How do you exercise when it's cold and snowing in winter??



  • graciousdove
    graciousdove Posts: 28 Member
    I have lived in the North for 3 years and I absolutely hate it. Last year, I was so cold all of the time that I didn't even want to change clothes to work out at the gym. This year, I'm tyring to be more prepared. I have home workout programs and DVDs so I plan on warming myself up in my own home, then change clothes to work out once I am warm. This way I do not have to go outside at all (from car to gym then back to car) and once I'm inside, I can stay inside. I hope this works for you and good luck!
  • graciousdove
    graciousdove Posts: 28 Member
    Or.... If you want to stay out of the cold, what about some cardio type DVD's for inside? (Insanity, 10 Minute Trainer and other types of home DVD sets like that) That's what I use right now and it's working great.. I'm a Southern boy (born and raised) and I despise the cold. So, I feel your pain in not wanting to deal with it. (That's why I moved back down here) :)

    I so feel that! I am a born and raised Southern girl and I absolutely hate living in the the North and everything about it. I have homework DVDs so this year, I plan on staying inside and instead of hibernating like I really want to, I am going to force myself to work out. This way, I can be warm enough to change clothes and stay warm while working out!
  • Weezoh
    Weezoh Posts: 171 Member
    I'm assuming -20 F -- that can be pretty cold and dangerous due to windchills on unprotected skin that will probably push that temperature down a lot further (depending on your area) if it were -20 F I probably wouldn't go out. If you're talking -20C I wouldn't worry about it as much and make sure I was breathing through a scarf and minimize any exposed skin.

    Where I live the main danger with snow would be sidewalks / yards would be too icy so we might go out to the mall to walk (depending on roads). If the roads aren't cleared sufficiently I'd probably be shovelling snow so workout accomplished there.

    If you have other heath considerations though definitely don't risk it - you'll be putting your body through a lot more stress doing anything outside when temps are that low.
  • drakechic08
    drakechic08 Posts: 156 Member
    I also love walking and I have been doing a ton of hiking and we are getting cold weather here also. I usually would have stopped going outside, but this is the most I have ever hiked in my life, so I can't just let it go. I have stocked up on cold weather gear and I am even going to get Yaktraks for my shoes so I can walk on ice and snow easily. I am actually attempting a 14er this weekend with some friends and it is only going to be about 20 degrees and we just go snow last night and are expecting more tonight. I know for me the most important thing is covering my mouth and nose. You dont even have to spend a lot on stuff either. Just layer up and get something for your shoes so you dont slip and get hurt.
  • Superbritt2drescu
    Superbritt2drescu Posts: 273 Member
    My favorite word- gym. I am not cold friendly. When it gets cold, I get in the gym. They have indoor pool, racket ball, treadmills, weights, classes you name it. I wear an extra layer to the gym to stay warm, then just leave it in my locker when I get there. If you are going outside, I agree with the others to layer up.
  • cmcorn26
    cmcorn26 Posts: 253 Member
    I am from weather that cold and colder! buy a gym membership or invest in dvd workouts for the house, or a treadmill. my guess it is windy there too? being outside is dangerous in those temps, skin freezes quickly with a wind chill factored in.
    good luck and keep at it!
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    I just dress for it, I wont go out like sub zeros but betwen 0 and 32 is fine once I get warmed up I am peeling off cloths. Invest in some decent light weight gear any running store can help you out or outdoor store. I love going out in the colder weather with a light snow on the ground running the path (I run down a Paved path most of the way not a trail runner yet) no one else is out there nice and quiet. You just take it a bit slower if the path is snowy or icy.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    It's not too complicated.

    1. When the snow isn't thigh high, you can strap on some ice cleats: It's perfectly safe to walk with them. They grip the ice so you won't slip.

    2. When the snow is so high you can't possibly wade through it, get a workout DVD that you can do in your living room (like Jillian Michaels or something that doesn't require equipment).

    3. Do NOT let winter be an excuse NOT to workout. Winter is going to be around more then summer. if you let it dictate what you can do physically you're screwed.

    4. Shoveling snow is a GREAT exercise. Do it. Just do it. And then do your neighbors driveway too.

    5. Learn how to ski. Also great exercise.
  • stephcthomas
    stephcthomas Posts: 78 Member
    More about dressing appropriately - you may wanna do it in layers, in case you get hot...take pieces off until you settle on a temperature you like. You'll be a little chilly when you start but once you get moving, you will warm up! You do NOT wanna sweat a lot when you're out in the cold, cuz it can be very uncomfy when it freezes on you and chills you. Definitely wear some moisture-wicking clothing as your base layer, the one next to your skin. Look in to something like Under Armour or the equivalents in other brands. I never wanted to spend on this stuff before, but once I tried it (got one on discount at ****'s), it's changed my life. There are different fits for it too, so if the "fitted" or second skin style ones are too tight and uncomfy, the semi-fitted still very work well with getting the sweat off of your skin.

    This is great information!

    I think everyone has covered it but I wanted to mention that when you get outside to exercise in the winter, it helps keep the winter blues away and it goes by so much faster! Before you know it, spring is here.
  • DavidGough627
    DavidGough627 Posts: 11 Member
    Yep, it can get cold in Canada. Here are two of my suggestions.

    1. Check if there are community walking clubs in your area. In my small town there is one that meets at the local high school in the winter every Monday night.
    The community one over from mine has a walking club at the arena (It's a good sized arena and people walk the concourse) three mornings a week and they attract a good crowd.
    In larger centres many of the malls have walking clubs early in the morning. They open the doors early and you can walk while the stores are closed. Check into it.

    2. Curling. Don't knock it until you try it. I've curled for the past two years and it's a good workout if you sweep vigorously. Burns a lot of calories and gets the heart beating. It's also fun and social
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    Uh. You people are making me feel bad. I complain about it being too cold if it is below 60.
  • jordypooo
    jordypooo Posts: 25 Member
    leslie sansone walk at home workout videos!
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    Yep, it can get cold in Canada. Here are two of my suggestions.

    1. Check if there are community walking clubs in your area. In my small town there is one that meets at the local high school in the winter every Monday night.
    The community one over from mine has a walking club at the arena (It's a good sized arena and people walk the concourse) three mornings a week and they attract a good crowd.
    In larger centres many of the malls have walking clubs early in the morning. They open the doors early and you can walk while the stores are closed. Check into it.

    2. Curling. Don't knock it until you try it. I've curled for the past two years and it's a good workout if you sweep vigorously. Burns a lot of calories and gets the heart beating. It's also fun and social

    I forgot curling! Curling is AWESOME! And fun! DO IT!
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    Uh. You people are making me feel bad. I complain about it being too cold if it is below 60.

    Don't feel bad. If we get stuck in your climate we'd melt at 60. ;)
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    Join a gym or purchase home equipment like a treadmill or elliptical. You can probably get a used one in great shape for fairly cheap. If that's is not an option, try your local mall. I see people walking laps around the mall all the time. It's climate controlled and it's safe. There are also lots of workout videos you can do at home too. I'm sure you could even check them out from your local library for free or find one on YouTube. Good luck to you. :smile:
  • DenyseMarieL
    DenyseMarieL Posts: 673 Member
    I live in the prairies of Canada, and it's gets DAMN cold here in Winter. I love my treadmill, elliptical, won't catch me running outside when it's -20 c.
  • stepheatscake
    stepheatscake Posts: 167 Member
    1. Exercise DVD's inside
    2. Gyms
    3. Buy a treadmill/elliptical for inside
    4. Do callanetics workout (AMAZING results) - its an indoor muscle workout. Holy.
  • ImperfectedBeauty
    ImperfectedBeauty Posts: 124 Member
    I still get out and walk even when its -40C. Canada can have extremely cold winters and you either have to workout inside or bundle the heck up and walk vigorously to heat up your body (I dont recommend running though... because usually with cold comes ice and injuries)
  • Queen_Adrock
    Queen_Adrock Posts: 130 Member
    I'm living in Alberta now...and yes, it's very, very cold. If it's too snowy to get to the gym, I'll do Wii Fit, and I also have a mini-stepper I bought for $90 that really gets the heart going. Even a little something indoors helps.

    Also, I should note that my gym here is on the second floor of a sports facility and has giant glass windows that overlooks a Olympic-training curling rink. Free entertainment! (Lousy parking, though.)
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    I walk everyday and also live in Canada, It's starting to get a little chilly, but I'm half polar bear. I love the cold. I intend to continue walking through the winter. Although, the first -40 day we get - I'm joining the gym!