Frustrated by weight gain

Hi All,
I'm new to MFP and have become an "addict" in a great way.

I am on a mission to get fit and healthy again after years of "letting myself go." I have changed my eating habits, consuming no more than 1300 calories a day and trying to exercise at least 3 times a week (spinning) and some strength training. First three weeks on this journey, I lost 8lbs and of course was super excited. I do not weigh myself daily and have only done so twice in the last month. I was just terrified of what the scale might reveal. Someone convinced me that it was a good thing because I would be able to ascertain if I needed to make adjustments in food consumption, exercise, etc. That said, I weighed myself this morning and have GAINED 3lbs. (Last time I weighed myself was last week Thursday). I have not gone over my daily caloric intake and yet....3lb gain. I'm frustrated and very disappointed. Any words of advice or encouragement would be appreciated.
Thanks all