Protein you need it?



  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I am a fan of real food over protein powder. However, if one can't meet their protein or calorie goals by eating real food, then the powder has its place. So do you need it? No. Is it helpful to some people? Yes.

    ^^ This

    Some nights I have found that I am shy on protein for the day, so I make a hemp protein smoothie. I prefer hemp protein over whey, but I'm in the minority on that one. I also add hemp seeds and/or hemp protein powder to my baked oatmeal bars that I make to take to work for breakfast.

    If I had a larger grocery budget, I think that I would have a much easier time hitting my protein goals. Meat is the most expensive though, so it's mostly just for dinner.
  • JasonDetwiler
    JasonDetwiler Posts: 364 Member
    It depends on your goals and your training. Most of the replies here are spot on. If you're doing weight training, it will help most in the post workout time frame. If you're not weight training, you probably don't 'need' it, but if you're not hitting your macro for protein, it would help. Only problem is a lot of times people rely on it too much for the protein and fill up on carbs and fat, then add the protein so they hit their macros, but they go over their calorie count. That's easy to fix, though.
  • drakechic08
    drakechic08 Posts: 156 Member
    I like to drink a protein shake right after I work out. I have been doing a lot of lifting, so I like the added protein, plus I am not the biggest meat eater. I really like Body Fortress. I get it through Walmart and it is very inexpensive and tastes good.
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    anything that is whey isolate, and fortified with vitamins and minerals is best. i use ISOPURE (one serving a day, which is two scoops) and i have a serving of almonds along with it because protein requires fat for it to be fully absorbed. this is usually my breakfast or lunch.
  • tooliebell
    tooliebell Posts: 177 Member
    I don't get enough protein but I also am not heavy lifting. I would like to increase my protein. Could I add a scoop to my daily oatmeal breakfast?
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    I'm vegetarian and protein powder is a good way to increase my servings. As I'm trying to intake 1g per 1 lb of lean mass.
    I have a shake after my workouts.. just mix it w/ unsweetened vanilla almond milk. Super easy. And I also have been making protein powder pancakes. Truth be told, I'm kinda addicted to it. I make 'regular' flavor (w/ vanilla cream protein powder), I make pumpkin (by adding pumpkin and spices) and I've made banana pecan (with banana protein). I JUST bought some cinnamon bun Muscle Milk to try next for pancakes (I went in for 'cake batter' but GNC was out) And I also just bought unflavored to try making protein 'tortillas' (now I just need to find the recipe for that)
    And just this morning I made rolled oats mixed with the banana protein powder. So there are more ways to use it than just in a shake.
    I use Optimal Nutrition and Gold Standard 100% Whey. (As mentioned, I just bought Muscle Milk, haven't used it yet though)

    do you know that whey is animal protein?
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    I just ordered some Isopure. I am using MetRX and need something that will dissolve in liquid without requiring a blender.

    I use powder almost exclusively after a heavy weightlifting workout to help rebuild my muscles. Sometimes after long cardio, but not usually.
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    I don't get enough protein but I also am not heavy lifting. I would like to increase my protein. Could I add a scoop to my daily oatmeal breakfast?

    of course!! you can't get too much protein. as long as you stay within your calorie budget while incorporating the protein powder, and i'm sure you'll see and feel a difference.
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    I just ordered some Isopure. I am using MetRX and need something that will dissolve in liquid without requiring a blender.

    I use powder almost exclusively after a heavy weightlifting workout to help rebuild my muscles. Sometimes after long cardio, but not usually.

    i love Isopure! Hard to find a protein powder that dissolves nicely in water.
  • 4flamingoz
    4flamingoz Posts: 214 Member
    I used to eat egg white omelettes(sp?) every day with broccoli, red pepper, onion and cheese. I swapped that breakfast out for an unsweetened almond milk, flax seed, protein powder organic strawberry smoothie. My cholesterol dropped 39 points in 4 months. My doctor was thrilled-so that's my breakfast every day-hopefully it'll drop 39 more points and I'm good. The lowest it's been(I don't take meds) in 15 years. I don't use flavored powder-I buy unflavored through Vita-Cost.
  • hollyNhollywood
    hollyNhollywood Posts: 426 Member
    I'm vegetarian and protein powder is a good way to increase my servings. As I'm trying to intake 1g per 1 lb of lean mass.
    I have a shake after my workouts.. just mix it w/ unsweetened vanilla almond milk. Super easy. And I also have been making protein powder pancakes. Truth be told, I'm kinda addicted to it. I make 'regular' flavor (w/ vanilla cream protein powder), I make pumpkin (by adding pumpkin and spices) and I've made banana pecan (with banana protein). I JUST bought some cinnamon bun Muscle Milk to try next for pancakes (I went in for 'cake batter' but GNC was out) And I also just bought unflavored to try making protein 'tortillas' (now I just need to find the recipe for that)
    And just this morning I made rolled oats mixed with the banana protein powder. So there are more ways to use it than just in a shake.
    I use Optimal Nutrition and Gold Standard 100% Whey. (As mentioned, I just bought Muscle Milk, haven't used it yet though)

    do you know that whey is animal protein?

    Whey is milk derived right? I'm vegetarian, not vegan. I eat/drink dairy
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member

    Whey is milk derived right? I'm vegetarian, not vegan. I eat/drink dairy

    yes, you're right, and i'm sorry, i must have been reading too fast :)
  • DenishaLang
    DenishaLang Posts: 2 Member
    I drink EAS protein shake from Walmart, it taste good and is inexpensive...I also eat foods that are higher in protein for muscle repair because I'm try to breakdown fat and build muscle, which has been working well for me thus far.
  • hollyNhollywood
    hollyNhollywood Posts: 426 Member

    Whey is milk derived right? I'm vegetarian, not vegan. I eat/drink dairy

    yes, you're right, and i'm sorry, i must have been reading too fast :)

    Ok, I got concerned! As I do avoid food made with animal by-products (such as rennet/enzymes in cheese). I just looked at all the ingredients on my proteins, and I don't see anything listed. But they all do have "natural flavorings", which there is no telling what that means! I'll have to do additional research on individual brands/flavorings.
    They put animal by-products in so many things, you never know
  • skinnynerd
    I use it for several reasons. Number one: I need something after I workout and for some reason I have trouble eating. Number two: The protein plus the milk I put it in, gives me 34 grams of protein. Which is 1/3 of what I need each day because the only way I can lose weight is 40% carb, 30% protein, 30% fat. I do use it as a meal replacement, I'm not sure if others do.
  • llayc013
    wey is leftover waste from dairy....

    Whey is milk derived right? I'm vegetarian, not vegan. I eat/drink dairy

    yes, you're right, and i'm sorry, i must have been reading too fast :)

    Ok, I got concerned! As I do avoid food made with animal by-products (such as rennet/enzymes in cheese). I just looked at all the ingredients on my proteins, and I don't see anything listed. But they all do have "natural flavorings", which there is no telling what that means! I'll have to do additional research on individual brands/flavorings.
    They put animal by-products in so many things, you never know
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member

    Whey is milk derived right? I'm vegetarian, not vegan. I eat/drink dairy

    yes, you're right, and i'm sorry, i must have been reading too fast :)

    Ok, I got concerned! As I do avoid food made with animal by-products (such as rennet/enzymes in cheese). I just looked at all the ingredients on my proteins, and I don't see anything listed. But they all do have "natural flavorings", which there is no telling what that means! I'll have to do additional research on individual brands/flavorings.
    They put animal by-products in so many things, you never know

    i am pretty sure whey can also come from cheese. its not just simply derived from milk, it comes from dairy in general. how the science breaks down though, i am not certain.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I use protein powder, ON Gold Standard 100% Whey. If I didn't I would never hit my macronutrients. Yes I know I could eat more meat, but at a certain point I am full and drinking a shake is less filling and a quick option right out of the gym.

    This, I use the same one and for exactly the same reasons, I find it's made a huge difference!

    You're just saying that so Carl will take you back. Admit it.

    Ha! Yes...I miss Carl. I can't live if living is without Carl!

    Totally belly laughning here!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • takumaku
    takumaku Posts: 352 Member
    I use protein powder as another option for one of my lean protein source. Egg whites, greek yogurt, beans, soy, and bean flours are my usual protein sources. However protein powder is a very convenient source for me.
  • juliec33
    juliec33 Posts: 238 Member
    I have a shake most mornings for breakfast - fast, easy, filling and helps with the protein quota for the day. I use Pure Protein 100% Whey in vanilla flavor, with 1 cup organic sugar free coconut milk and some orange flavoring mixed in. Tastes just like a creamsicle, yummy......