Share a typical 1200 calorie day

Can you share the foods/meals and times you would eat in a day if you're trying to stay under 1200 calories? I'm having a hard time doing this and not being extremely hungry all the time.



  • foxxykitten
    A pretty typical day (two variations!) for me if I stay on track is-

    Breakfast A
    Plain Non Fat Greek Yogurt
    Kashi Go Lean Protein/Fiber Cereal

    Breakfast B (after a workout)
    Egg white omelet with spinach, chives, onions, tomatoes, green and red peppers, mushrooms
    Yogurt with granola and fruit

    Lunch A
    Quinoa Zucchini Veggie Patty
    Wheat Bread

    Lunch B
    Spinach salad with fat free feta, Greek vinaigrette dressing, roasted almonds
    Hard boiled egg whites
    Banana or Orange

    Dinner A
    Steamed brown rice, vegetables cooked in olive oil, fried egg
    Soy sauce

    Dinner B
    Couscous Feta Garbanzo Salad with Goddess dressing
    Vegetable or California Sushi Rolls (with low sodium soy sauce and ginger)
  • darleyschroeder
    B-3 egg whites, 2 small whole wheat tortilla, salsa, cup of green tea, multi vitamin (215 calories)

    S-6 oz light vanilla yogurt with 1 cup strawberries and 1/2 banana, cup tea (150 calories)

    L-2 tbsp light dressing, 3 cups salad greens, serving of protein (chicken, beans), 1/4 cup light cheese, whole wheat english muffin with a laughing cow cheese wedge (under 400 calories)

    S2- sugar free jello 2 cups (20 calories)

    D-2 cups broccoli, 5oz chicken, red potato diced and baked (330 calories)

    S3- small apple baked with cinn., (160 calories)

    Daily total: 1175

    The best way to stay full on 1,200 calories is to get plenty of fluids, lots of veggies and protein. Salads are great and any way you can add veggies to your meals is a good idea. You will feel like you are eating more.
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    I've been eating around 1200 cals a day, a little more when I work out and my diary is open.
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    I have a half a whole wheat bagel with low fat cream cheese for breakfast.

    For lunch, I usually have a starkist tuna-to-go lunch.

    All together, this is usually 350 calories.

    Dinner is where I make up the difference. People will tell you not to eat late at night, but I do every single night (it's my heaviest meal too) and I lose every week.

    Any way, I do chicken and vegetables for dinner, or pasta with lean ground beef, or pretty much anything. If you prepare it at home, it's not likely to kill your calories (unless you don't watch your portions!)
  • RedMeeko
    RedMeeko Posts: 24 Member
    Here is one day for me:


    Cinnamon/maple brown/banana bread oatmeal with 2/3 cup unsweeted vanilla almond milk
    15 red seedless grapes (or a banana or a peach).

    Babybell white cheddar

    Tuna packet with 1tbsp of light mayo with olive oil on 45cal whole wheat bread.
    Side of broccoli/cauliflower veggies

    Snack: Cinnamon Roast Almonds 100 cal pack

    Butternut Squash ravioli with parmesan herb seasoning.

    Desert: 90 calorie fiber one chocolate chip brownie

    Total: 1260 calories
  • Fat_Cat_Bride
    Fat_Cat_Bride Posts: 16 Member
    Feel free to add me and you can view my diary entries.

    Good luck! The feelings of hunger do get better :)
  • x_JT_x
    x_JT_x Posts: 364
    Here's mine from yesterday. I generally try to hit my calorie goal and usually get closer than this but I'm fighting a cold and the appetite just isn't there.


    *Edited to fix pic. <--which apparently I can't manage to do (LOL) but you get the idea.
  • tinagn
    tinagn Posts: 72 Member
    breakfast: 2 pieces of whole wheat bread, toasted
    1 cup of black tea
    (sometimes i have an orange or apple too)

    or breakfast no.2:
    banana pancakes which consist of 2 whole eggs and one banana

    lunch: half a can of tuna chunks in spring water
    2 pieces of whole wheat bread
    and lettuce

    dinner: half a cup of rice+w/e protein and veggies we cook that day

    snack: 1 stalk of celery
    1 cucumber
    1 apple
    and some melon at the end of the day
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member




    bit like that? heheheh.
  • clynn808
    clynn808 Posts: 5 Member
    I have to stay at 1200 a day or less and I know what you mean. Here is a typical day of eating for me and I get by pretty well.

    Breakfast: 7 to 8AM
    1/2 cup low fat 1% milk
    1 Cup Oatmeal with 4 tsp. sugar and half a tsp of Cinnamon
    6 Tbls Heb brand egg beaters egg whites. (very good) and cooked in very small amount of Olive oil

    Lunch 12 to 1:00pm
    Talapia fish cooked in small amount of Olive oil
    Half slice of Mrs Bairds 100% whole wheat bread (brands do matter as they differ some in cal)
    1 to 1 and a half cup of Heb Broccoli, Cauliflower and carrots

    Dinner 6 to 7PM
    Chicken thigh without the skin
    1 cup to 1 and a half cups Heb frozen Broccoli, Cauliflower and Carrots
    1 half slice Mrs Bairds 100% whole wheat bread OR 1/2 cup mashed potatoes OR sometimes just chicken and veggies
    and maybe 2 thighs or legs
    1/2 cup Heb chocolate ice cream
    Comet or keebler ice cream cone OR
    1 cup Cantelope (or any fruit of your choice would work)

    I am usually under my calories allowed. I find it was easier for me at first to think of things I like to eat and check the list
    where you go to add your foods and just see what the calories and other info on that item is. It is then that I start seeing
    how many calories are in what I had been eating and had to change. Veggies are great. You can eat so many of them and
    they add up to low calories. Hope this helps some. Good luck to you. I bet you can do it, especially if you are here on this
    site with all of the support from friends.