Looking for friends for motivation:)

I am on a mission to lose some weight but a support team would help. I have lost about 20 pounds on my own but have been at the same point for a while now. Does anyone want to be my friend? :) I can use the motivational help and the support.

Also anyone who knows how to cook would be helpful too. Need to stop eating all this Mexican food LOL


  • Hi Patricia,

    well done on your progress so far...
    feel free to add me and let me know how I may help...
    I love to cook and might have some simple ideas but from Indian cooking styles...

    good luck with your goals///
  • ohhh ohhh ohhh pick me pick me!!!
  • doIlhands
    doIlhands Posts: 349 Member
    No idea how to cook but I sent you a friends req! :)
  • DianeL45
    DianeL45 Posts: 2 Member
    I am new here also. A support team is a great idea. :smile: