Was never here, but i am also back. :P

Yeah i never posted an introduction when i started, so i am doing it now that i am back. I stopped logging in anything for a year. yeah sad... i can't believe i stopped for a year :(. well now i am back, i have plenty of time to do workouts and now that i have even more motivation i KNOW i will succeed. I am going to start over with 30 day shred and might then move onto p90x. but atleast i am lower than what i was last weigh-in. The thing is i went from 240 to 220 by the end of the summer since i was in dallas, OMG that place was hot, yeah i am from New england, grew up in winter states so i never experienced something like the heat there XD. I am back in new york. But i gained 10 pounds since i came back in august. I am very disappointed, but atleast i didn't gain back the 20 i lost, just 10, now to lose the weight and be happy again...actually i have always been over weigh so idk, lol. My main goal is to be around 160. since i am 5'9 i think thats a good weight to get to. But since i also need a short goal, i want to get below 200. I am 230-231 right now. so i hope to make the short goal by the new year. :)


  • AngisBubis
    AngisBubis Posts: 25 Member
    Welcome back! :) Keep us posted! JUST DO IT!
  • ShayShay22816
    Welcome back! And keep working toward your goals!
  • casey882
    casey882 Posts: 291 Member
    Well done for making the choice of comming back your story sounds like mine I just look at food and gain weight feel free to add me