bodybugg? Does it work?

Questfor250 Posts: 155
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi All,

I just recently purchased BodyBugg as a means to try and get a baseline on what my massive body burns in calories each day. It sounds like it should work. So I have been using and today I had it on monitoring from 9:00 AM through 10:00 PM. It says I have burned 3444 calories. Since I only ate 1800 calories today I should be losing weight. I am. That isn't the question though. I am looking for feedback on this system from other MFP members on what they know about bodybugg. I am not convinced because I can walk on the treadmill for an hour and only burn 210 calories. It would take 16 hours to burn that many calories on the treadmill. Come on, I have burned 3444 calories today? Can anyone share their views on Bodybugg?



  • tlblood
    tlblood Posts: 473 Member
    I don't own one, but in our research before I bought my HRM the reviews were wonderful; supposed to be the best/most accurate HRM out there.

    ...that does sound hard to believe, though...
  • nursegirl79
    nursegirl79 Posts: 146 Member
    210 cals for walking for 1 hour? Is that what is said on the treadmill or on you bodybugg? Your a heavy guy so you will burn lots of cals when you exercise. I burn about 2300 cals a day without exercise and I weigh 190. I think the bodybugg sounds about right. I don't use a bodybugg though. I use a polar and it works great too. By the way, MPF is pretty acurate with cals burned. If usually only 20-30 cals of on exercises.
  • I have lost over 20 pounds so far. I have to find a way to fix my ticker here since the system only accepted my starting weight when I joined MFP. Thanks for the feedback. the 210 was the reading on the treadmill. I was worked hard and only burned 210 calories. Then bodybugg says I have burned 3444 and I didn't do a thing today. I am better off not working out. I still will lose weight. Yeah, if it was only that simple. MFP BMR says I burn about 2400 calories if I slept all day. I am only eating 2000 so I guess the weight will continue to pour off me.
  • I have a bodybugg and it does work and it is acure. It is a very useful tool and interesting to see how many calories you are really burning. I purchased mine in Oct 2008 and it still works well.
    God bless,
  • Thank you Karen. I guess that the results explain why I have been able to drop weight so fast. As I lose weight to get to my goal I wanted to know what my daily burn is so I can ensure I don;t exceed it. Knowing I am burning 3400 per day gives me the flexibility to eat something off the charts once in a while. Yes, I know it is not good to over indulge and yes I know I won't be "cheating" until I lose a lot more weight. Right now the 21 pounds I have lost a a great motivator to continue to lose more.
  • Sometimes indulging every once in a while will help you not fall off the wagon. Everything in moderation, right! I put my bodybugg back on for a couple of weeks (I took it off when I "fell off the wagon"), just to see how MFP compares to what bodybugg is saying. MFP tends to be under what I actually burn, but that's because I do more than I give myself credit for (housework mostly), but I'd rather burn more than it says.

    I'm happy to answer any other questions you might have about it.
    God bless,
  • Karen,

    Would you trust the numbers Bodybugg is showing or trust the MFP numbers are showing? For instance, BB says I am burning about 3500 calories per day. Thats about 1000 calories more than MFP says I burn. I am simply tryign to understand what my body is doing. I love MFP but the numbers just don't jive.

  • In my experience, yes, I would trust BB. It's measuring things MFP or any other website, or exercise equipment can't. The sites and equipment go off of MET equations which work pretty good, but there is room for error when it comes to us estimating our "effort level". I personally find that I underestimate how much effort I'm doing when I adding things like housework or if I'm trying to guess how fast I walked when I'm not on the treadmill to know my pace. BB doesn't underestimate that, plus if you're under a lot of stress that can cause your metabolism to speed up or slow down and the BB picks up on that (I learned from experience when I thought the BB was broken but turned out it was my stress level).
    If there are any other questions I can answer, just ask...
    God bless,
  • Hey, I'm there with you. I just got mine a couple days ago. Yesterday was my first day of having it on all day. And it says I burned 3,491 calories yesterday. I'm female and all I did yesterday was work (my second job, 6 hours as a cashier at a retail store), then ran some light errands (grocery shopping). I'm an overweight female and haven't begun exercising yet, so my metabolism probably sucks.

    I just don't believe I burned that many calories.
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