Some Random Question

I'm working with a trainer and I've lost 33 pounds in the last 3 months. He's changed my diet several times and so I've only used MFP as a guide and not the rule. So now he's got me doing 3 days at 900 calories with my protein above 100 and my carbs around 50. On the 4th day, I get 2100 calories with 150 grams of carbs and over 100 g of protein. So this sounds all fine and good except by the third 900 calorie day I'm practically dead on my feet because I'm not eating enough and then on the 2100 calorie day all I want to eat is sweet stuff to accommodate for the lack of calories. Now I've managed to control that somewhat by eating whole grains but today it got to be about 4 pm and I was dying again despite the additional calories and the additional carbs. I've been at this for about 2 weeks now and I'm pushing through it but it really sucks. Mentally I feel completely defeated most of the time. I'm mad at the world and just generally not happy. I get the idea of confusing the metabolism but I think this is a bit extreme. Does anyone have any ideas about this?


  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    There's a difference between tricking one's metabolism, and driving it into starvation. You shouldn't be hungry. You should tell your personal trainer to stick to the exercise training and see a legitimate nutritional specialst/doctor.
  • geicko
    geicko Posts: 151
    That is extreme yeah ! I remember trying to follow the diet plan that came along a DVD program I got last year... I felt so awefull, empty, and depressed by the end of the second day, I even strated to cry just looking at the next day's plan ! Computed the cals and it turned out I was barely having 850-900 calories. I stopped it at that very moment, remembering one shouldn't go under 1200.

    I guess you trainer knows what he's doing but gosh, 900 cals for 3 days in a row... that's very very few !
  • EKarma
    EKarma Posts: 594 Member
    I'm gonna have to go with DrBorkBork. Let him train your body, but see a nutrionalist if your that serious.. But other than that, I would eat at least 1200 cals a day.
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    That's what I'm thinking. I normally don't eat cookies or junk food but on those 2100 calorie days I end up having some because I feel so out of it. Now tomorrow I'll feel like crap again. I've only got 7 more pounds to go but I'm starting to feel like I should just give up and that it's not worth it. Not to feel like this. This sucks.
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    That's too low. If you're working out (especially, but even if you aren't), you need to fuel those workouts. Talk to him about why he wants you to go that low, and stress how you've been feeling. I don't think you HAVE to follow his nutrition plan, especially if you're having bad feelings.
  • emilyfh
    emilyfh Posts: 291 Member
    I agreee, you should not go under 1200 calorie, I would ask to see his nutritional license. To boost your metablism if you peak, you should add extra protein or a carb to one meal, once a week that will throw your metablism off, and you will start loosing weight again. Really the exercising with him is fine but as far as nutrition he doesnt know what he's talking about, dont do it. 1200 or above is the rule of thumb. You shouldnt be feeling like crap after exercise your tired but also get more energy.
  • Mangoaddict
    Mangoaddict Posts: 1,236 Member
    Nobody should ever live under 1200 calories. Its nuts. Please check with the trainer, you should not be hungry at all. I have always kept above 1200 calories and still managed to lose weight. Its a slower process but you have energy and still never feel hungry. Please consult before continuing with this program.
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    Well thanks everyone for your input. I've been doing some reading today and last night and am going to alter what I'm doing IMMEDIATELY. I'd rather lose the weight slower, learning GOOD habits, than to lose it all quickly and learn nothing.