to see yourself in action at the end. :bigsmile:
  • megannxx
    megannxx Posts: 679 Member
    Vmgals- I love walking outdoors, and I've been trying to start jogging outdoors too. I have a few different workout dvds that I'm done. ( I love the Bob Harper dvd workouts I just dont feel like putting them in anymore.) I KNOW I always feel great after a good workout, I just dont have that extra umph to do it.
    I have the WII Fit, and I also have the Biggest Loser Challenge for the WII, I just need to push myself harder to actually do them!

    I've been thinking about borrowing the Zumba for the WII from my grandma-in-law, but I have next to no dance co-ordination at all. lol.
  • lveh8lve
    lveh8lve Posts: 162 Member
    Get a fitbit, I got one and I saw how little I walked at the office during my day. Then I started to race myself to get to different goals. Now, I have bought them as presents for a few people and we can race. It's a fabulous motivator that doesn't involve being outside. There is nothing better then seeing your laziness as a number!
  • megannxx
    megannxx Posts: 679 Member
    I've heard about those but dont know where I can get them. I've been told a couple different things (i.e you can only buy them in the states.). I've thought about getting a HRM but I cant find any good ones, only the cheap ones and I'm not sure how accurate they actually are.