Hard few days

Well I had a "food breakdown" last night and ate a pound of rib eye! Today after the gym with my new HRM I now know for the past 3 weeks I've been starving myself!!! The machines were way under what the HRM said I burned. Yesterday and today I'm way over on fat!

Tomorrow I'll be back on track. I'm happy to know I can eat more than what I have been. There's no way one and a half hours of working out should be 300 calories burned, and that's what I've been putting in! I just hate the fact that I went over on fat so bad these last few days and I hope it doesn't affect me much :wink:

Side note: Going out for a Mexican luch may seem harmless when you add up the calories, but wow oh wow, that fat will get you everytime!


  • Arienna
    Arienna Posts: 913
    Are you eating every few hours? I know that this has definitely helped my cravings! I usually get up and eat breakfast within 20-30 min, then a snack around 10-10:30..lunch about 12:30, another snack around 2-2:30 and dinner at 5 or so. I usually have a snack again at 7:30-8. Normally for a snack I have something like a yogurt or some cheese and crackers or a sugar free pudding. Just little things like that help me get through!
  • Ang8178
    Ang8178 Posts: 308
    OH I was snacking alright, my problem was I was burning 650-670 calories a day at the gym, but I only thought I was burning 280!!! That make a HUGE impact on the craving for food. I'm also at the gym 5-6 days a week, I need to eat more!