Protein? Can it be too much?

And when I mean 'can it be too much', I mean what I have posted in my diary for the past 2 days.

I've read somewhere that the MFP recommendations are very low for protein, however I'm not too sure and seeing those minus, big red numbers makes me want to curl up.

If I were to eat too much protein (from other diets perspective, not just mine), what would happen? Or am I fine for this kind of diet? I'm too scared to eat anything else today in case I go over my protein too much!!


  • bufger
    bufger Posts: 763 Member
    When i read this post i thought you'd be in the 150-200g region and not at 58!

    I regularly have over 100g. It helps keep you full for longer, is good for muscle building and recovery and isnt harmful until you get into major high numbers.

    You may get smellier farts but i'm hoping i'll be safe here in the west midlands. If i start to smell them from here then you're having too much.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    Mine is generally over 200g per day.

    You know you can change the macro ratios on the site, so you don't have to worry about those big red numbers, right? ;)
  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    When i read this post i thought you'd be in the 150-200g region and not at 58!

    I regularly have over 100g. It helps keep you full for longer, is good for muscle building and recovery and isnt harmful until you get into major high numbers.

    You may get smellier farts but i'm hoping i'll be safe here in the west midlands. If i start to smell them from here then you're having too much.

    Haha, I feel like a plonker now. :) Makes me feel a bit better though. And are you sure you're going to be safe? If they really do get that bad, I'm only in Berkshire. ;)

    @Gallowmere198 - I do realise that, but I didn't not want to exceed it needed. What is better recommended, 100g?
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    I have my protein goal set to 120g/day and I aim to go over that (I'm a pescetarian who eats mostly vegetarian so this part is hard). So no, your intake is low if anything.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    When i read this post i thought you'd be in the 150-200g region and not at 58!

    I regularly have over 100g. It helps keep you full for longer, is good for muscle building and recovery and isnt harmful until you get into major high numbers.

    You may get smellier farts but i'm hoping i'll be safe here in the west midlands. If i start to smell them from here then you're having too much.

    Haha, I feel like a plonker now. :) Makes me feel a bit better though. And are you sure you're going to be safe? If they really do get that bad, I'm only in Berkshire. ;)

    @Gallowmere198 - I do realise that, but I didn't not want to exceed it needed. What is better recommended, 100g?

    1g per pound of lean body mass (total weight-BF%) is what most people recommend.
  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    When i read this post i thought you'd be in the 150-200g region and not at 58!

    I regularly have over 100g. It helps keep you full for longer, is good for muscle building and recovery and isnt harmful until you get into major high numbers.

    You may get smellier farts but i'm hoping i'll be safe here in the west midlands. If i start to smell them from here then you're having too much.

    Haha, I feel like a plonker now. :) Makes me feel a bit better though. And are you sure you're going to be safe? If they really do get that bad, I'm only in Berkshire. ;)

    @Gallowmere198 - I do realise that, but I didn't not want to exceed it needed. What is better recommended, 100g?

    1g per pound of lean body mass (total weight-BF%) is what most people recommend.

    Thanks! I don't know my BF. :( I know you can work it out on the internet but I don't have most of the measurements.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    2 things about your diary - 1, you can eat WAY more protein than you do, as others have said. aim for 100g at least!

    2. eat up to your calorie goal (or 50 cals either side). you have 1400 calories per day, eat them, not 900, or you will be back here in a couple of weeks posting that you cant lose weight and you dont know why.
  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    2 things about your diary - 1, you can eat WAY more protein than you do, as others have said. aim for 100g at least!

    2. eat up to your calorie goal (or 50 cals either side). you have 1400 calories per day, eat them, not 900, or you will be back here in a couple of weeks posting that you cant lose weight and you dont know why.

    Would you say my new goals look okay then?

    I know I have 1400 calories a day, however I haven't been feeling too well and my doctors has told me to eat a little less than 1400.
  • Martucha123
    Martucha123 Posts: 1,093 Member
    if you dont want to see big red number go to goal, click on custome, change macros to 30 protein/ 40 carbs / 30 fat
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    Would you say my new goals look okay then?

    whats the % split?
  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    @TavistockToad - 30 protein, 30 fat and 40 carbs now :)
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    @TavistockToad - 30 protein, 30 fat and 40 carbs now :)

    I'd say that's a bit more reasonable. Mine's a bit overkill for most people's taste, from what I have seen here anyway. (15% Carb, 55% Protein, 30% Fat and really, I almost never hit the carbs, and still go over on the protein many days)
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Often over 200g of protein here.
    Protein is the macronutrient I'd be happiest 'going over', though providing I get at least around 1lb per lb of bodyweight, I'm happy. May bump that up a bit to 1.5lbs per lb of bodyweight as I'm trying to do more weights etc (as well as climbing 3x a week.)
    2. eat up to your calorie goal (or 50 cals either side). you have 1400 calories per day, eat them, not 900, or you will be back here in a couple of weeks posting that you cant lose weight and you dont know why.
    I've often been well under and lost a lot of fat.

    Do we know what her deficit is?
    Me, going by MFP and calories burnt from my motoactv, I need a 1000 calorie deficit for weight loss at the moment - suggesting that TDEE calculations aren't working out quite right one way or another in my case.
  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    Often over 200g of protein here.
    Protein is the macronutrient I'd be happiest 'going over', though providing I get at least around 1lb per lb of bodyweight, I'm happy. May bump that up a bit to 1.5lbs per lb of bodyweight as I'm trying to do more weights etc (as well as climbing 3x a week.)
    2. eat up to your calorie goal (or 50 cals either side). you have 1400 calories per day, eat them, not 900, or you will be back here in a couple of weeks posting that you cant lose weight and you dont know why.
    I've often been well under and lost a lot of fat.

    Do we know what her deficit is?
    Me, going by MFP and calories burnt from my motoactv, I need a 1000 calorie deficit for weight loss at the moment - suggesting that TDEE calculations aren't working out quite right one way or another in my case.

    Thank you! :)

    I think I may start needing to eat more on protein, however I know it's good for muscle building, but all exercise I do is cardio. I want to try weights (I did them when I was like 14!), but I'm not sure how to go around it without having to pay out for a gym membership!
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    You've got plenty of options for resistance work from free to spending a few quid.
    And it definitely makes sense along with increased protein to ensure that you are only losing fat not muscle as well as perhaps adding a bit of 'tone'.

    Used to live in Reading, could have even leant you some weights :) - but alas am now in West Yorks.

    The 'cheapest' option is to find exercises you can do with your bodyweight.
    Google for bodyweight routines/exercise, Various apps for smart phones with routines ready to go for serious ease.

    If you want to spend a little bit of money, I'd look to get some secondhand dumbbells. From about £5 for a basic set - you can get more weights and a full length bar if you find yourself needing more.
    The Reading freecycle group (now called freegle) is very active and I reckon you could find someone giving some away on there too.
    I'd add a gym ball to this - about £6, or again freecycle if you're lucky. This lets you do bench presses etc, but also means you use a fair few other muscles because you need to 'engage your core' to keep yourself steady too.
  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    You've got plenty of options for resistance work from free to spending a few quid.
    And it definitely makes sense along with increased protein to ensure that you are only losing fat not muscle as well as perhaps adding a bit of 'tone'.

    Used to live in Reading, could have even leant you some weights :) - but alas am now in West Yorks.

    The 'cheapest' option is to find exercises you can do with your bodyweight.
    Google for bodyweight routines/exercise, Various apps for smart phones with routines ready to go for serious ease.

    If you want to spend a little bit of money, I'd look to get some secondhand dumbbells. From about £5 for a basic set - you can get more weights and a full length bar if you find yourself needing more.
    The Reading freecycle group (now called freegle) is very active and I reckon you could find someone giving some away on there too.
    I'd add a gym ball to this - about £6, or again freecycle if you're lucky. This lets you do bench presses etc, but also means you use a fair few other muscles because you need to 'engage your core' to keep yourself steady too.

    I look at Freecycle quite a lot, I get them delivered to my e-mail box almost constantly so I will look out. But I'm not one of those people that will put it as 'Wanted' because it comes across pretty rude to me.

    Thanks for your information! I just posted a post in the exercise and fitness to get some dumbells, however I never quite thought of Freecycle and looking out for that. Thank you so much, you have been so much help. :)
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    I've posted a few 'wanteds' on freecycle.

    I've been happy enough because in general it's been helping out the people I'm taking from too.
    Obvious one being when I was recently in Reading I got a few tatty mattresses to use for a home bouldering (rock climbing) wall.
    People wanted rid of old mattress, I came around and took it with minimum effort on their part - we both 'win' :)
  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    I've posted a few 'wanteds' on freecycle.

    I've been happy enough because in general it's been helping out the people I'm taking from too.
    Obvious one being when I was recently in Reading I got a few tatty mattresses to use for a home bouldering (rock climbing) wall.
    People wanted rid of old mattress, I came around and took it with minimum effort on their part - we both 'win' :)

    That sounds nicer than what other people say. Like for example, someone said they were going camping, but clearly had none of the gear and were asking for all of them, including a 10-man tent!

    I definitely will watch it like a hawk now, would love to take some dumbells off someone's hands as it'll make it cheaper for me and also help them clear some space. :)
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    I know what you mean.

    One of my friends always gets irked when she gives stuff away and they turn up in an expensive car.

    Me - I don't care, I'm giving it away because I no longer want it.

    I've actually twice got tents from there as it goes, both times asking for tatty ones.
    Once the tent was rather 'undersold' (was using it on December 16th on Salisbury plain for an off road biking trip, it wasn't very wind proof) - think the bloke just wanted me along to try and sign me up to the Advanced motorcycling group he was part of!

    The second time they said "we've got two tents, take them both"... then later asked if I could pass the one I didn't want on to someone else.
    Turned out to be one very large frame tent, rather than two smaller ones - but actually still worked out well for me as it's been used a fair bit since for various things. Meant they didn't have two large sacks sitting in their garage which they obviously hadn't even opened too, so guessing they were happy :).
  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    I know what you mean.

    One of my friends always gets irked when she gives stuff away and they turn up in an expensive car.

    Me - I don't care, I'm giving it away because I no longer want it.

    I've actually twice got tents from there as it goes, both times asking for tatty ones.
    Once the tent was rather 'undersold' (was using it on December 16th on Salisbury plain for an off road biking trip, it wasn't very wind proof) - think the bloke just wanted me along to try and sign me up to the Advanced motorcycling group he was part of!

    The second time they said "we've got two tents, take them both"... then later asked if I could pass the one I didn't want on to someone else.
    Turned out to be one very large frame tent, rather than two smaller ones - but actually still worked out well for me as it's been used a fair bit since for various things. Meant they didn't have two large sacks sitting in their garage which they obviously hadn't even opened too, so guessing they were happy :).

    I have a friend who hides his car around the corner because he has a Jaguar and feels rotten going in it to collect stuff. We've just given a lot of stuff away but I get very annoyed because they say they're on their way but don't turn up until the next day and don't bother contacting you. I wouldn't mind so much if they paid for it, but it means sitting around waiting to see if they even turn up.